
Interoception is the body’s ability to perceive and interpret information about the state of internal organs and tissues. This process is carried out through special receptors located in different parts of the body. Interoceptive signals can be related to various factors such as temperature, pressure, chemical composition, etc.

Interoception can be thought of as part of a larger system called sensory integration. Sensory integration is the process that allows the body to perceive and process information from different sensory systems. Interoreceptors are involved in this integration and help the body adapt to changes in the internal environment, such as changes in temperature, pressure and chemical composition.

In addition, interoceptors play an important role in the regulation of homeostasis - the process of maintaining a constant internal environment of the body. For example, pressure receptors help regulate blood pressure and prevent fluctuations. Temperature receptors help maintain optimal body temperature and prevent hypothermia or overheating.

One of the most famous examples of interoreceptors is bathyanesthesia, a condition in which a person does not feel pain when immersed in water. This occurs because the interoceptors that respond to water pressure are switched off when diving.

Thus, interoception plays an important role in maintaining the health and well-being of the body. It allows us to adapt to different external environmental conditions and maintain a constant internal environment. However, disturbances in interoception can lead to various diseases such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of interoception and its role in the human body can help in the development of new methods of treatment and prevention of diseases.

Interospection is a scientific concept that describes a person’s ability to perceive and be aware of their own mental processes and states. The term “interoception” is associated with concepts such as sensory introspection, introspection and introspective projection.

Interoception is an important tool for studying one’s own psyche and brain, as well as for analyzing and developing methods of self-regulation and self-control. Interoception is actively used by modern techniques of psychoanalysis, including Gestalt therapy and various forms