How to get rid of wrinkles near lips at home

It is known that time heals, but sometimes it gives women unpleasant surprises. Wrinkles around the mouth are one of those “gifts” that are difficult to remove. Is it possible to achieve what I want and eliminate this problem?

Age-related defects around the mouth: causes and characteristics

Wrinkles on the face are skin defects in the form of folds that add extra years to your appearance. For some, they may appear at 35 years old, and for others at 60. Wrinkles appear around the mouth for the following reasons:

  1. too dry skin;
  2. active facial expressions;
  3. sudden weight loss;
  4. insufficient collagen production.

Wrinkles around the mouth can appear even at a very early age

There are several types of such defects:

  1. Mimic. They can occur even at a young age. The mouth is the moving part of the face. Smiling, numerous conversations, tension leave their imprints in this place.
  2. Age.
  3. Gravitational.
  4. Superficial.
  5. Deep.

Table: classification of wrinkles around the mouth by location of manifestation

Purse string Puppet wrinkles Nasolabial folds
Vertical folds around the lips. Can be of different lengths and depths. Their appearance is associated with thinning of the fat layer.
Reasons: age, smoking, increased articulation.
Mournful folds running from the corners of the mouth down. They make the face look tragic and tired.
Reasons: sudden weight loss, hormonal changes (menopause), hereditary predisposition.
Wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, which go from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
Reasons: anatomical features, heredity, decreased muscle tone.

Photo gallery: types of age-related defects near the lips

How to remove wrinkles around the lips quickly and permanently

All visual age-related changes are associated with a decrease in the body's production of hyaluronic acid, which determines the firmness and elasticity of the skin. There are various ways to partially replenish the content of this substance in tissues and reduce the severity of wrinkles around the lips. To remove such defects, you need to provide the skin with adequate nutrition, hydration and protection. This will improve its tone, increase elasticity and give freshness, and as a result, wrinkles will begin to decrease. Nourishing, moisturizing and protective creams or masks in combination with the ingestion of dietary supplements containing hyaluronic acid can help at the initial stage of the formation of defects. Cosmetics can fight wrinkles as long as they are located like a light web around the lips. If you have deep furrows, then you need more radical methods such as:

  1. biorevitalization;
  2. mesotherapy;
  3. contour plastic;
  4. Botox injections;
  5. hardware peeling.

Folk remedies

Masks and infusions are effective folk remedies for combating facial and age-related folds around the lips. They are easy to prepare yourself at home. Check out the most effective ones.

To prepare a honey-based mask, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  1. Apply the composition to the lips.
  2. Rinse off with water after 5-10 minutes.

Honey has a tonic effect, nourishes the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity.

To prepare a mask based on beeswax, you need to combine the following components:

  1. beeswax dissolved in a water bath (1 tbsp.);
  2. apricot oil (5 drops);
  3. camphor oil (5 drops).
  1. Apply warm to the skin around the lips.
  2. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the composition and lubricate the treated area with nourishing cream.

Beeswax is slowly absorbed into the skin, forming a protective waxy film on it, which slows down the process of dehydration and aging of the epidermis

The ingredients for the herbal infusion are as follows:

  1. comfrey grass;
  2. chamomile flowers;
  3. patchouli oil

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Take a tablespoon of dry plants and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 20 minutes and add five drops of patchouli oil.
  3. Strain the resulting infusion.
  4. Moisten a small terry towel with the composition and place it on the area around the lips (can be used for the entire face).
  5. Apply moisturizer to the skin.

Prevention of wrinkles

Beauty is, first of all, health, and therefore it is easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to treat them later. To do this, you must follow these rules:

  1. stop smoking;
  2. Massage your face daily and wipe it with an ice cube;
  3. remove makeup and apply nourishing cream on time;
  4. Before going outside, take care of protection (for example, use products with a UV filter);
  5. watch your facial expressions (being angry is harmful for beauty).

When the first wrinkles appear around the mouth, it is important to determine the reason why they arose. But while they are not there yet, it’s time to pay attention to the factors that provoke the problem and try to avoid them. The main reason is excess ultraviolet radiation. Wrinkles around the lips are caused by the rays of the sun (it’s not for nothing that such defects are also called sun folds). Therefore, try to use protective creams.

For preventive purposes and when minimal manifestations of wrinkles around the lips appear, singing the vowel sounds: “A”, “O”, “U”, “I”, “E”, “Y” will be effective. It’s good to do this in front of a mirror, exaggerating the articulation and staying on each sound for 1-2 minutes. Pre-lubricate your lips with almond oil: this will help make them more hydrated.

Almond oil has a rejuvenating, cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, softening effect on the skin

In order for wrinkles around the mouth to appear as late as possible, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. drink the optimal amount of water (2 liters);
  2. massage your lips with a toothbrush in a circular motion (you can combine this with a hygiene procedure such as brushing your teeth);
  3. avoid stress and sleep a lot (sleep will strengthen the immune system);
  4. Regularly apply cinnamon essential oil to your lips if you are not allergic (this technique will make them plumper and more sensual, and the skin around them will become more elastic).


Nutrition plays an important role in the condition of the skin around the lips. Products such as tomatoes, lemons, broccoli, sesame seeds help maintain the elasticity and youth of the epidermis. Fruit and vegetable salads, buckwheat, rice, olive oil, tea, coffee, dairy products and meat will maintain good skin condition. You need to eat small meals five to six times a day.

Video: gymnastics to get rid of wrinkles around the lips


After giving birth, my nasolabial wrinkles became pronounced. Just make it a rule and when applying the cream, do a light massage with your fingertips using patting movements (from the tips of your lips to your temples). The cream can be replaced with any vegetable oil.


If wrinkles around the mouth have already appeared, then nothing but Botox and other special treatments. procedures will not help.


To combat nasolabial wrinkles, I use contrasting washes. Alternately cold and hot water. Twice a day. If you do this procedure regularly, the effect becomes noticeable within two to three weeks.


A Facebook building exercise will get rid of wrinkles around the mouth forever. Daily horizontal and vertical stretching of the orbicularis labii muscle.


I most likely will not be original if I say that various massages (shia tsu, asahi, facial aerobics from Carol Maggio, bodyflex from Greer Childers) are, of course, a good and effective thing, but only up to a certain age. However, sooner or later there comes a period when the skin ceases to produce a sufficient amount of collagen on its own, and then injections of hyaluronic acid fillers (Perlane, Restylane, Juvederm) can be one of the ways to solve the problem. It would be better if by this time you already have a good cosmetologist in mind who can competently and professionally carry out this procedure for you.


I don’t have wrinkles around my mouth now, but about 8 years ago I noticed that a wrinkle began to appear on one (for some reason!) side. Every evening, on damp skin, I lubricated this area with castor oil (sold at the pharmacy), the wrinkle disappeared... Apparently, it arose due to over-dried, tired skin... The rhythm of my life was crazy then.


Personally, I recommend biorevitalization. The procedure is really effective. I went several times and was always pleased with the results. To save money, you can find quite a lot of offers on discount sites, and besides, the price there is lower than usual.


A good remedy is to mix honey, egg yolk and make a face mask twice a week. Apply to clean facial skin for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your face with any mineral water. By the way, it is better to wash your face in the morning with mineral water and without soap.


To smooth out deep wrinkles around the mouth, I tried a whole course of facial massage - zero effect. Then I tried contrasting washes, after which I applied gauze soaked in apricot oil. The oil was first infused with herbs. The face has become smoother, but wrinkles are still noticeable.


I work very closely with the nasolabial fold: I lubricate my face with ice, but not just water, but a mixture with aloe vera barbadensis juice, then I lubricate my face with a rich, nourishing cream and start working out with the Lulu Ultra simulator and at the same time doing acupressure with my fingers, that is, self-massage. And such a large-scale impact helps to make the nasolabium less noticeable, so that it is generally unnoticeable to others. But we must not be lazy. But many people immediately run to get an injection.

Like this

Alas, if severe creases and wrinkles have already appeared on the face, it is almost impossible to remove them. You can make wrinkles less noticeable. To do this, you need to do special exercises every day; when doing them, make sure that new wrinkles and creases do not appear. Take a closer look at creams with retinol, apply masks around your mouth for 10 days, and thoroughly peel or scrub your entire face twice a week. Apply hyaluronic acid to wrinkles.

Ekaterina Kushnir

You can and should fight wrinkles around the lips. Hardware cosmetology, pharmacy or folk remedies can correct the situation and erase the traces of time from your face.

Inexorable time leaves its mark on everything, so every woman tries to maintain the beauty and youth of her skin and resist the appearance of wrinkles in different places, including around the lips. This type of fold occurs early and is often not associated with age. However, with great desire and regular care, using various methods, you can achieve a positive result.

At what age do they appear?

Wrinkles around the mouth and lips occur due to changes in the structure of the dermis, which loses elasticity and tone. And if earlier wrinkles smoothed out after some time, then after 30 years they become more noticeable. The number of folds on the face increases rapidly after menopause.

The very first to appear are subtle folds in the corners of the mouth; they can be either longitudinal or transverse. Inattention and a lax attitude towards this problem soon makes it a real headache: every woman strives to get rid of wrinkles as quickly as possible.

The types of wrinkles around the lips are as follows:

  1. facial expressions (arise due to the manifestation of any emotions and grimaces);
  2. purse string (usually appear in women over 40 years of age and are associated with insufficient collagen production);
  3. superficial (formed in the upper layers of the dermis, easily eliminated using preventive methods);
  4. puppet wrinkles (located from the corners of the lips towards the chin, creating the grimace of a non-laughing princess);
  5. transverse (appears in the chin area);
  6. deep (they are an indicator of age, it is practically impossible to eliminate them, you can only reduce them).

Reasons for appearance

Most often, wrinkles around the lips appear prematurely and are not associated with aging skin. Their appearance is influenced by a number of factors, the main of which are directly related to lifestyle.

Here are the most common reasons:

  1. constant activity of the muscles of the mouth area (there is little subcutaneous fat in this place and the skin is very thin, so it stretches, causing folds);
  2. time (skin aging is associated with a lack of collagen);
  3. position of the head during night rest (if the posture is incorrect, folds often form, which do not disappear on their own with age);
  4. smoking (this bad habit guarantees the early appearance of wrinkles around the lips);
  5. rapid weight loss (sharp weight loss leads to a general decrease in skin tone);
  6. natural factors (excess or lack of sun and moisture, wind negatively affect the appearance and health of the skin);
  7. genetic predisposition;
  8. the presence of chronic diseases (any health problems in one way or another negatively affect the skin);
  9. lack of teeth (leads to facial changes);
  10. use of dangerous cosmetics of unknown quality and products with a high alcohol content;
  11. features of the profession (for example, teachers, actors and singers more often than others suffer from unwanted folds in the lip area).

How to remove quickly and permanently

A similar question is asked by every woman who is faced with the problem of suddenly appearing folds around the lips. Physiological disruptions of the body, constant tension, stressful situations and other factors turn a small nuisance into a big problem. To quickly eliminate it, a woman needs to make a firm decision in a short time.

The most radical methods in the fight against wrinkles around the lips are considered to be salon procedures and surgical intervention. These are modern techniques carried out under the supervision of a specialist. They cost a lot of money, so not every woman can resort to their help. In addition, procedures of this type are not absolutely safe for health; they cause various complications such as allergies, the appearance of purulent lesions and scars after their use.

There are several types of such procedures:

  1. Botox injections: immediately after the injection of the substance, atrophic processes begin in the muscles, which leads to smoothing of folds and a decrease in mobility; It is better to apply this procedure after 45 years of age if there are deep wrinkles around the lips; one of the unpleasant consequences of injections is the mask effect (limitation of facial activity);
  2. mesotherapy: a mixture of B vitamins, collagen and microelements is injected into the upper layers of the skin, which leads to the normalization of all cellular processes and after 4-5 sessions, wrinkles become almost invisible;
  3. biorevitalization: hyaluronic acid in liquid form is injected under the skin using several thin needles, this leads to activation of the production of collagen and elastin, skin elasticity and tone increases, fine wrinkles disappear, and deep wrinkles are reduced several times; the disadvantage of this method is its short duration - repeated biorevitalization is needed after 5-8 months;
  4. paraffin therapy: this salon procedure helps restore the water balance in the skin, activate all metabolic processes, saturate the dermis with useful elements and remove toxins; in addition, after paraffin therapy, the oval of the face is tightened, and wrinkles around the lips disappear, the skin looks fresh and healthy, the course usually includes 10-15 procedures;
  5. peeling with laser radiation: this is skin polishing using a laser, removing the top layer of epithelium in the problem area; after such exposure, the skin becomes smoother and tighter;
  6. surgical plastic surgery: the most radical way to combat wrinkles around the lips, a special gel is injected deep into the skin, which fills the cavity of the wrinkles; As a result, the skin is smooth and elastic, and visually it looks 7-10 years younger.

It is important to know that any procedures in a beauty salon cannot be done if:

  1. the patient’s age does not exceed 26-28 years;
  2. have problems with blood clotting;
  3. a woman is carrying a child or breastfeeding it;
  4. there are purulent wounds and inflammations;
  5. there are skin diseases;
  6. the dermis has a high degree of sensitivity;
  7. there are pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  8. there is a general weakening of the immune system and dangerous illnesses (tuberculosis, HIV, etc.).

Do not forget about the possibility of allergies and individual intolerance to any components.

How to clean at home

If you have a little free time, you can try to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth using traditional methods. The effect will not appear immediately, you need to wait at least 20-30 days, doing the procedures regularly, but this is not only a big money saver, but also absolute safety and benefits for the whole body and facial skin.

Here is a list of the most famous recipes:

  1. Mix 1 yolk with 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 small spoon of honey, keep the mask on the skin for 30-40 minutes, do at least 3 times a week;
  2. mix finely grated carrots with pear pulp and add 1 teaspoon of cream and liquid honey, keep on your face for 15-20 minutes;
  3. put 1 small spoon of milk and honey into chopped onions, apply to problem areas for 10-12 minutes;
  4. mix fresh cucumber pulp with 1 yolk, keep for 15-20 minutes;
  5. put cottage cheese, honey and medium-fat sour cream in equal parts (1 teaspoon each), apply the mixture to problem areas 3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

There are other home methods that require more time to prepare, but their effectiveness is undeniable. These, for example, are the 2 most popular homemade cream recipes for getting rid of wrinkles around the lips.

  1. Take 120 g of light wax (can be purchased at a pharmacy), melt it over hot water and add 250 ml of almond oil, 120 ml of rose water and stir everything well. Add 15 drops of rose essential oil to the cooled mixture, mix and place the finished product in a small container with a lid. This moisturizer is used on problem areas. The product should be used 2 times a day for 1.5 - 2 months.
  2. In a small container, mix 500 ml of olive oil, 200 g of purified beeswax and 7-8 tablespoons of fresh calendula flowers, put on low heat and bring to a boil. Then you need to leave it overnight in a cool place, and in the morning strain and pour into a suitable container. You can use it both on problem areas and on the entire skin of the face 2 times a day for a month.

Purse-string wrinkles around the lips

This type of folds is an indicator of age: aging skin loses its elasticity and problem areas appear. Typically, purse-string wrinkles become apparent from the age of 40-45, when the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases. As a result, the lips droop a little, forming such folds. With the premature appearance of such wrinkles, the main reason is the constant load on the muscles of the mouth area (frequent meals, talking, laughing and other emotions).

The orbicularis muscles are not attached to bone tissue, so with every movement they are pulled in different directions, in addition, there is almost no fat layer in the mouth area, which makes it especially sensitive and prone to dryness. All this leads to the formation of purse-string wrinkles.

The main methods for eliminating folds of this type are:

  1. procedures in a beauty salon (injections, mesotherapy, lipolifting and laser resurfacing);
  2. fight against the use of folk recipes;
  3. massage course for the problem area;
  4. a set of specially selected exercises.

The best folk remedies for purse-string wrinkles are:

  1. regular washing with cool clean water or cooled green tea;
  2. rubbing the problem area with ice cubes based on chamomile infusion;
  3. cosmetic masks using high-fat sour cream and honey.

Usually, if there are purse-string wrinkles, the cosmetologist prescribes special exercises that help increase the elasticity of the skin in problem areas (they must be performed after lubricating the skin with a nourishing cream):

  1. bend your lips into a tube, do 8-10 repetitions;
  2. fold your lips into a bow to increase muscle tone, perform at least 15 times;
  3. pull the upper and lower lips forward alternately, do 10-12 times;
  4. hide the lower lip under the upper lip and vice versa, repeat 18-20 times;

The complex described above must be performed daily for 30-40 days to obtain a positive result. Exercises can be easily combined with traditional methods, as well as with the use of cosmetics designed to eliminate wrinkles around the lips.

Expression wrinkles around the lips

Such folds appear quite early and are not always an indicator of age. However, they spoil the appearance and age the face. The zone of their formation is above the upper lip and in the corners of the mouth - where facial expressions appear.

The main factors that provoke the appearance of facial folds are:

  1. high motor activity of the mouth muscles;
  2. smoking cigarettes;
  3. natural factors (wind, frost, etc.);
  4. diet and chronic pathologies.

As soon as you notice such folds in the lip area, you need to start taking full care of your skin. This is not only the use of nourishing cream, but also folk methods, physical exercise, as well as procedures performed in beauty salons. Many women immediately go there, although with timely care you can do it at home.

However, many people want everything at once: to remove it quickly and for a long time. This is possible using procedures such as:

  1. contour plastic surgery using hyaluronic acid (the effect lasts from 1 to 2-3 years);
  2. botulinum toxin injections (getting rid of facial wrinkles for a period of 5 to 8 months);
  3. mesotherapy (you need to undergo at least 5 procedures, the effect is ensured for a period of 8 months to 1.5 years);
  4. plasma lifting (a procedure with an effect lasting up to 1.5 years);
  5. lipolifting (guarantees relief from facial wrinkles for a period of 1 year).

There are also more radical methods that are less effective, but their positive effects last longer. This includes laser resurfacing, iontophoresis, hardware peeling and myostimulation. Some women, in pursuit of youth and beauty, decide to undergo surgical intervention: they undergo thread muscle lift, facial plastic surgery and chemical peeling.

You need to know that a guarantee of a positive result is not only the procedure itself, but also an experienced specialist from a reliable clinic. However, even with these measures, no one is immune from side effects and complications.

To care for the skin during the fight against expression lines, it is necessary to use a well-chosen cream that contains vitamins A and E, peptides and antioxidants. It is also worth using cosmetic oils (menthol or apricot).

To maintain the beauty and elasticity of the skin during the period of getting rid of folds around the lips, you can successfully use home remedies; they are no less effective, but much safer:

  1. slices of fresh tomato or avocado (apply to problem areas for 15-20 minutes);
  2. liquid honey (lubricate areas with wrinkles for 15 minutes);
  3. fish oil (take in capsule form for at least 30 days).

Physical exercises specially selected to get rid of facial wrinkles are also highly effective.

If you perform them regularly for at least 30-45 days, then a positive result will not be long in coming (repeat each type at least 20 times):

  1. alternately stretch your lips into a tube and relax them;
  2. inflate and deflate the cheeks with the mouth open and closed;
  3. stretch out your lips as if pronouncing the sound “o”;
  4. clench your teeth and move your jaw forward for 3-5 seconds;
  5. inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, relaxing your lips;
  6. draw out all the vowel sounds, as if humming a melody.

Preventing wrinkles around the mouth

Everyone knows about the benefits of prevention to prevent any health problems. The same applies to the issue of beauty and youth of the skin.

The appearance of wrinkles around the lips can be postponed to a later time if you follow simple rules:

  1. use high-quality cosmetics (foundation, lipstick, powder);
  2. regularly moisturize the skin in problem areas with a nourishing cream;
  3. do not leave cosmetics on overnight;
  4. as necessary (in dry and windy weather, as well as in cold weather), use lip balm based on natural ingredients;
  5. do not forget to cleanse your face 1-2 times a week with a homemade or store-bought scrub;
  6. sunbathe in moderation, using skin protective products;
  7. from time to time use simple folk methods to combat wrinkles around the lips (compress, homemade lotion or wiping with ice from a herbal decoction);
  8. get rid of bad habits;
  9. lead a healthy lifestyle;
  10. Take regular care of your facial skin.

Feedback from our readers

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I knew that smoking provokes the appearance of early wrinkles, but for such a mesh to appear near the lips at the age of 30... I was shocked, and the cosmetologist said that it was all because of my bad habit. Now I go to paraffin therapy courses at the salon and am trying to quit. I don’t want to use Botox, maybe it will go away. Additionally, I also make masks at home 2 times a week with honey, it has a great effect on the skin.

I thought that wrinkles near the lips were the lot of very old ladies, but they appeared for me at the age of 38. I had to urgently go to a cosmetologist and get beauty injections. I chose mesotherapy because I think this procedure is the safest and most beneficial for the skin in general. Now every year in the winter I undergo 4-6 procedures, and at home, of course, I try to take care of the skin not only around the mouth, but also on the entire face.

Everyone has individual reasons for the appearance of wrinkles around the lips. I had to face this after I turned 30, when my chronic illness worsened. However, together with the doctor, we selected a safe method - cosmetic masks, and I also try to do a massage every evening. Now I constantly look after myself, I don’t want to make the situation worse.

According to statistics, wrinkles in this area reveal a woman’s real age more strongly than on the forehead. There is no need to check the accuracy of the data - it is better to use one of the effective options that offers.

The problem of wrinkles above the upper lip and how to remove them is relevant at any age. After all, often active facial expressions, and not the years lived, become the cause of the appearance of creases above the upper lip or in the corners of the mouth. If wrinkles on the forehead can be hidden with bangs, then it is problematic to do this near the lips: any banal actions like talking or kissing draw attention to the lips, and at the same time to the wrinkles.

Lovers of bright matte lipstick are also at risk. It requires not only the ideal condition of the teeth, but also the skin around the lips. Of course, you can always change the shade of lipstick to a light one, and cover your mouth with your hands when you laugh. But this will not solve the problem - you need to get rid of wrinkles using other methods.

Which ones exactly? If there are no severe creases, at first it’s enough just to pay a little more attention to caring for the area around the mouth. At least don’t be lazy to apply nourishing twice a day, firming or tightening cream. It’s also useful to use tools with AHA acids. In addition to exfoliating the skin, the products provide light polishing and smooth the surface of the skin.

For express transformation you can choose cream with botox effect. It fills wrinkles and the result lasts until you wash off your makeup in the evening. Many girls have experienced through experience that makeup bases with silicones also mask small expression wrinkles well. But you shouldn’t be overzealous with them: silicones, with constant use, can clog pores and spoil your complexion.

There is an opinion that you can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth using ordinary tape or adhesive tape. Allegedly, by gluing it to the back of your head at night and tightening the skin in the lower third of your face, you will also get rid of wrinkles in the “kissing area.” It is a myth! This will only aggravate the problem: instead of tightening, the skin will, on the contrary, stretch. And even if it were possible to tighten it, then in order to keep it in this position, it is necessary to create an internal supporting frame. For this it is necessary increase collagen and elastin production, and cages, not tape, will help you with this.

To solve the problem, you need to maintain skin tone. How to hide wrinkles around the lips or how to hide wrinkles in the corners of the lips is an eternal question. But knows several effective ways!

1 Massage from a cosmetologist (or home gymnastics for the face)

If someone says it doesn't help, the culprit is the lack of a system. Exercises should be done regularly: “train” the muscles of the face and around the mouth for at least 5-7 minutes. When you get the desired effect, don't give up on training — several times a week you need to devote time to beauty.

In fact, it is not so difficult: at first you will need to learn the exercises by looking at yourself in the mirror to perfect the technique. And then you can do them “in between”: for example, when you are cleaning, washing dishes, stuck in traffic jams or watching your favorite TV series.

How to get rid of wrinkles near lips at home

For example, purse string wrinkles often appear in speakers, motivational speakers - those whose profession requires active articulation. They develop small vertical folds above the upper and under the lower lip (such wrinkles can be of different depths and lengths).

They appear because the skin tone becomes lower, the subcutaneous fatty tissue also becomes lower, and care is not enough to replenish the natural resources of the skin.

And also Purse-string wrinkles are typical for smokers! If you are familiar with this habit, maybe it’s easier to stop smoking than to grow old before your time? Among other habits that can lead to wrinkles around the mouth, and which will then have to be smoothed out, there are even seemingly harmless ones. For example, the habit of drinking soda through a straw or taking selfies with duck lips. Constant stretching of the lips leads to weakening of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, which over time turn from small and thin to deep.

Wrinkles that start at the wings of the nose and go to the corners of the mouth are called nasolabial. More often they appear at a more mature age due to natural aging: the so-called gravitational ptosis, and skin tissues fall according to the laws of gravity. The less subcutaneous fat, the more noticeable these wrinkles can be. By the way, at a young age it is no exception for them. For example, due to malocclusion or improper articulation, they can appear in early years.

Do you remember the Nutcracker and his mouth and chin area, as if separated from the main face? Something similar happens in life. These wrinkles are called "puppets": Outwardly they share the lower lip and chin with other parts of the face. Some people have very deep folds and look clearly vertically downwards - this spoils not only the quality of the skin, but also the expression of the face. It seems that the person is sad or very dissatisfied with something. What contributes to the appearance of puppets? Gravitational ptosis, loss of muscle tone that “supports” the corners of the mouth.

How to get rid of wrinkles near lips at home

Botulinum toxin injections (simply - Botox) are no less popular. Girls all over the world love these “beauty injections” for their instant effect. And two weeks after the injections, the skin on the face becomes perfectly smooth. How it works: Botox relieves muscle spasms and allows you to smooth out “puppets” and, sometimes, “nasolabial lips”. But in the case of the latter, fillers will be much more effective. After the first Botox injections, the effect can last up to 8 months; repeated injections can shorten its duration to six months.

If you hear bad reviews, most likely the girls themselves are helping to reduce the effect. Botox “does not like” solariums and the sun - the substance is quickly destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight. Botox dissolves faster due to antibiotics: if you are sick, wait three weeks from the moment you finish the course, and then go to a cosmetologist.