
Isolation (lat. isolatio separation, removal), separation; separating one set of objects from others; imposing restrictions; deprivation of means of communication; separation of an object or part of it from other parts

Isolation (from Latin isole - loneliness, remoteness).

- separation of one object from others. Used to reduce interaction or transmission between objects - The ability of a cell, tissue or organ to support life in the absence of neighboring or interacting areas - Isolation of a part of the body or limb from the rest of the body A separate or separated area of ​​tissue, organ or organism as a whole; concentration of some property, substance or energy in a given structure. In energy, this is an electrical conductor that separates one section of an electrical circuit from another. Used for proper connection of circuits, a dielectric serves as insulation. A physical phenomenon inverse to concentration: uniform distribution of a parameter, for example, temperature at all points of the body - Solitary confinement, a person’s voluntary or forced cessation of contact with other people. The reasons may be a negative attitude towards others, fear of the environment or the need for solitude