Cachexia (Emaciation)

Cachexia (Emaciation) is a condition in which a person has suddenly lost weight due to various reasons such as malnutrition, tuberculosis, malignant tumor or parasites in the body. This is a serious condition that can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of developing other diseases.

Poor nutrition is one of the main causes of cachexia. It can be caused by various factors such as poverty, eating disorders, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction. When a person does not get enough nutrients, his body begins to use stored fat and muscle mass as an energy source. This leads to weight loss and a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

Tuberculosis and malignant tumors can also cause cachexia. These diseases lead to metabolic disorders, which leads to weight loss. In addition, malignant tumors can consume large amounts of energy and nutrients, which makes the situation worse.

Parasites such as helminths can also lead to cachexia. These parasites feed on nutrients that their hosts should receive. This leads to nutritional deficiencies in the individual and ultimately leads to weight loss.

Treatment for cachexia depends on its cause. If the cause is malnutrition, then it is necessary to improve the quality and quantity of food. In the case of a malignant tumor or tuberculosis, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary to improve metabolism. If cachexia is caused by parasites, then special treatment is carried out aimed at destroying the parasites.

Overall, cachexia is a serious condition that requires treatment. If you notice symptoms of cachexia in yourself or someone close to you, you should consult a doctor for advice and treatment. Seeking help early can help prevent serious complications and keep you healthy.

Cachexia is one of the most serious health problems in the world. This problem can be caused by various reasons such as malnutrition, hepatitis, kidney failure, heart failure and even cancer. Although there are various treatments for cachectic disease, the main thing is to understand the cause of its occurrence in order to ensure

Cachexia is the name given to sudden, pronounced and sustained weight loss, which is a consequence of progressive exhaustion of the body caused by various factors - severe physical and mental exhaustion.

Cachexia occurs in different age categories. It can be caused by genetic factors, occur due to diseases, and also as a consequence of the body’s adaptation to extreme conditions. With cachexia, the patient's body weight decreases, the skin becomes pale, and swelling appears. As the disease progresses, other symptoms are observed. For example, dehydration in the body, a pronounced decrease in blood pressure and, thus, disruptions in the functioning of the heart. Respiratory function is also affected


Cachexia is an abrupt and progressive decrease in body weight associated with weight loss. With cachexia, a person has difficulty gaining weight or is unable to do so at all by controlling his diet. There are many reasons for losing weight, both harmful and dangerous to health, and very correctable ones. Speaking about cachexia, we are essentially talking about various diseases, the symptoms of which are not only sudden weight loss, but also a general deterioration in the condition of the human body.

The name certainly sounds scary, but this concept is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. The disease has a huge list of symptoms that you should pay attention to in order to prevent serious health problems. Externally, cachexia can be recognized by the following signs: 1. Lethargy, apathy, lack of desires. The reason here lies in the fact that the body loses muscle mass, which transmits signals from the brain to the senses in order to direct efforts towards further weight loss. The person becomes lethargic, refuses to perform usual duties, and practically does not move. He doesn’t even want to just walk, let alone play sports; 2. Dry skin. People with cachexia often lack body weight and fat from food because protein is excreted from the body, causing the skin to become dry, irritated, and cracked; 3. Constant feeling of hunger. It is fully justified by the fact that internal organs need nutrition and restoration, because these processes are significantly slowed down due to loss of body weight. As a result, a constant feeling of lack of food arises in the body; 4. Change in appetite. Often it is food consumption that causes serious difficulties in patients who have lost weight. For example, he loses the feeling of hunger, strange taste preferences appear, and an aversion to certain foods develops. This is not a good sign and indicates that the body is experiencing a serious disruption. It is customary to pay special attention to this symptom in medicine; 5. Fainting, weakness and dizziness. The reason lies in a sharp decline in muscle tone. The heart begins to beat faster, the blood vessels constrict, the blood flow drops - and the person may faint. Severe weight loss negatively affects blood vessels, heart and brain function. This results in dizziness, fainting and even mental disorders, which can take the form of depression or deep prostration; 6. Loss of body hair. Hair, along with nails, are the main