How and with what to treat papillomas under the tongue?

HPV under the tongue

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Types of papillomas in the mouth under the tongue
  3. Treatment methods
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papillomas

Papillomas under the tongue are benign epithelial growths on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Can be single or multiple. Their growth is provoked by the human papillomavirus, therefore, to fully treat this disease, one should resort to complex therapy. By their nature, such growths are most often harmless, but their localization carries a certain danger due to the increased risk of injury, which can lead not only to bleeding, but also to tissue malignancy. Read more about the causes of their occurrence, types and treatment options in this article.

Causes of papilloma under the tongue

HPV 3d model

The appearance of papillomas on various areas of the skin and mucous membranes is a fairly common problem. Both adults and children, men and women are susceptible to it. The main “driving force” in the growth of such tumors is the human papillomavirus, which can enter the body in several ways.

It is noteworthy that the microorganism does not survive well outside the human body, so infection in the vast majority of cases occurs through direct bodily contact with an infected person. But for the onset of the disease, i.e. direct growth of papilloma under the tongue and in other dreams, it is enough for single viral particles to penetrate into the basal layer of the epithelium, which gradually multiply and disrupt cell differentiation.

The main routes of HPV infection are:

  1. Congenital. The pathogenic microbe is able to penetrate the fetus at different stages of pregnancy. If this does not happen, then the baby will most likely become infected during childbirth, during the passage of the birth canal. The virus enters the oral mucosa, which in the first months of life can cause the appearance of papilloma in the mouth under the child’s tongue
  2. Contact. Statistics show that most often infection occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. The microorganism penetrates the soft tissue and waits for the right moment to activate and spread to other areas. This category also includes other contact options - a kiss, a handshake, a hug.
  3. Domestic. In this context, infection occurs from relatives. The pathogen can enter the body of a healthy person through the sharing of things and various household items, causing the appearance of papillomas under the tongue in the future. Very often children become infected from their parents, because... they are still poorly familiar with the rules of personal hygiene and often simply do not wash their hands, but put them in their mouths.
  4. Autoinfection. Usually the virus takes root in the area where it immediately enters, but if favorable conditions appear, it becomes more active, multiplies and migrates to other areas. The person himself often helps him with this. It is noted that a large number of children provoke the formation of papilloma in the mouth under the tongue by scratching an existing growth and pulling the palms into the oral cavity.

Despite the rather low probability of the virus surviving outside the host’s body, one should not neglect the recommendations to avoid potentially dangerous public places - saunas, swimming pools, locker rooms, where sanitary standards are not met, there is high humidity, which provokes the accumulation of a large number of various pathogenic microbes.

Once in the body, the virus does not immediately show vigorous activity. For this he requires special conditions. At first it takes root, and due to a combination of certain factors it begins to multiply.

In the oral cavity with reduced immunity, the appearance of papillomas under the tongue is associated with the following factors:

  1. Mechanical damage when eating, talking or due to malocclusion;
  2. Thermal or chemical irritant effects, for example, eating hot/cold food, smoking, drinking alcohol;
  3. If there are infections in the oral cavity, such as caries, fungal or bacterial microorganisms;
  4. Use of low-quality dentures, crowns;
  5. Congenital shortened frenulum of the tongue and diseases of the teeth and gums.

Thus, even the smallest injuries, combined with weakened protective functions and the presence of the virus in the body, are the reason for the active growth of papillomas under the tongue, on its sides, on the hard palate and, occasionally, on the root of the tongue.

It is worth noting a number of factors that provoke the growth of papilloma under the tongue, because serve as a reason to weaken the human body, reduce its protective functions and activate the virus. These include a poor environmental situation, an unbalanced diet, vitamin deficiencies, promiscuous sex life and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, poor physical activity, the presence of chronic or acute diseases, especially those that have a detrimental effect on the immune system, such as HIV. Bad habits and uncontrolled use of medications, including long-term antibiotic therapy, also have a negative impact.

As you can see, there are many reasons and factors accompanying the launch of the pathogenetic mechanism. Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of neoplasms in the form of papillomas in the mouth under the tongue, you should think about it and start leading a healthier lifestyle.

This disease can not only provoke the development of an oncological process, but also negatively affect a person’s quality of life, for example:

  1. The presence of even single neoplasms often leads to impaired mobility of the tongue and, as a consequence, to unintelligibility of speech.
  2. Injury to growths can lead to bleeding, infection of the wound with other pathogens, the onset of the inflammatory process and the growth of the tumor itself.
  3. The lack of adequate treatment is a provoking factor for an increase in the affected area. One of the possible negative consequences is the appearance of tumors on the root of the tongue, which can cause a gag reflex and make it difficult to pass food and breathe. Also potentially dangerous is the development of respiratory papillomatosis, which is also a consequence of the spread of papillomas from the mouth under the tongue to the lungs.

See also the reasons for the appearance of papilloma on the frenulum of the tongue.

Types of papillomas in the mouth under the tongue

Papillomas in the mouth under the tongue

Photo of papillomas under the tongue

The appearance of papillomas occurs after the activation of the virus. The fact of increased viral activity against the background of a general decrease in cellular immunity negatively affects the processes of cell proliferation, i.e. natural growth and restoration of healthy epithelial cells. As a result, the development of benign neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes of a person begins.

The newly formed papilloma is a microscopic tumor that consists of squamous epithelium with signs of keratinization. Over time, it grows and takes on slightly different shapes depending on the species.

The sizes can vary - from a few millimeters to more significant ones. There are both single and multiple.

It is noteworthy that a large number of papillomas under the tongue may indicate a severe weakening of the body and even infection with HIV. Therefore, it would be a good idea to visit a doctor and do all the necessary tests.

It is believed that two strains of HPV can take root in the oral cavity with a 60% probability: 6 and 11. Usually, as a result of their functioning, the following types of benign neoplasms develop:

  1. Pointed papillomas. They are also called condylomas. They are tightly fixed at the base, have an irregular shape, and outwardly resemble the comb of a rooster, because have multiple sharp endings. They are often painted in lighter shades than the mucous membranes. Tend to grow and create extensive lesions. The area under the tongue is more likely to be affected.
  2. Flat papillomas. The surface protrudes slightly above the mucosa. They have clear outlines, often round in shape. They can reach up to 1.5 cm in width. They are distinguished by their light color. Groups are rarely created. The favorite place is on the sides of the tongue and under it.

In the remaining 40%, the causative agent is HPV of other strains. Thus, thread-like neoplasms are considered a rarer type of papilloma in the mouth under the tongue in humans. They protrude noticeably above the surface of the mucous membranes and look like elongated papillary processes. They don't grow wider. The length usually does not exceed 4 mm. They practically do not stand out in color. They often grow in groups.

All described types of growths do not provoke itching, redness, or inflammation of surrounding tissues if they are not affected in any way. However, chronic injuries can lead to ulceration of the body of the papilloma, which often causes cancer.

Treatment methods for papillomas under the tongue

If growths occur on the skin, then the diagnosis is usually carried out by a dermatologist, if they are localized in the vagina - by a gynecologist, in the anus - by a proctologist. If neoplasms begin to appear in the oral cavity, you should contact an otolaryngologist or dentist. It is these specialists who will carry out the initial examination and prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures, and then complex therapy. Sometimes it is not superfluous to consult an oncologist. Let’s look in more detail at what kind of treatment for papilloma under the tongue the attending physician can prescribe.

Treatment of papillomas in the mouth with medications

Preparations for the treatment of papillomas in the mouth

In the photo there are medications for papillomas in the mouth

At the moment, there is no single treatment regimen for HPV, which is why each doctor is guided by general recommendations and his own experience when choosing certain treatment measures.

Sometimes, as a first measure, instrumental removal of papillomas under the tongue is prescribed, and then the necessary medications are prescribed to reduce the activity of the virus and prevent the reappearance of tumors in the oral cavity. In other cases, the primary goal is to reduce the viral load with medication, suppress the growth of growths with possible destruction, and after 2-3 weeks, removal if necessary. In any case, both methods - medicinal and instrumental - go hand in hand with each other.

The list of drugs prescribed for the treatment of HPV and the fight against benign papillomas under the tongue includes antiviral, immunostimulating, and fortifying drugs, namely:

  1. Arbidol. Included in the group of antiviral drugs. It is considered capable of suppressing the ability of HPV to reproduce. Strengthens immunity. It has a small list of contraindications, applicable from 2 years of age. The price in Russian pharmacies is from 150 rubles, in Ukrainian - from 85 hryvnia.
  2. Allokin-alpha. Activates the functionality of killer cells, which helps reduce the viral load and partial or complete destruction of papilloma in the mouth under the tongue. Triggers the process of synthesis of natural interferon in the carrier’s body. It is safe to use, but is not recommended for use in patients under 12 years of age. Price - 3700 rubles or 1900 hryvnia.
  3. Vitrum. Vitamin and mineral complex. Eliminates the lack of nutrients. Increases resistance to various infections. Normalizes metabolism. Price - 400 rubles or 190 hryvnia.
  4. Viferon. Contains interferon in different dosages. Reduces the ability of the virus to reproduce. Suppresses the growth of tumors in the oral cavity and other parts of the body by enhancing the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes. Provides an anti-inflammatory effect, helps accelerate the regeneration of healthy cells and the healing of postoperative scars. It has virtually no contraindications and is prescribed from the first days of life. Release form: ointment, suppositories. Cost - from 290 rubles or 160 hryvnia.
  5. Genferon. In addition to interferon, the drug formula contains taurine and anesthesin, thanks to which the drug has a complex effect. Stimulates the synthesis of immunoglobulin A, fights the virus, restores the ability of cells to regenerate, which contributes to the rapid destruction of papillomas under the tongue and the restoration of healthy tissue. The drug also relieves pain. Release form: candles. Price - 600 rubles or 320 hryvnia.
  6. Duovit. Vitamin complex replenishes the deficiency of nutrients. Stimulates an increase in the body's defenses. Price - from 200 rubles (from 130 hryvnia).
  7. Isoprinosine. Participates in stimulating the natural production of antibodies. Blocks the ability of viral DNA to integrate into healthy cells. Stimulates the destruction of papillomas under the tongue. To achieve greater treatment effectiveness, it should be used in combination with other antiviral medications. Price - 650 rubles or 320 hryvnia.
  8. Immunomax. Increases the body's natural resistance to pathogenic microbes. Blocks the growth of tumors. Applicable from 12 years of age. The price in Russia is from 1000 rubles, and in Ukraine – from 600 hryvnia.
  9. Lycopid. Participates in stimulating the production of interleukins, provokes the destruction of epithelial growths in the oral cavity and on the human body. The price in Russia is 320 rubles, in Ukraine - 190 hryvnia.
  10. Lymphomyazot. Designed to strengthen the immune system. There are practically no restrictions in use. It does not directly affect papillomas under the tongue and in other places. Cost - 600 rubles (330 hryvnia).
  11. Multi-tabs. The composition contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. The dosage is developed taking into account the daily need for a particular useful substance. Restores the balance of beneficial compounds, thereby improving health and immunity. The price in Russia is 380 rubles, in Ukraine – 200 hryvnia.

Cauterizing agents for external use - Ferezol, Solcoderm, Oxolinic ointment, Malavit, etc. - are most often not prescribed for the treatment of papilloma under the tongue, because There is a high risk of chemical burns.

To reduce the risk of infection and relieve inflammation, you should carefully monitor the health of your teeth and gums and sanitize your oral cavity. For this you can use Cholisal. It is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anesthetic agent. The price in Russian pharmacies is 450 rubles, in Ukrainian - 120 hryvnia.

Folk remedies for treating papilloma under the tongue

Cranberry juice for papillomas in the mouth

A considerable number of people delay going to the doctor as much as possible and try to treat themselves using traditional medicine. When the first signs of the disease appear, many people wonder how to treat papillomas under the tongue at home. There are many options. Let's tell you more about the most popular products.

Folk remedies for the treatment of tumors under the tongue caused by the HPV virus:

  1. Potato juice. Several root vegetables are grated and the juice is squeezed out of the mass, which is used for rinsing. Localization of papilloma in the mouth under the tongue allows you to retain liquid for a longer time, which will allow the remedy to work more effectively.
  2. Cranberry juice. Very rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It perfectly stimulates the immune system and helps fight the virus, albeit slightly reducing the risk of new tumors appearing in the oral cavity.
  3. Dandelion milk. This remedy is available only in warm weather, when you can pick the stem of a fresh plant. A whitish paste appears at the cut site, which should be applied to papillomas on the lips and under the tongue.
  4. Herbal infusion. It includes oak bark, sage and calendula flowers. The ingredients taken in equal proportions are heated in a water bath, infused, and then used for rinsing. The product perfectly sanitizes the oral cavity and helps get rid of tumors.
  5. Castor oil. It has a local antiviral effect and stimulates regeneration processes in epithelial cells. Method of application: rub into the affected area under the tongue or apply a mini-compress with a cotton pad.
  6. Walnut. For the procedure, green nuts are selected, their core is crushed and filled with a small amount of kerosene. Infusion time: 3 weeks. Next, the mass is filtered, and the resulting liquid is used to treat papillomas in the mouth under the tongue.
  7. Infusion of medicinal herbs. Increases immunity, improves well-being, and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients. The ingredients for the infusion - nettle, lemon balm, plantain, dandelion root and horsetail - are taken in equal proportions, crushed, poured with water and boiled over low heat for only 10-15 minutes. Then infuse for 3 hours and filter. The liquid is consumed daily 3 times in a volume of 40-60 ml.

To increase immune protection, tinctures of ginseng, Manchurian aralia, and lemongrass are useful.

For growths on the skin, iodine, garlic, laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, and vinegar are often used. They are excellent at burning out formations, however, using these products to treat papillomas under the tongue is not recommended due to the aggressive chemical effects that can easily cause burns.

Practice shows that all folk remedies are characterized by poor effectiveness in the fight against HPV and papillomas. The duration of exposure for complete removal of growths is at least 2 weeks with repeated daily manipulations. It is noteworthy that many people, giving preference to traditional medicine, miss the moment when it was possible to carry out treatment and prevent negative consequences in the form of an increase in lesions and infection of new areas.

Instrumental removal of papillomas in the mouth under the tongue

Removal of papillomas in the mouth under the tongue

Almost all growths in the oral cavity must be removed. After carrying out the initial diagnosis and taking a biopsy, the doctor selects the most optimal method for instrumental removal of papillomas:

  1. Surgical removal of papillomas under the tongue. It is performed by a surgeon after preliminary anesthesia. Pathological nodes are removed with a surgical instrument, capturing healthy tissue. After this procedure, wounds remain. Large papillomas or growths that cannot be removed by other means are removed. Allows you to conduct a study on the oncogenicity of the excised material. Sometimes you have to put stitches. The cost in different clinics can vary greatly. Removing one papilloma will cost no less than 500 rubles (300 hryvnia).
  2. Laser removal. A popular method of instrumental destruction of benign neoplasms, including papillomas, affecting the oral cavity. The procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. Some types of lasers are used, most often carbon dioxide. The method is painless. High-quality equipment allows you to remove growths with high precision without affecting healthy cells. At the same time, the wound is disinfected and the vessels are soldered, which eliminates the risk of bleeding.
  3. Radio wave removal. A device with a loop-shaped tip is used, which produces high-frequency radiation and easily excises even papillomas under the tongue. The high accuracy of the method ensures the preservation of healthy tissues intact. The procedure eliminates the possibility of bleeding and the spread of the virus through the blood.
  4. Cryodestruction of papillomas. The destruction of pathological nodes is carried out through short-term exposure to low temperatures with liquid nitrogen. The cells of the growth are instantly frozen and quickly destroyed. After the procedure, a wound is formed, swelling and inflammation of nearby tissues may occur. The method is not ideal for removing papillomas in the mouth under the tongue, because... During manipulation it is almost impossible to control the depth of cryodestruction.

Remember, complete removal of growths caused by HPV using any of the described methods does not guarantee that new growths will no longer appear, because the virus remains in the body. To reduce the likelihood of relapse, the attending physician must prescribe complex antiviral-immunomodulatory therapy and give recommendations on preventive measures.

How to treat papillomas under the tongue - watch the video:

Not every known strain of human papillomavirus carries a risk of developing cancer. But this is not a reason to refuse adequate treatment and wait for the tumors to disappear on their own. Before determining how to treat papillomas under the tongue, it is imperative to undergo diagnostics to identify the type of pathogen in order to avoid serious consequences.

  1. Related article: Which doctor should I contact for oral papillomas?