Perversion of appetite

When bad juice accumulates in the stomach, not similar to the ordinary one in quality, then nature begins to want something opposite to it, and what is opposite to what is different from the ordinary is also unlike the ordinary, since things that mutually displace each other are extremes, and vice versa . Therefore, some people sometimes have a desire to eat clay and even coal, earth, gypsum and other things of this kind, for these things have an absorbing or tearing quality that is opposed to the quality of juices. In pregnant women, after the monthly cleansing is delayed, a perversion of appetite more often occurs than its disappearance for the reason that we have already discussed, and this lasts almost two or even three months. The fact is that menstrual blood is retained for the sake of feeding the fetus, and also because if it flowed, one could be afraid of a miscarriage. But the fetus in the first time after conception does not have a need for abundant food due to the small size of its body, and the amount of retained blood exceeds the need; the blood  spoils, and a copious excess accumulates in the uterus and stomach. When the fetus requires more food, this happens in the fourth month, the amount of surplus is reduced and the perverted appetite decreases. This appetite is called a “whim” or “fad.” It is best when, due to a change in appetite, you want something sour or spicy, and worst of all, when you want something drying and dry, for example, unfired clay, coal or baked clay. Something similar sometimes happens in men due to the abundance of excess.

Treatment of perverted appetite. The juice causing the perversion of appetite should be removed with the help of the medications we mentioned, which should be used in such a case. Here is one of the tested measures against this: take salted fish and radishes soaked in shikanjubin, eat both and wash down with water in which red beans with salt, dill, watercress and indau seeds were boiled; this causes vomiting. Sometimes clay found in dried saffron is placed in it in the amount of three dirhams and this causes vomiting, which is produced once or twice a month; then they take more myrobalans with lecanora. By the way, Kerman cumin with azhgon, which is chewed on an empty stomach or after meals, and also taken in powder form, also helps. Or they take one dirham of small cardamom, the same amount of large cardamom and the same amount of cubeba and add as much candy sugar as they got; This medicine is taken every day. Here is one of the complex medicines for this ailment: take the skins of acorns - eight dirhams, sabur - sixteen dirhams, sapling herbs - six dirhams, aromatic rush roots - four dirhams, myrrh - two dirhams, pound it all and boil it in two ritels of water until half remains; Every day they give you a third of a rittle to drink for three days in a row. Another medicine: skins and acorns two dirhams, anise three dirhams, raisins seven dirhams, black myrobalans, emblic myrobalans and belleric myrobalans each for five dirhams, iron oxide, repeatedly soaked in strong vinegar and each time pre-fried in a frying pan, ten dirhams. All this is boiled in eight ukiyahs of tart wine and eight ukiyahs of water until half remains, and given on an empty stomach for seven days in a row.

As for the urge to clay, in treating this, the juice that causes such a perversion should be removed with the help of vomiting, caused by a method known in such cases, that is, for example, vomiting after eating salted fish, with a decoction of beans and dill, and radish or stronger medicines; if relaxation is also necessary, then it is made. This also includes emptying with turbite, citron seeds and petroleum salt; this is beneficial, especially if there are worms in the intestines. Then, after this, they use drugs with scale and others that are mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. You should also make a chewing resin from mastic, cumin and azhgon and take both types of cardamom, a dirham each, and as much candy sugar as you can get, and take it on an empty stomach, repeatedly sipping a little warm water. The following medicinal porridge has been tested in the treatment of such patients: take myrobalans Kabul, embilic and belleric, lecanora, mastic, large cardamom, azhgon and ginger, mix with honey and drink before meals or after meals in the amount of one javza.

Here is one of the good ways to treat such a disease: they induce vomiting in the patient and correct the nature of his stomach, then take good clay, dilute it with water and put emetic drugs into it that do not have a distinct taste. Then salts are added to the solution to flavor it, the clay is dried and placed in the sun. A person who wants to eat clay is forced to eat so much clay that there is no more medicine in it than for one dose or one and a half doses. The patient will vomit as soon as he begins to eat clay, especially if they use drugs that cause disgusting vomiting, such as cabbage, and the like, and he will hate clay. Some doctors claim that the best remedy that the great Allah created to suppress such an appetite, that is, the appetite for clay, is to feed the patient on an empty stomach with fried chicken and give it a little as a snack after eating. Snacking on azhgon and bitter almonds also helps tremendously. Some claim that taking one uskurraj of sesame oil eliminates the urge to clay; . in this case, it should be based on experience, and not on conclusions by analogy.

One of the remedies useful for such patients and replacing clay is chewing lecanora and sucking something salty, even stones; They also tested wheat starch, especially salted starch. Here is one of the proven means of treating such patients: take tart nabiz eight ukiy and boil it until half a ritla remains; Nabeez is filtered and given to drink on an empty stomach for several weeks. You should also eat pistachios, raisins, chestnuts, and sultanas as a snack. Some such patients have tried eating zirbaja with small fish, onions, cumin, washed with olive oil and spices such as pepper, ginger and rue. They say it helps a lot. We have already mentioned the regime of those who want sour and caustic foods and do not want sweet and fatty foods, and advised us to induce vomiting in them.