Iodine-bromine baths

Iodine-bromine baths are baths in which the acting medium is fresh or sodium chloride water in which iodine and bromine salts are dissolved.

Such baths have a complex effect on the body due to the combination of the properties of iodine and bromine. Iodine stimulates metabolic processes, improves tissue trophism, and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Bromine has a calming effect and reduces the excitability of the nervous system.

Iodine-bromine baths are indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis), peripheral nervous system, skin diseases, gynecological diseases, for recovery after injuries and operations. The course of treatment usually consists of 8-12 procedures every other day.

The temperature of the water in the bath is selected individually, usually 36-38°C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Solutions of iodine and bromine for baths are prepared immediately before use at the rate of 2-3 g of potassium iodide and 1-2 g of potassium bromide per 150-200 liters of water.

Thus, iodine-bromine baths, due to the optimal combination of the medicinal properties of iodine and bromine, have a pronounced healing effect and are widely used in complex spa treatment.

Iodine-bromine bath is one of the types of medical procedures that is actively used in medical practice. This is a type of hydrotherapy treatment that is used as an adjunctive treatment to reduce pain and inflammation. In the article we will look at the essence of such a procedure and understand what effects it can have on the human body.