Intersigmoid Recess

Intersigmoid recesses.

The intersigmoid region is located between the sigmoid colons, which are located at the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra. In this area there is an intersigmoid recess, which is part of the peritoneum and is a depression between the colons.

The purpose of this article is to describe the intersigmoid recess and its importance to human health.

  1. Definition. The intersigmoid recess is located between the sigmoid colons and is a deepened area of ​​the peritoneum.

  2. Anatomy. The intersigmoid region is located at the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra and has a length of about 15 cm. It contains the intersigmoid recesses, which are part of the peritoneum. The recesses are located between the sigmoid colons and contain lymph nodes, vessels and nerves.

  3. Meaning. The intersigmoid recess plays an important role in the human body. It is a site of accumulation of lymphoid cells and serves as protection against infections. In addition, it is involved in metabolism and promotes digestion.

  4. Diseases. In rare cases, the intersigmoid recess may become affected by infection or inflammation. This can lead to an abscess or peritonitis.

  5. Prevention. To avoid diseases associated with the intersigmoid pouch, it is necessary to monitor hygiene and intestinal health. It is also important to avoid injury and infection in this area.

  6. Treatment. If diseases associated with the intersigmoid region occur, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, surgery may be required.

  7. Conclusion. The intersigmoid recess is an important part of the peritoneum, which plays an important role in human health. However, his illnesses can lead to serious consequences, so it is important to monitor your health and avoid injury.

The intersigmoid (intermuscular) recess is an anatomical structure located in the gluteal region. It is an intermuscular-subcutaneous folded space between the superficial and deep layers of the gluteal muscles, located lateral and posterior to the middle opening of the muscle. This depression got its name due to the fact that it is part of the intermuscular groove located between the muscle masses. Oval in shape, elongated and deep along the intersigmoid fissure, the transverse perineal muscle, together with the obturator externus muscle, forms a powerful direct neurovascular bundle, where the superficial branch of the superior gluteal nerve and the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, which innervate this area, branch. At the top it continues towards the anus and forms the intersphincteric space. Inside the intersigmoid recess there are fibrous layers that help maintain the tone of the buttock muscles and protect their sensitive surface. The intersigmoid recess is of great importance for specialists in the anatomical and surgical fields. The presence of even a small hematoma or abrasion is a reason for carrying out diagnostic and treatment measures. Any surgical intervention is considered extremely difficult, and rehabilitation can take a long time. If you receive an injury, when the tissues of the surface layer are damaged, you must promptly seek medical help. A fracture of a muscle, mucous membrane or the presence of a deep wound is not considered safe for the patient and leads to serious complications.