
An air ionizer is a device that generates light negative or positive ions. Such ions can be beneficial to human health, as they can help improve indoor air quality where we spend most of our time.

Air ionizers are widely used in medical institutions, offices, residential buildings and other premises. They can be used to prevent various diseases such as asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases.

In addition, air ionizers can help improve your mood and reduce stress levels. They can also help improve concentration and improve memory.

However, before using an air ionizer, you should consult your doctor. Some people may be sensitive to air ionizers and may experience side effects such as headaches and nausea.

Overall, an air ionizer can be a useful tool for improving indoor air quality and improving human health. However, before using an air ionizer, you should consult with your doctor and choose the right type of ionizer for your needs.

Ionizers are special devices that create negative or positively charged ions that improve the condition of indoor air and have many useful properties. Thanks to this, the device is widely used to enrich the air with negative ions during rest and sleep at home. The devices also help with stress-related work.