Tongue Diseases

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Our tongue has an exceptional ability to heal, greater than all other parts of the body, both internal and external. Therefore, biting the tongue while eating, burns, etc. heal very quickly on their own or by rinsing the mouth with the simplest means - boric acid, manganese, chamomile, sage and even very hot water, almost boiling water.

Small ulcers from excessive consumption of sweets, marinades, and sunflower seeds go away well with lubrication with lapis (silver solution).

But from smoking (especially a pipe), a very unpleasant disease often develops on the tongue, which threatens with bad consequences if neglected. It consists of the fact that first on the tongue, then on the inside of the cheeks, small gray elevations appear like warts.

If you pay serious attention and stop smoking, the disease can be stopped. Otherwise, it will develop further in this way: the tongue will begin to crack, become covered with abrasions, then become immobile and cancer begins.

But cancer can develop on the tongue and on its own, mainly in men.

It appears most often in one of two places: 1) in the form of a hard knot in the depths of the tissue of the posterior section - the place of attachment of the tongue; 2) in the form of a red ulcer with an uneven bottom and curled edges at the end of the tongue.

Treatment for tongue cancer is only surgical, and surgery on the tip of the tongue is more successful if the disease is caught at the very beginning.