Ingrown nail

Ingrowth of the lateral edge of the nail plate into the nail fold is one of the common nail diseases. The cause is wearing tight shoes, improper cutting of the nail (the side surface is cut very short), and flat feet. As a result, the lateral plate of the nail injures the skin fold, and an inflammatory process develops.

Symptoms and course
With an ingrown toenail, there is sharp pain when walking and lameness. When an infection occurs, purulent discharge appears from under the skin ridge and excessive growth of granulations.

In the early stages, conservative treatment is possible - carefully placing gauze strips moistened with alcohol under the edge of the nail. However, more often they resort to surgical intervention.

Under local anesthesia, excess nail plate is excised, the nail matrix is ​​scraped, and granulations are excised. In case of severe inflammation, antiseptic baths and dressings are prescribed 2-3 days before surgery.

The prognosis is favorable, but relapse of the disease is possible. Prevention of ingrown toenails includes proper nail care and wearing comfortable shoes.

An ingrown toenail is a pathology characterized by the ingrowth of the nail plate into the skin of the finger. Most often this occurs due to constant trauma to the skin around the nail. This problem can be caused by improper shoes, the appearance of a fungal infection, the presence of finger injuries and more. An ingrown toenail is characterized by severe pain.

Ingrown toenails cause unpleasant pain, inflammation and the formation of non-healing wounds. Typically, changes in the color of the skin occur in the area of ​​inflammation, and their nature is determined by the degree of neglect of the nail plate. With pronounced defects, you can find hyperemia, suppuration, deformation, ingrown edges, thinning and brittleness of the nail. Treatment of an ingrown toenail begins after the type of pathology has been determined. The best method is surgical correction of the shape of the plate or its removal. Conservative treatment includes local and systemic medications, massage, exercise therapy, and physical therapy. The disease is dangerous