
Handicap: what is it and how to describe it correctly?

Disabled is a term often used in medical practice and public discourse to describe people with disabilities. However, to understand what a disabled person is, it is necessary to understand the terminology used in this area.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a disabled person is a person with some identified structural impairment (impairment) who experiences a partial or complete inability to perform any social, occupational or other activity in which he would like to engage. At the same time, the degree of his partial or complete inability to perform any activity is indicated in comparison with representatives of the control group who do not have such inability.

However, it should be noted that the term "disabled" can be offensive and negatively perceived by some people. Instead, it is preferable to use terms that reflect not only a person's limitations but also a person's capabilities, such as "person with a disability" or "person with a disability."

To more accurately describe a person's condition, additional terms are used, such as “abnormality,” “defect,” “malformation,” or “malfunction.” However, the use of these terms can lead to confusion, so the WHO working group proposed the use of the general term “disablement”, which reflects not only the structural impairments, but also the social and economic limitations faced by people with disabilities.

It is important to note that the limitations associated with a disability may be physical, mental or intellectual. It should also be noted that disabilities can be temporary or permanent, and can be caused by a variety of causes, including birth defects, injury, or disease.

According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), disabilities can be divided into three categories:

  1. Organic disorders (eg, amputation, paralysis)
  2. Mental disorders (eg, schizophrenia, depression)
  3. Intellectual disabilities (eg, dyslexia, dyscalculia)

The ICD also defines the degree of disability, which can be mild, moderate or severe, depending on the degree of disability of the person. However, it should be noted that this is only one method of assessing disability, and each case requires an individual approach.

Disability can have a significant impact on a person's life, including social, emotional and economic aspects. People with disabilities often face challenges in accessing public spaces, services and work opportunities, which can lead to social isolation and economic dependence.

However, modern society strives to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunities and rights to participate in society, including access to education, jobs and services. For this purpose, there are various programs and organizations that support and integrate people with disabilities into society.

In conclusion, the term "disabled" is outdated and perceived negatively by some people. It is preferable to use terms that reflect not only limitations, but also human capabilities. Disability can have a significant impact on a person's life, however, modern society strives to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunities and rights to participate in society.

Disabled people - who are they?

Disability, disabled person from the Latin invalidus - _weak, powerless_. __Other translation options:__ - handicapped - a person with significant difficulties in certain life situations - the disabled - mentally retarded - which essentially means __lag in mental development and physical formation__, but __does not_ determine his intellectual inadequacy, mental level in the absence of weaker psycho-emotional characteristics.

~~ __In relation to __RGBS_* we can say that they __are __artificially __dependent on the environment. By necessity, the life of a disabled person depends on the people around him; forced isolation from society occurs with permanent or prolonged limitation of life activity.__ This is _partial or complete_inability or complete dependence on external sources. A disabled person according to RGBS is an unconditional __source of social danger__ for society, since he is incapable or limited in a certain area of ​​life.

Disabled people (handicapped) and their lives

A disabled person is a person who has limited physical or psychological ability to perform a specific task or activity. In this context, a disabled person is perceived as a social group that needs special attention and support from society. However, life for disabled people is not always easy. In most cases, they face difficulties in everyday life that affect their emotional state and overall quality of life.

One of the main challenges faced by people with disabilities is access to quality health care. Many people with disabilities experience difficulties in obtaining specialized medications and medical services due to the inaccessibility of medical infrastructure. In addition, the cost of health care can be very high, making it unaffordable for many people with disabilities.

Another concern is financial well-being. Many people with disabilities face financial difficulties because the cost of the health care and rehabilitation services they need may be unaffordable. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and reduces confidence in the future.

In addition, people with disabilities may face discrimination in society. Often people treat them with disrespect, not understanding how the opportunities of people with disabilities can be limited. This can lead to social isolation and communication deficits, which is especially important for people with disabilities, whose physical and psychological development remains limited throughout their lives.

Education and employment also become difficult for people with disabilities. Many countries have programs and courses tailored to support people with disabilities, however, these remain unattainable for the majority of people with disabilities. The only opportunity for higher education and employment may be specialized benefits and affordable