
Ionostigmine: description, application and production

Ionostigmine is a drug substance used as an antidote for poisoning by certain types of cholinomimetics, such as organophosphate insecticides. It is a product of the Russian company Biomed Perm NPO, part of the pharmaceutical group of antidotes.

Ionostigmine is produced by Microgen NPO, which is a subsidiary of Biomed Perm NPO. Ionostigmine is produced in the form of a substance, that is, without the addition of other components that can be used to create medications.

Ionostigmine is the international name for this substance. It has a specific effect on the human body by blocking cholinesterase, an enzyme that is involved in the decomposition of acetylcholine. This leads to an increase in the concentration of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft and an increase in its effect on the body.

Ionostigmine is widely used in medicine as an antidote for poisoning with cholinomimetics, such as organophosphate insecticides, which can cause serious dysfunction of the central nervous system and respiratory system. The use of Ionostigmine allows you to block the action of these substances and prevent the development of poisoning.

Despite the fact that Ionostigmine is a substance and not a finished medicine, it has all the necessary properties for use as an antidote for poisoning. However, like any medicine, Ionostigmine should only be used under the supervision of qualified medical personnel, as improper use can lead to serious consequences for the patient's health.

Ionostigmine is an important drug that plays a key role in the treatment of cholinomimetic poisoning. Its production is carried out in Russia, and it is widely used in medical practice. However, like any medicine, its use should only be carried out under the supervision of specialists.