Inflammation of the Breast During Breastfeeding

Pay attention to the correct feeding technique to avoid stagnation of milk. The baby should be placed to the breast so that he sucks not only the nipple, but also the areola (nipple circle), which helps to suck out milk better. It is also important to maintain hand and nipple hygiene to avoid infections.

If symptoms of mastitis appear, you should consult a doctor. To diagnose mastitis, your doctor will examine the breast and may order additional tests, such as a mammogram or ultrasound.

Treatment for mastitis depends on its form and severity. In most cases, antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria causing the infection. If an abscess forms, it may need to be opened and drained. It is also important to continue breastfeeding your baby to prevent milk stagnation.

In conclusion, mastitis is a serious condition that can lead to complications if not treated promptly. Proper feeding technique, neatness and hygiene help prevent the development of mastitis. If you have symptoms of mastitis, do not delay contacting your doctor to get timely help and avoid complications.