How to treat papillomas with soda: recipe

The content of the article:
  1. What is soda
  2. The benefits of soda for papillomas
  3. Contraindications
  4. Recipes for folk remedies
    1. Solutions for internal use
    2. Inhalations
    3. Compresses
    4. Baths
  5. Results of treatment of papillomas
  6. Reviews about the use of soda

Soda is a unique, universal, effective and safe folk remedy for papillomas. It can be successfully used at home as part of compresses and baths. Its use is relevant both for flat formations and for hanging ones. The main thing when treating papillomas with soda is that the growths are benign and do not have the risk of degenerating into cancer.

What is soda and which one should you choose to remove papillomas?

In the photo there is soda for papillomas

Soda is a finely crystalline white powder, also known as sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid. The chemical formula is NaHCO3.

Baking soda is commercially available and is suitable for both external use and oral use. In the food industry it is registered as additive E500.

It is usually sold packaged in plastic bags or cardboard packages weighing from 500 g to 1 kg. Its warranty shelf life is 12 months from the date of production, the actual shelf life is unlimited.

The optimal storage conditions for soda are closed, dark, dry rooms, air temperature - from +15 to +25 C. It is actively produced in Russia - in the Republic of Bashkortostan, in Western Siberia and Transbaikalia, as well as in the Crimea.

The benefits of soda for papillomas

The effectiveness of this remedy in the treatment of papillomas is due to its drying, softening, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. With its help, it is possible to remove formations from the skin along with the “root” without traces or pain. This is possible by moisturizing the growths and softening them from the inside.

Using soda externally to treat papillomas on the body helps not only get rid of them, but also prevent them from spreading further throughout the body due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

When taken orally, it is possible to suppress the activity of the human papillomavirus, accelerate tissue recovery after exposure and prevent the spread of growths.

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Contraindications to treatment of papillomas with soda

When treating papillomas, soda cannot be taken in its pure form; it must be diluted with water to prepare a solution. You should not use more than 1-2 tsp. funds per day.

It is better to avoid this method of treatment if there is stool disturbance, nausea, increased gas formation, diarrhea, or bloating. This is also a bad option for those suffering from gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

It is not recommended to treat the skin with soda for papillomas in the following cases:

  1. Skin injuries. In contact with them, the finished product can cause burning, redness, itching, peeling of tissues and can slow down their recovery after damage.
  2. Increased skin sensitivity. Alkali in large quantities, especially when using soda in its pure form, can cause burns and lead to irritation and redness of tissues. That is why under no circumstances should it be used to treat areas on the face, especially near the eyes.
  3. Skin diseases. This method should be excluded for people with complaints of dermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria, cold allergies and other problems of a similar nature. Using soda against papillomas can cause an exacerbation of any of these diseases and make you feel worse.

To avoid an allergic reaction, you should first use a small amount of the product. If there is no deterioration in health, therapy can be carried out.

Important! It is not recommended to use soda for papillomas simultaneously with cryodestruction and other methods of physiotherapy, otherwise the removal process may slow down.
  1. See recipe: Flour and vinegar for papillomas

Recipes for folk remedies with soda for papillomas

Sodium carbonate can be taken orally and applied externally in the form of compresses and baths to treat the skin. These two methods can be combined within one course of treatment for papillomas with soda for a speedy recovery, or they can also be used separately. To prepare home remedies, use baking soda, which can be purchased at any store.

Solutions with soda for internal use

The photo shows the preparation of a soda solution for papillomas

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve baking soda (0.5 tsp) in warm, boiling water (150 ml). The product must be shaken well and stirred with a fork so that the powder is completely broken down and does not settle at the bottom. It should be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning for 2 weeks. The optimal daily dose is 30 ml. After taking the solution, it is not recommended to eat for at least 30 minutes so that it is well absorbed by the body and the beneficial substances are completely absorbed in the intestines.

Another recipe for treating papillomas with soda requires mixing warm milk (200 ml) and 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate powder. The mixture should be thoroughly stirred with a fork, shaken, and cooled to room temperature. In this form it should be taken 2 tbsp. l. 1 time three times a day before meals. Treatment of papillomas with soda should be carried out within 2 weeks; if it does not give the desired results, it will need to be repeated after a month.

Inhalations with soda for papillomas

Inhalations with soda will help strengthen the immune system and suppress the activity of papillomavirus. In this case, you need to boil 1 liter of clean water and, when it cools down a little, pour baking soda (3 tsp) into it. Then the composition must be stirred well until the powder is completely dissolved, place the container with it on a chair, sit next to it, bend over the product, cover with a blanket and inhale the vapors for 5 minutes or until the solution cools.

Inhalations with soda for papillomas on the body are recommended 1-2 times a day. You cannot perform them on a full or empty stomach, so the optimal time for this is 1-2 hours before or after meals. Results can be seen approximately 5 days after starting therapy.

  1. See about treatment of papillomas with potatoes

Compresses with soda for papillomas

In addition to oral administration of folk remedies, you can make compresses from soda for papillomas. The main goal of therapy is to dry the tissues, soften the growths and remove them independently. As a last resort, when the formation has already sufficiently moved away from the skin, it can be carefully removed using sterile tweezers or a patch.

A compress can be made from a solution based on sodium carbonate and a piece of gauze or a cloth, which should be soaked and applied to the papilloma for a certain time, depending on the additional components.

Among all the recipes for folk remedies with soda for papillomas, let us dwell in more detail on the following:

  1. With aloe. Tear off 3 young leaves from this plant, pour boiling water over them, and grind them into pulp in a meat grinder, grater or blender. Heat the mixture in a water bath until warm, add baking soda (2 tsp) into it and stir well. Next, place the finished product on the growths that need to be removed, secure with a bandage, and on top with a band-aid. Walk like this all day, repeat all this the next morning. Treat papillomas with soda for about 2 weeks, at the end of each procedure, rinse off the composition with clean water and wipe the skin dry with a towel.
  2. With castor oil. Heat the oil (4 tablespoons) over low heat, without bringing it to a boil, and dissolve the baking soda in it. Add the third part of a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to this mixture. Lubricate a piece of gauze or a cotton pad with this mixture and leave it on problem areas for 3-5 minutes. If the skin begins to sting, remove the compress. Do it once a day, the optimal course duration is 10 days. Read about the beneficial properties of castor oil for papillomas.
  3. With laundry soap. Before going to bed, in the evening, grate it (10 g) on ​​a fine grater and dilute with water (50 ml), achieving soapy foam. Then add 2 tsp to the solution. baking soda, stir the mixture, saturate a cotton pad with the mixture. Apply it to the papilloma, secure it on top with an adhesive plaster or bandage, and leave the compress until the morning. Follow this procedure every day for at least a week.
  4. With onion peel. It must be fresh. Remove it from the vegetables, soak in apple cider vinegar in the proportions of 2 tbsp. l. for 30 ml. Then place the mixture in a jar, cover and keep in the basement or refrigerator for 2 weeks. After this time, strain the mixture, add baking soda (2 tsp) into the resulting solution and stir. Soak a cotton pad, cotton wool or a piece of gauze in it, apply it to the papilloma and cover it with a band-aid on top. You need to keep a baking soda compress for papilloma for 10 hours, so it is best to do it at night. After removing it, lubricate your skin with moisturizer.
  5. With water. Heat it on the stove, mix with baking soda in such volumes to form a thick paste. Place it on the papilloma, cover the top with a bandage and secure with a bandage. Walk like this for 1-2 hours. After this, remove the compress, remove any remaining product, and wipe the skin dry. Carry out the procedure for treating papillomas with soda once a day. Repeat the manipulations for about 2 weeks.

If compresses are not suitable, you can try treating papilloma at home once a day with iodine, and then with a soda solution of 2 tsp. sodium carbonate and 150 ml of water. Next, the formation must be lubricated with iodine again and not washed off.

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Soda baths for the treatment of papillomas

This method of treating papillomas with soda is relevant when it comes to their location on the legs or arms. To prepare an effective solution, you need to mix baking soda (50 g) with warm water (3 l). In this composition, it is necessary to steam the skin for about 10 minutes, after which it should be thoroughly wiped with a dry towel.

You can also combine baking soda (2 tbsp), laundry soap (1 tbsp) and warm water (2 l). You should take this bath for 15 minutes every evening until the papilloma begins to move away from the skin. After the procedure, the latter must be dried well with a towel.

The use of compresses and baths can be combined, so the result will be even brighter. Treatment of papillomas with soda should last at least 10 days; the longer, the greater the chance of successfully eliminating the tumors.

Results of treatment of papillomas with soda

The photo shows the results of removing papillomas with soda

You can see the dramatic effect of using soda only after a few days or even weeks. After the first 2-3 compresses or baths, the papilloma becomes softer inside. After 5-6 procedures, it becomes covered with a hard crust, and after about the same period of time, it gradually peels off and moves away from the skin.

After removing such formations from a person at home, usually no traces remain in their place; sometimes light spots that differ in color from other areas of the skin may be noticeable. They go away in a few weeks and do not lead to scars.

When using soda internally for papillomas, after 1-2 courses of treatment, the virus may become less active, which will prevent the formation of new growths on the body.

Real reviews about the use of soda for papillomas

There are reviews on the Internet about the use of soda for papillomas, both positive and negative, as well as neutral. Some do not believe in the effectiveness of folk remedies, others rely only on them. Analysis shows that among the people who have resorted to such a remedy, there are both men and women of completely different ages.

Rita, 45 years old

From my own experience, I will say that soda for papillomas is a universal remedy; I use it very often, including the experience of successfully removing hanging formations with its help. To do this, I had to undergo a month-long course of compresses. I prepared them with the addition of sodium carbonate and aloe pulp, lemon juice, and onion peels. I tried a lot of different recipes, but I liked them the most with these ingredients. The procedures were painless, all components were accessible and inexpensive, I didn’t notice anything complicated. After removing the formations, small dots remained in their place, which after a few months completely disappeared.

Review of the use of soda for papillomas of Vladislav, 40 years old

I had several papillomas on my back, to get rid of them I did soda baths and compresses. I took 2 courses lasting 2 weeks, these remedies did not help me right away, I saw the result only after the end of the last one. As a result, the formations moved away from the skin on their own; I didn’t even have to do anything to remove them. True, in the first days there was some discomfort, since I have sensitive skin, but it quickly went away after using a moisturizer with soothing properties.

Oksana, 23 years old

I cannot take folk remedies seriously, since my mother is a doctor, so she used soda solutions only in addition to pharmaceutical ointments. The result did not take long to arrive; in 2 weeks there was almost no trace left of 3 large papillomas. To do this, every day before going to bed, I applied a compress of soda to them and kept it all night, until the morning, under a bandage and plaster, as written in the recipe. I think that this is a really good remedy, but I would not rely solely on it in the fight against papillomas.

How to get rid of papillomas at home - watch the video:

Removing numerous papillomas with soda may not be the best option, but this remedy is ideal for eliminating single formations on completely different parts of the body. You just need to learn how to use it correctly and follow all the instructions in the recipes.

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