Hypertensive disease (Hyperpiesia)

Hypertension (hyperpiesia) is a chronic disease characterized by high blood pressure. With this disease, there is a persistent increase in blood pressure for no apparent reason.

Hypertension belongs to the group of hypertensive diseases. It is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The main causes of hypertension are dysregulation of vascular tone, changes in the kidneys, dysfunction of the central nervous system, and endocrine disorders.

Diagnosis of hypertension is based on determining a persistent increase in blood pressure and excluding symptomatic hypertension.

Basic treatment methods include lifestyle changes, diet, and drug therapy to normalize blood pressure. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical methods are used.

Thus, hypertension is a serious chronic disease that requires constant monitoring and treatment to prevent complications.

Hypertension or essential hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, this is not a disease, but only a syndrome that appears in a person against the background of metabolic disorders in the body. That is, hypertension is primary, and secondary symptoms, which include high blood pressure, are only the result of neglect of the disease. However, primary hypertension can have different forms, so a person needs to be constantly monitored by a specialist and monitor changes in pressure, undergo examinations from a therapist, cardiologist and endocrinologist.

It is important to understand that hypertension often leads to serious consequences such as heart attack and stroke. Many people take pills for high blood pressure, eliminating only the symptom, but this is wrong, since the main cause is poor lifestyle, poor diet and obesity. Therefore, if symptoms of hypertension occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, because ignoring this disease can lead to failure of many organs. In addition to changing lifestyle and diet, hypertensive patients should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Also, hypertensive patients should monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood, as it can cause blood thickening. It is important to remember that treatment of hypertension should be carried out together with your doctor.