Needle-Fork Neurosurgical

A needle fork is a special tool used by a neurosurgeon to perform brain surgery. This type of tool has several names: fork or needle point - due to the shape of the blade, which resembles a fork. In this article we will look at the features of a neurosurgical needle-fork and tell you how it is used during surgery.

Features of a fork needle A fork needle is a metal structure with a sharp blade that is shaped like a fork. It allows for painless surgical procedures. The main purpose of this instrument is to capture brain tissue for the purpose of further dissecting it with a laser beam to obtain the desired result. Thus, the use of a fork needle allows for minimally traumatic access to brain tissue.

Another important feature of the fork needle is the safety of working with it. Those. When using the instrument correctly, the possibility of damage to nearby tissues is eliminated. For this purpose, the needle contains special devices that allow you to avoid mistakes and control the depth of penetration of the blade into the tissue. In addition, using a fork needle allows the surgeon to cut more precisely into the brain tissue, allowing him to work more accurately and quickly.