Individual dressing package

Dressing Individual Pack: Universal First Aid Tool

The Individual Dressing Package (LPI) is a unified sterile instrument designed for closing wounds and burns when providing first aid, including in conditions of self- and mutual aid. During hostilities, P. p. and. issued to all personnel of troops and civil defense formations, and is also in the supply of sanitary bags for junior medical personnel.

P.p.i. consists of a bandage 5 meters long and 10 cm wide, two cotton gauze pads measuring 18 x 16 cm and a safety pin. One of the pads is sewn to the end of the bandage, and the other moves freely along the bandage. The bandage with cotton gauze pads is wrapped in parchment paper, with a pin inserted into the fold. Then they are enclosed in a sealed, waterproof shell made of rubberized fabric, on which the date of manufacture of the P. p. and. is indicated. and brief instructions on how to use it.

To use P. p. and. it is necessary to tear the rubberized shell along the cut on the edge, remove the paper roll, remove the pin and temporarily stick it into the patient’s uniform, unfold the paper. With your left hand you need to take the free end of the bandage, pull the bandage and, thereby, unfold the cotton gauze pads. To avoid contamination of the pads, they can only be touched on the side marked with colored thread. The other, unbroken sterility side must be applied to the wound or burn surface: in case of extensive damage - side by side, in case of bleeding - one on top of the other, in case of a through wound - one pad on the entrance hole, the other on the exit hole. The pads need to be bandaged and the end of the bandage secured with a pin.

An individual dressing package allows you to quickly and effectively close wounds and burns, minimizing the risk of infection and deterioration of the victim’s condition. It is an integral part of first aid kits and is necessary for maintaining health and life in extreme situations.