Hypotension Constitutional

Constitutional hypotension is a chronic condition in which blood pressure is constantly at the lower limit of normal or slightly below.


Constitutional hypotension is caused by the structural features of the human vascular system. In people with this type of blood circulation, the walls of blood vessels are more elastic and pliable than the average population. This leads to the fact that blood pressure cannot rise to generally accepted normal levels.


  1. Constantly low blood pressure (systolic - about 100 mmHg or slightly lower)
  2. Dizziness when suddenly moving to a vertical position
  3. Darkening in the eyes when standing up quickly
  4. Weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue
  5. Decreased concentration, forgetfulness
  6. Cold extremities
  7. Pale skin

Diagnosis is made by taking repeated blood pressure measurements and excluding other possible causes of hypotension.

Treatment is usually not required as the condition is not dangerous to health. It is recommended to avoid sudden changes in body position and take sufficient fluid and salt intake. If symptoms are severe, medications that increase blood pressure are prescribed.