
Many of us have come across the term heteraciditas. What does this mean? Heteraciditas is a very interesting term that describes a feature of the body when acids accumulate in the tissues. Translated from Latin, heteraciditas means “acidity” or “sour tissue.”

In nature, the heteroaciditase system is involved in the regulation of pH in the body. But why then is this not some rare and unique trait? The downside of this ability is what we call swelling. This is a fairly common condition that occurs due to excessive production and accumulation of acid, which causes the skin to become swollen and unsightly in appearance.

What causes this effect? This is done by the heteroacidite system. It contains several proteins that are produced by certain cells. These proteins are involved in neutralizing acid and removing its excess from the body. When this system does not function properly and acids remain in the tissues, hetero-edema occurs.

There are several factors that can contribute to elevated acid levels. For example, foods with high levels of acidity (for example, citrus fruits), kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders. Other factors include age, chronic illnesses, diets with significant reductions in carbohydrates, and a variety of other factors.