
Hypotrichia is a disease of hair follicles on any part of the body, manifested by underdevelopment or disappearance of the hair shaft. This hair pathology is diagnosed mainly in childhood. Hypotrichia comes in different types, each of which has its own characteristics and causes. You can find out the doctor’s opinion and get acquainted with treatment options here - https://docmed.ru/diseases/hypotrichia

Causes of hypotrichia

Hypotrichia develops as a result of genetic predisposition and disorders of intrauterine development. The appearance of pathology is facilitated by a deficiency of protein, B vitamins, zinc, and other microelements, anemia, insufficient fluid intake, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, herpes, rubella, mumps, an inflammatory process in the body, a lack or excess of hormones, adrenal tumors, and thyroid pathologies.

The anomaly affects the hair follicles of the head, armpits, groin area, pubis, mammary glands, genitals, face and neck. Hair in places of growth can also be simply inside the skin. Excessive growth of vellus hair on the face, body or head is a characteristic sign of a fatal congenital change caused by damage to nerve fibers.

Hypotrichial formations are heterogeneous and varied in size, shape and color, their color can be different. Low-functioning hair follicles themselves are invisible to the eye and are slightly different from the norm in color, disrupted structure and slow growth. When a head has already formed in place of the hair, real hypotrichia occurs with abnormal features of hair growth, where the hair shaft is absent. Such hair has no functions, but the skin senses its presence. Hypotrichia is often called Angelman syndrome.