Planning a Pregnancy

Planning a pregnancy

You and your husband have decided that you need a child, and are firm in your intention to conceive a desired and healthy baby. You both will have to try hard, but don't be afraid - this is a very pleasant and not too burdensome activity.

  1. Let's calm down!

Your family life should be prosperous, and financial problems should be resolved, if possible, so that the expectant mother is not worried about how to pay for housing and baby food if she does not work.

Six months before the expected conception, you need to know exactly where the money is coming from, who will look after the newborn, and what the mother’s plans are for going to work.

  1. Quitting nicotine

Cigarettes are a terrible thing because they themselves reduce the production of female sex hormones and interfere with getting pregnant. And if you continue to smoke during pregnancy, the baby may be born with developmental disorders.

Desperate smokers should not give up nicotine all at once: the body, accustomed to the potion, will respond to a categorical ban with severe stress. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke gradually over several weeks.

And dad also needs to stop this bad habit, otherwise we somehow stubbornly forget that during conception two absolutely equal sex cells meet. And disturbances in the father’s cells no less affect the health of the offspring.

It is necessary to stop smoking six months before the expected conception.

  1. We eat correctly

It is advisable to include meat or fish dishes in your diet every day in order to get as much protein as possible (for the synthesis of hormones) and vitamin B12 (for the production of hemoglobin).

Dark green vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and eggs contain a lot of folic acid, which is absolutely necessary for the development of the fetal nervous system. A woman's daily dose of about 400 mcg is contained in a two-egg omelet and two cups of boiled spinach.

Be sure to consult your doctor to see if you need to take additional folic acid tablets. The expectant mother should take folic acid, and both parents should eat for the desired gender. It is necessary to adhere to such a diet 4-6 weeks before the expected conception.

  1. We lead a healthy lifestyle

Every day we walk in the fresh air, relax on the weekend and sleep at least 8 hours a day. And the future parents walk, relax, and sleep together.

  1. We don't drink!

2-3 glasses of dry wine per week will not cause any harm to the unborn baby. From 2-3 cocktails every night - who knows. You decide. This norm should not be exceeded one month before the expected conception.

  1. Let's get examined

The expectant mother needs to see a doctor, get a fluorogram and ECG, take a general blood test and undergo a test for infections. If something goes wrong, you will have time to deal with the problem.

Any chronic diseases must be treated before pregnancy. All examinations are carried out by the expectant mother a month before the expected conception.

  1. Not for all

If there are hereditary diseases in your family, it is worth talking with geneticists. But don’t panic in advance - everyone has a tendency to get sick from something, which does not interfere with the birth of healthy children.

Both parents are sent for consultation with a geneticist before conception.

  1. Let's have sex!

To conceive, spouses must have sex without contraception at least 2-3 times a week. After sexual intercourse, the woman rests relaxed for 15-20 minutes. A position that ensures deep penetration of sperm is considered good for conception.

When you think about a child, continue to love each other. This is a pleasant experience for both expectant parents.