Counter-Rotation Illusion

The vestibular reaction, or counter-rotation illusion, is a subjective perception of movement in space in which it seems to a person that all the objects around him are rotating in the opposite direction. This phenomenon is the result of the semicircular canals, which connect the inner ear and the brain through the vestibular nerves.

The mechanism by which this illusion occurs is as follows. The offset of the very middle end of each semicircular tubule relative to the underlying bone is at a small angle. When moving along it, two sensitive hairs bend, which leads to the appearance of a small action potential and the transmission of excitation to the postsynaptic cells of the retina. Due to the diverse innervation, each

The counter-rotation illusion is a neurological phenomenon in which the body's perception and direction of movement are altered by external rotation or rotation. Based on tactile signals received by our brain at the slightest movement. The effect of this illusion can be achieved by creating microvibrations of the body, usually enhanced by the use of special games or movements during training or therapy sessions.

Exercise can help develop this illusion, as well as reduce stress and improve your mood. Some people can develop the ability to resist the illusion and isolate which of the sensory evaluations becomes apparent as true self-monitoring of the sensory modulator.

Many celebrities use special costumes to create the illusion of counter-rotation as an interesting and original idea for photo shoots. For example, Kristen Stewart, a well-known actress and model from the Hollywood studio Paramount Pictures, participated in several photo shoots