How to get rid of stretch marks on your back

Striae on the back in adolescents occur when bones grow faster during puberty than muscles and skin. As a result, the skin stretches and tears form in the epithelium. Blood vessels give the stretch marks a red color, and when the vessels in the problem area gradually become empty, the stretch marks become discolored. So, stretch marks (or stretch marks) are red-violet stripes that appear on various parts of the skin due to its stretching.

There are no pigment substances in connective tissue, so stretch marks do not tan, but remain white. Against the background of tanned skin, stretch marks appear even more noticeable. With a sharp increase in muscle mass, they appear on the back, hips, abdomen, chest, on the front side of the armpit, on the inside of the arms.

– rapid weight gain or loss;

– changes in hormonal levels, for example, during pregnancy or adolescence;

– endocrine disorders, for example, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;

– long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, for example, hydrocortisone or prednisolone.

Hormonal stretch marks are easy to recognize: they are located horizontally, very wide and long, appearing on the legs, back and even face. Only an endocrinologist can help you get rid of such stretch marks. But ordinary stretch marks can be removed almost completely, but only heavy hardware artillery will help, namely:

Secondly, oddly enough, playing sports can also trigger the appearance of stretch marks. This is especially true for those who are actively building muscle mass. As with weight gain, the skin becomes less elastic. Such stretch marks appear especially often on the arms and shoulders, closer to the armpits.

Thirdly, stretch marks can appear in men taking corticosteroids or glucocorticoids, which worsen skin tone and often lead to weight gain.

Also factors influencing the occurrence of stretch marks are diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, hormonal changes in adolescence, and hereditary predisposition.

How can a teenager get rid of stretch marks?

Prevention of stretch marks

Knowing that there is a harmful gene in the family that gives everyone striae, you can try to prevent it. Start prevention long before you see the first stretch marks. The methods are very simple and logical for every person who cares about health.

  1. Drink up to 2 liters of free fluid per day. Tea, soda, soups do not count.
  2. Eat tasty and healthy. Fish, dairy, nuts, dried fruits, berries, fruits, vegetables... Agree that there is plenty to choose from! Dress salads with olive oil. Or do it even simpler - give up junk food (chips, mayonnaise, crackers, fast food). And this will be enough to seriously support the body.
  3. Apply moisturizing creams to your entire back several times throughout the day. Creams with collagen work well.
  4. Use scrubs 1-2 times a week. Scrubs remove the top layer of skin, helping to smooth out stretch marks.
  5. Lubricate your skin with vegetable oil that has added vitamin A. Almond and olive oil have received excellent recommendations.
  6. How to get rid of stretch marks on your back that have already appeared? Use medicinal ointments, such as Contractubex, Lieraka, Miderma.

This is one of the few problems whose solution does not depend on the factor of its occurrence. By paying close attention to the reasons that led to the appearance of stretch marks, you can only try to prevent their further spread.

At an older age, cosmetologists often recommend mesotherapy or laser resurfacing to eliminate stretch marks, but these are not the best methods for teenage skin.

As they say, and this is not without reason, prevention is always easier than cure. It is better to prevent the problem from occurring than to then deal with stretch marks, especially since during puberty children are especially sensitive to aesthetic imperfections. Therefore, in adolescence, it is not recommended to go on a strict diet in an effort to quickly lose weight, and you should not push yourself through physical exercise to the point of exhaustion. Although regular exercise and exercise “within reasonable limits” are welcome. Problem areas, i.e. belly, buttocks, chest, thighs should be massaged. Preferably with cream. Swimming and frequent water procedures will help a teenager never become aware of such a problem as stretch marks on the body.

How to use? In the evening, you need to take a hot shower, apply the scrub to problem areas of the chest or other areas with massage movements. Then apply the pre-prepared cream to your body and wrap yourself in plastic wrap for about 60 minutes.

After the time has passed, rinse off the mask thoroughly and apply your usual moisturizing cream to the skin. In the morning, take a frozen cube of the product and wipe the skin on the thighs, buttocks and chest (problem areas). Wait until it dries completely, then take a shower and apply any cream to your skin. The procedures must be repeated daily for a month. After taking a break for a week, the course can be repeated.

This method is ideal for treating fresh stretch marks on the legs. The preparation of the product is as follows: 5 tbsp. l. Mix ground oat flakes with the same amount of sour cream. After taking a shower, you need to apply the mixture to the stretch marks for 30 minutes. Perform massage movements during this time, then rinse off the mixture and cover the skin with moisturizer. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

Before using these masks, make sure that your child is not allergic to their components.

12. You need to mix several types of clay (gray, blue and green) in equal proportions and add liquid honey until the mixture becomes plastic. The resulting mass is applied to stretch marks or scars every night (until they disappear completely) and fixed with a bandage. Fresh mixture should be prepared every other day.

13. Dissolve two mummy tablets in 50 ml of cream or body milk. A few drops of orange oil will help get rid of the specific smell of mumiyo. Then treat the body with a coffee scrub, and then apply the prepared mixture to the stretch marks. No need to rinse off. Carry out procedures daily for a month.

You can also use vacuum massage and myostimulation. The list of procedures against stretch marks does not end there, but the most effective and common ones have been listed.

From all that has been said, you can understand that it is not only possible to fight stretch marks, but also necessary. There are a fairly large number of ways to do this. Let them help every man get rid of unpleasant and unsightly stretch marks on his arms and other parts of the body!

The formation of sprains on the back is due to the fact that in this place the skin cannot cope with the mechanical or other kind of impact exerted on it. In this regard, it seems to crack, and a scar forms in this place. This is the same stretching that is familiar to us, or, as they are called, stretch marks. This formation cannot be called a disease, since it is most likely just a defect in a certain area of ​​the skin.

Features of formations and the reason for their occurrence

Stretch marks themselves are connective tissue that does not contain pigment substances. Consequently, this is why they are not susceptible to the influence of sunlight and do not tan, but acquire a different shade, standing out against the general background of the body’s skin. They are similar to scars in that they are not affected by pigmentation and are whitish. If at the beginning of formation they acquire a pinkish or red tint, then at the “adulting” stage the capillaries begin to die and the skin loses its elasticity.

Often the reason that stretch marks appear on the back is the loss of the skin's former elasticity. This can happen in the following cases:

  1. a sharp change in weight (gain or loss), to which the skin is not inclined;
  2. pregnancy, in which the skin stretches either due to fetal development or hormonal changes;
  3. in adolescents who grow too quickly and their epidermis develops later than the body itself.

Also considered to be some of the influencing factors are poor diet, lack of exercise, individual properties of skin tissue, and excessive physical activity. Such formations cause the most harm to teenagers, for whom it is very important to look attractive, without any ugly scars.

In adolescents, namely boys at about 15 years of age, rapid development begins. As the skin stretches excessively due to the body developing rapidly, scars form in the form of stretch marks. This also applies to girls, because all teenagers either gain weight or grow a lot as they grow up. Both of these facts cannot go unnoticed, since the dermis in these cases does not stretch on its own, but mechanically. If the reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the back is a hormonal change in the body, then, first of all, the hormonal imbalance is eliminated, and then the stretch marks themselves are removed.

Comprehensive stretch mark removal

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to remove long-standing stretch marks, and it is best to do this immediately after they appear. There are also cases when such skin defects appear without any substantiated reasons, so you should contact an endocrinologist. If we consider the methods of elimination, there are quite a lot of them, including ultrasonic resurfacing, the use of collagen and hyaluronic acid, the surgical method and others. But none of them can completely remove the stretch marks that have formed, so it is better to do everything possible to prevent them and devote time to their prevention. If the resulting stretch marks on the back are not very old, namely no more than six months, then they can be removed.

Beauty salons offer several removal options:

  1. Grinding, which removes the upper layer of the epidermis, making the transition near the scar and back skin less noticeable. May occur in several stages.
  2. Laser resurfacing is done under local anesthesia. The normal color will appear within a month after the procedure, and after some time it will become invisible near stretch marks and normal skin.
  3. A chemical type of peeling using acid (trichloroacetic acid). The complex also includes mesotherapy with the application of a protective cream at the end of the procedure.
  4. Chromopeeling has properties that make damaged skin tan, but the downside is that its effect is temporary.
  5. A complex method in which stretch marks are removed by using acid peeling, polishing and nourishing creams.

But it is also worth paying attention to the causes of the occurrence before choosing a method of elimination. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit beauty salons, so they would like to do it at home. In this case, you should initially change your diet and pay due attention to protein. It should be present in the daily diet, since it is responsible for the process of skin regeneration. Rub into the skin using products containing collagen, nourishing creams or oils with vitamin A.

Don't forget about the ability to prevent stretch marks. To do this, for preventive purposes, do a light massage; it should be warming and you should not use movements that stretch the skin. Use scrubs and harden the epidermis with a contrast shower. You shouldn’t give up physical activity, but also monitor the water level in your body. All this together is guaranteed to increase the level of elasticity, which will certainly have a positive effect on your skin.

Striae on the back are the “advantages” of adolescence. Most often they appear on boys, but girls also get their share of unappetizing stripes. Over time, stretch marks become invisible. What frightens parents is that stretch marks in this area are considered a symptom of a rather serious disease. Our new article is about Cushing's syndrome and other causes of stretch marks on the back.

Why do stretch marks appear on the back?

All problems of adolescence are, in one way or another, related to growth. Stretch marks are no exception. That's why they appear.

  1. The skeleton outstrips the growth of muscles and skin. The epidermis cannot withstand tension, and internal tears occur. At first, the stretch marks are reddish, but over time the breaks become scarred and the burgundy stripes turn into white. White stretch marks are almost invisible; they do not cause any health problems.
  2. Sudden increase in weight or muscle tissue. This is typical not only for adolescence. Bodybuilding athletes also get stretch marks in areas of greatest muscle growth: on the chest, back, forearms and thighs. Since the cult of a beautiful body among athletes is high, they also strive to get as “chocolate” a tan as possible. Striae can even ruin a tan, since there is no melanin in the scars. After tanning, stretch marks become more visible.
  3. Features of the structure of collagen fibers.
  4. Hormonal surges. Hormonal stretch marks are located horizontally, in contrast to stretch marks that appear due to growth - they are located vertically.
  5. Passive lifestyle.
  6. Heredity.
  7. Foods rich in carbohydrates.
  8. Internal diseases: Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (improper functioning of the adrenal cortex), Marfan syndrome, etc. That is why, if you notice stretch marks on the back, it is better to visit a doctor.

How to get rid of stretch marks

Yes, there are insanely expensive cosmetic procedures that may or may not work. Here are the methods used to treat stretch marks on the back in cosmetology and surgery:

  1. Microdermabrasion. It is used if stretch marks are no more than 6–8 months old.
  2. Therapeutic wraps. Recommended for the treatment of young stretch marks.
  3. Surgery. Striae are cut off with part of the skin.
  4. Laser peeling. Similar to regular peeling, but using a laser beam.
  5. Mesotherapy. Special medications are injected under the skin.
  6. Chemical peeling.

As a rule, it is recommended to combine the procedures.

Chocolate wraps against stretch marks. Memo

Prevention of stretch marks

Knowing that there is a harmful gene in the family that gives everyone striae, you can try to prevent it. Start prevention long before you see the first stretch marks. The methods are very simple and logical for every person who cares about health.

  1. Drink up to 2 liters of free fluid per day. Tea, soda, soups do not count.
  2. Eat tasty and healthy. Fish, dairy, nuts, dried fruits, berries, fruits, vegetables... Agree that there is plenty to choose from! Dress salads with olive oil. Or do it even simpler - give up junk food (chips, mayonnaise, crackers, fast food). And this will be enough to seriously support the body.
  3. Apply moisturizing creams to your entire back several times throughout the day. Creams with collagen work well.
  4. Use scrubs 1-2 times a week. Scrubs remove the top layer of skin, helping to smooth out stretch marks.
  5. Lubricate your skin with vegetable oil that has added vitamin A. Almond and olive oil have received excellent recommendations.
  6. How to get rid of stretch marks on your back that have already appeared? Use medicinal ointments, such as Contractubex, Lieraka, Miderma.

Treatment of stretch marks at home

  1. Bath with honey and milk

Dissolve (1 liter) honey in milk. Pour the mixture into water at a comfortable temperature for the body. Enjoy for 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure 3 times a week. Some people feel sorry for adding a glass of honey to their bath. Well, let it be two tablespoons. The course of treatment is 12 procedures. Then take a break for a couple of weeks and repeat again. You can add essential oils of rose, lavender, neroli, orange, and rosemary to milk and honey. The moisture on the body is not wiped off, but allowed to dry naturally. Bathing with sea salt also works well. Give it a try.

Although some cosmetologists are categorically against massage on stretched skin, careful massaging still does not hurt. Perform a massage after a shower. Massage your body very gently so as not to aggravate the problem.

Prepare the following mixture for massage: wheat germ oil (10 ml), almond oil (15 ml), avocado oil (10 ml). Add essential oil of neroli (2 drops), lavender (1 drop) or geranium (1 drop). Massage course – 3 weeks. Break for 2 weeks, then you can continue.

  1. Treatment with cream and ice

Honey treatment consists of two procedures: application of honey cream and massage with honey ice.

How to remove stretch marks on your back with honey and aloe? Mix aloe pulp (5 tbsp.), honey (2 tbsp.). Add the same amount of baby cream. After showering, work on problem areas with a scrub. Apply the cream, wrap yourself in film and a blanket on top. After an hour, rinse off the remaining mixture.

To make ice, mix aloe leaf paste (5 tbsp), honey (5 tbsp), water (100 ml). Grind the ingredients and place in ice trays. Massage problem areas with cubes in the morning. Wash off any remaining residue 15 minutes after application. Cream treatment and ice treatment are performed simultaneously. The course of treatment is one month. Break 5 days.

Video. How to remove stretch marks on the body

In boys, stretch marks appear on the back, in girls on the hips, buttocks and chest. To avoid worrying unnecessarily, visit your doctor. And when he calms you down, start treatment. The younger the stretch marks, the more effective beauty recipes work.

I am engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of acne, I am fluent in the methods of therapeutic and hardware cosmetology to reduce the severity and eliminate age-related changes in the skin of the face and body. I have extensive theoretical knowledge and experience acquired during training and internships in leading cosmetology clinics in Europe.