How to Increase Your Chances of Achieving Pregnancy Using the Symptothermal Method of Contraception

called commercial ovulation tests, which will help determine a more accurate time of ovulation and increase the chances of conception.

One of the effective methods of natural family planning is a symptomatic method of contraception, which is based on monitoring a woman’s cycle and determining her fertile and infertile days. To do this, you need to keep a temperature chart and monitor cervical mucus.

The symptomatic method of contraception is based on the fact that sperm can survive in the female body for up to 5 days, and the egg lives for about 24 hours. Therefore, if sexual intercourse is carried out during fertile days, this can lead to conception.

To increase the effectiveness of a symptomatic method of contraception and at the same time increase the chances of conception, it is necessary to monitor the temperature chart and cervical mucus. In addition, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress and negative effects on the body.

If you are planning a pregnancy, a symptomatic method of contraception can be an effective tool in achieving this goal. It allows you to determine the most favorable period for conception and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. However, if you are not planning a pregnancy, do not forget to take contraception during your non-fertile days.