Pregnancy and SARS

Pregnancy and ARVI

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in a woman’s life, so, of course, you don’t want this period of time to be overshadowed by anything. During pregnancy, any disease is perceived several times more acutely, so I would like to immediately say to all future mothers: The main thing is not to panic!

In my practice, influenza is rare in pregnant women, mostly acute viral infections. Moreover, the weather outside the window in autumn and spring does not please us: rain, wind, as a result, wet feet, but the protective forces of the body of expectant mothers are much weaker than those of others.

The symptoms of ARVI in my patients are approximately the same: nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, dry cough, the temperature may rise to 37.5 C. And, of course, the accompanying ARVI will be weakness, headache, and loss of appetite.

And, looking into the frightened eyes of my women, I always say with a smile: We will be treated!

How? Firstly, under no circumstances should you reach for overseas powders: Fervex, Coldrex, aspirin-oops. By the way, for all expectant mothers, aspirin in the 1st-2nd trimester of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. Do not rush to bring down a low fever with paracetamol. I recommend taking it when the temperature rises to 38 C, but I repeat, this does not happen often with ARVI. It’s no longer a secret to anyone that you don’t need to steam your feet, go to the bathhouse, sauna or take a hot bath.

Well, what is possible? Warm (not scalding) sweet tea with lemon, milk with honey, cranberry juice - as much as you like! Gargle every two hours with a decoction of chamomile, sage, or you can buy furacillin at the pharmacy. Our mothers and grandmothers used soda or salt for these purposes, but I do not recommend it, because, in my opinion, this irritates the sore throat even more. You can use lollipops with lemon and honey; they greatly alleviate pain when swallowing.

And, of course, a runny nose. I do not recommend using drops often, it is better at night to sleep peacefully. It is better to use drops with oils: Pinosol, Sanorin, but you can also use good old Naphthyzin.

Not long ago, the German drug Sinupret appeared on the Russian market, recommended for pregnant women. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it is also an immunomodulator, the effectiveness of which (according to experts) is superior to the well-known echinacea. Sinupret can be used in tablets or drops orally.

And no one has canceled a complete balanced diet, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C (onions, garlic, radishes, cabbage, apples, citrus fruits). I hope everyone knows that you don’t need to get too carried away with citrus fruits?

With the right approach, in 3-4 days you will be completely healthy and vigorous!

And the whole world smiles at you!