How to remove a mole on the face

Almost all people have moles. For some, they are located on the face. Such a mole gives a woman special attractiveness, and a man – sexuality. It is known that there was a fashion when young ladies specially applied “front sights” to give their appearance charm. But lately, the question very often arises about whether it is possible to remove moles on the face. After all, they often bring discomfort, cling to clothes and simply look ugly.

So, is it possible to remove moles on the face? And by what methods so as not to cause harm?

Types of moles

As any medical reference book says, a nevus is a skin formation that appears at birth. In special cases, it is acquired during life. These formations are benign. They do not require removal or treatment. But over the course of a person’s life, they can become malignant tumors. This may be accompanied by influences both externally and internally.

All nevi are divided into several varieties:

  1. Flat. These moles are pigment spots that every person has. Visually they look like dots. Their color can vary from bright brown to dark shades. Such nevi do not grow and do not threaten human life. Is it possible to remove flat moles on the face? Doctors say that it is almost always possible to get rid of such nevi.
  2. Convex. These are protruding skin formations. They differ from ordinary moles by their bumpiness. This species is unsafe for human life. Therefore, people with such moles need to see a doctor. And only a doctor can say whether it is worth getting rid of such nevi.
  3. Blue. These moles are a special type. They are considered safe. Consultation with a doctor is necessary only if the nevus increases. Blue moles can come in different shapes, sizes, and consistencies.
  4. Vascular. This type occurs on the human body from the upper layer of skin. Vascular moles are warts. They pose a danger only if they grow very quickly or are at the epicenter of inflammation.

Indications for eliminating nevi

Is it possible to remove moles on the face? This issue must be discussed with your doctor.

Removal of moles on the face is done in two cases:

  1. Aesthetic considerations. Nevus removal is carried out based on the wishes of the patient.
  2. Medical indications. Mole removal is recommended by doctors. This is advisable if nevi are constantly exposed to trauma. This can lead to serious consequences in the future. For example, a mole is located on the head. A person combs his hair and constantly injures it.

Serious symptoms

In some cases, it is better not to think about whether it is possible to remove moles on the face, but to rush to the doctor and have them removed as quickly as possible. We are talking about the degeneration of a nevus.

Symptoms that characterize danger are:

  1. different color;
  2. increase in size of the mole;
  3. redness;
  4. falling hair growing from the roots of the mole;
  5. cracks are observed;
  6. the nevus itches or feels burning;
  7. fluid or blood is released from the mole.

If such manifestations occur, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist-oncologist. If you feel discomfort in the area of ​​the mole, and the doctor’s advice is removal, do not hesitate. Untimely removal of the nevus can lead to the development of melanoma.

It is very dangerous to self-medicate, use various ointments and folk remedies. This can lead to the development of a pathological process in tissues. It is also strictly forbidden to get rid of moles yourself. The consequence of such an act may be blood poisoning.

Why does black hair grow on moles: what is it?

Often people pay very little attention to ordinary nevi. But, of course, a large, pronounced mole attracts the eye. Especially if hair grows from it. The appearance of such nevi is far from aesthetic. Therefore, people with such moles often develop complexes. It is not surprising that the question arises: is it possible to remove a mole on the face from which hair grows? After all, I really want to get rid of this “kiss of the angels.”

Laboratory studies have proven that hair that grows from a mole is a natural phenomenon. This is a sign that the nevus is developing normally and its cells are healthy. The appearance of hair from moles indicates good blood supply. Such nevi practically do not degenerate into oncological formations.

Therefore, you can always get rid of a mole with hairs. But just do it in a medical facility.

Which moles cannot be removed

As you know, not every nevus is allowed to get rid of. Therefore, before deciding whether a small mole on the face can be removed, the doctor will carefully examine it.

There are various types of nevi that must be observed by a doctor, as they can threaten a person’s life. These are mainly large moles that grow quite quickly. If moles increase gradually, they are less dangerous. Doctors do not recommend removing nevi that do not bother you.

The fact is that surgical intervention to remove a mole can provoke serious consequences:

  1. After getting rid of the nevus, you can start the mechanism for the development of oncology. In this case, cancer cells will “walk” throughout the body and damage weak organ systems.
  2. Surgery to remove moles can only be done if tests have confirmed that it is a nevus and not a malignant skin formation.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the “operation” at home. One wrong step and the consequences can be fatal.
  4. There is one, but very big danger when removing a mole, this is blood poisoning.

Mole removal methods

If you have to remove several nevi, then each of them needs a special approach. After all, they can be different in their structure and education. The doctor performs a dermoscopic examination. This way he determines the absence of atypical cells and selects the most effective way to remove the mole.

There are various methods for eliminating nevi. The safest, highest quality and fastest method is laser removal. This method is recommended for those who are interested in the question of whether it is possible to remove a mole on the face without a scar. After a laser procedure, scars almost never remain.

Surgery is an older method, but is also used in medicine. It is carried out if there is a suspicion of cancer.

Laser removal

This type of operation is painless, fast, and effective. Is it possible to remove moles on the face with laser? Doctors recommend this intervention to eliminate nevi.

After all, the procedure has a number of advantages:

  1. The action of the laser can be adjusted. Thanks to this, the doctor will select the depth and diameter of the puncture as accurately as possible.
  2. Other areas of the skin other than the mole are not damaged.
  3. All layers of the nevus are removed.
  4. There is no bleeding.
  5. The removal site heals in a couple of days.
  6. There are no scars or scars left.

This type of operation is painless, the operation time is a few minutes.

After the operation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. avoid sunlight;
  2. refuse to go to the pool, sauna, bathhouse;
  3. Wipe the place where the mole was with disinfectants.

This type of operation has virtually no contraindications, does not cause negative consequences and does not provoke discomfort. Removing flat moles on the face is quite easy and quick. Before and after photos allow you to make sure that the operation does not leave scars.

Liquid nitrogen removal

Cryodestruction is carried out at a fairly low temperature (about 180 degrees). This method involves freezing the mole.

This principle of removal is unique in that human tissue that becomes dead is not removed. They are a good protection under which new, healthy skin is formed. But this method is practically not practiced in removing moles on the face. It is often used to get rid of papillomas.

Electrical removal

This operation is commonly called electrocoagulation. This method can be used on any part of the body, including the face. When performing electrocoagulation, the mole is burned from the skin.

The advantages of this method are:

  1. removal is done in one session;
  2. getting rid of any type and type of moles;
  3. no bleeding.

There is one disadvantage - scars and cicatrices may remain at the site of removal.

Surgical removal

This type of removal is used only when moles are large and skin formations are deep. The operation is performed under anesthesia. The doctor uses a scalpel to cut out the nevus. Then he applies medical stitches.

There are the following disadvantages to this operation:

  1. open bleeding;
  2. possibility of blood poisoning;
  3. scars may remain.

Therefore, it is not recommended to perform this type of surgery on the face.

Removal at home

Do not try to get rid of nevi on your own. Such “operations” often lead to serious consequences.

Only hanging moles can be removed at home. There are different methods for getting rid of such nevi:

  1. Rubbing a mole with pineapple juice.
  2. Vaseline will also help. They need to lubricate the nevus.
  3. Is it possible to remove a mole on the face with celandine? To get rid of a nevus, it is recommended to wipe it with the juice of the above-mentioned plant.

Remember that it is absolutely not recommended to remove moles at home! It is better to consult a doctor first.

Moles or nevi come in different shapes, sizes and colors, but every person has at least a dozen such marks. And if pigmented spots on the body usually do not cause any discomfort, benign formations on the face can cause self-doubt or more serious consequences. We'll figure out in what cases moles on the face can and should be removed, who shouldn't touch them, and what removal method to choose to avoid problems.

Indications for removal

Indications for nevus removal can be personal or medical. The first are limited by the patient's wishes. If a tumor spoils your appearance, you can easily consult a dermatologist and get rid of this cosmetic defect.

Medical indications are based more on physical changes and discomfort. The procedure is carried out to prevent the degeneration of benign formations into malignant ones. A mole should be checked when it:

  1. changed color - the spots should be colored evenly;
  2. has grown - small nevi can also pose a danger, but an increase in size, especially a sharp one, should be the reason for a visit to a dermatologist;
  3. has changed shape - the boundaries of neoplasms are usually clear and even;
  4. itches, hurts or bleeds - the spots should not bother you at all;
  5. changed structure or shape. If a mole suddenly becomes convex, becomes crusty, cracked or peeling, or the hairs growing on top fall out, it is better to show it to a doctor.

It is recommended to remove marks on the face that are subject to constant mechanical stress.

These are moles located at the edge of the hair, in the eye area or on the chin - in areas that are rubbed by glasses or damaged during shaving or combing.

Removal methods

For moles that have pronounced signs of malignancy, the choice of methods is small. Most often they are removed surgically. There are more ways for “good” nevi. You can get rid of tumors using:

  1. laser;
  2. cryodestruction;
  3. electrocoagulation;
  4. radio wave exposure;
  5. folk methods.

Before removing a mole on the face, you should definitely contact a dermatologist-oncologist.

The doctor will examine the tumor and give permission for removal. If necessary, he can also select a suitable method. You should not completely trust beauty salons - they are not always equipped with the necessary equipment, and their employees often do not have sufficient knowledge.

Surgical removal

On the face, they try to resort to surgical removal only in extreme cases, when the tumor threatens the patient’s life. Large scars often remain on the skin, so the procedure is not worthwhile for cosmetic purposes.

The mark is cut out along with part of the healthy skin to ensure that no aggressive cells remain. This is one of the most reliable methods; relapses are practically excluded. After the nevus is removed, the wound is treated, cauterized, and an antibiotic bandage or stitches are applied. The recovery period takes quite a long time.

The method is suitable even for large moles. The procedure has virtually no contraindications, with only one being intolerance to anesthetics.

Laser removal

One of the most preferred methods for removing moles on the face if the neoplasm turns out to be “good”. The procedure is bloodless. The patient does not experience pain during removal; it is performed under local anesthesia. The laser is aimed directly at the mole. The beam burns out a small point without damaging healthy tissue. After removal, a small crust appears at the site of the tumor, which comes off in 5-7 days.

Scars are not typical for this method. Only a light spot may form, but over time it will acquire a normal shade. If it is important to you that there are no marks left on your face, take a closer look at this method.

The video shows the process of removing a small nevus on the forehead. Please note that the entire procedure takes 2-3 minutes.

There are relatively few contraindications to the procedure. Laser treatment should be avoided:

  1. in case of degeneration of the mark into a malignant tumor;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. people with allergies to ultraviolet radiation;
  4. with exacerbation of herpes;
  5. with menstruation on the day of surgery;
  6. inflammatory diseases.

Radio wave method

Also a great way to get rid of a mole on your face. It will help remove small marks without leaving a trace. If the formation was large, a scar of the same size or slightly smaller may remain.

Psychologically, this procedure is a little easier to endure than laser manipulation. The tissues are not cauterized here, but are removed using high-frequency radio waves. The operation takes a few seconds; you simply won’t have time to feel anything. The method is safe, suitable for nevi of any size and allows you to take material for subsequent research. The wound heals in about a week.

In the video, a nevus is removed using a radio knife. A large tumor requires several movements, but a specialist can cut off a small point with one.

This method is not recommended to be used:

  1. during pregnancy or lactation;
  2. for diabetes mellitus;
  3. when wearing pacemakers.


After electrocoagulation, a barely noticeable scar may remain at the site of the mole. For marks on the face, it is worth choosing if a laser and radio knife are not suitable for you for some reason.
The method involves exposing the tumor to electric current. The marks are burned under local anesthesia; the patient does not feel pain. During the procedure, healthy tissues are cauterized and this avoids bleeding or infections entering the wound. The crust goes away after surgery in 7-10 days. Of the contraindications:

  1. intolerance to electrical procedures and anesthesia;
  2. problems with blood clotting.


During cryodestruction, pigmented spots are frozen with liquid nitrogen. It is less intimidating than previous methods and is painless. Immediately after surgery, the moles remain in place, protecting the wound from infection. Within 2 weeks, the tumors disappear, leaving healthy skin. After removing a nevus on your face, you will have to take a vacation or tolerate this cosmetic defect for a while.

If it is psychologically difficult for you to endure procedures where the skin is exposed to high temperatures or electric current, this is the optimal method. Only on the face cryodestruction should be carried out with caution. Be sure to read reviews about the specialist you are contacting and look at his work. Nitrogen cannot be directed in the same way as a laser or radio knife; it often freezes healthy skin and leaves scars. The method also has a relatively high risk of relapse; sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
Allergy to cold is a contraindication to the use of the method.

Home methods

It is better not to experiment with mole removal at home. Independent manipulation of tumors is dangerous. But if you decide to try non-medical methods at your own risk, it is still important to have your spots examined by a dermatologist first.

Most often, “Super cleanser” is used to remove nevi on your own. The method is very budget-friendly - in the pharmacy the liquid costs up to 100 rubles. To carry out the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, and a healing ointment is applied around the mark. Celandine is dripped directly onto the mole. It cauterizes the damaged tissue, leaving a crust and a wound at the site of formation, which gradually heals.

It is better not to use Super Clean on the face. There is a high chance that you will damage healthy skin. There is also a risk that the manipulation will not remove the nevus completely and a new one will appear in its place.

Photos before and after removal

Results of electrocoagulation. On the left is a “before” photo, the second was taken 1.5 months after the operation, the third was taken a year later:

Also removal by electrocoagulation:

Radio wave method. The photo shows the nevus “before”, immediately after the procedure, after 9 days and a month. The wound healed very quickly, there was practically no trace left:

Laser operation. On the left – immediately after removal, in the middle – after 5 days, on the right – after 20:

Care after removal

To ensure that the wound heals faster after surgery and that a scar does not remain on your face, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations. In the first week after surgery, the treated area It is forbidden to wet, smear with cosmetics, rub or scratchso as not to cause an infection and to avoid accidentally removing the resulting crust. It should go away naturally. The wound is treated only with non-aggressive antiseptics, which are recommended by the dermatologist.

Within three months after the procedure you need to avoid sunbathing. Solariums and spending time on the beach will be prohibited, and creams with a high degree of SPF protection will have to be used every day.


The most terrible consequence that threatens after removal of a mole is the degeneration of the formation into melanoma. This is why it is dangerous to get rid of pigmented spots without consulting a doctor - you can affect a “bad” nevus or not remove all the affected tissue. Damaging the tumor will only speed up the process of its development. The remaining malignant cells can grow again and quickly penetrate the blood and lymph, which spread them throughout the body.

You should be wary after surgery:

  1. a lump at the site of the mark - this is probably the initial stage of a malignant tumor;
  2. non-healing wound - infection could get inside;
  3. prolonged bleeding.

In all these cases, you need to contact a dermatologist-oncologist as quickly as possible and not hope that the problems will go away on their own.

If the mole is removed by an experienced doctor, serious consequences or relapse can be avoided. But no one can give a guarantee that no scar or light spot will remain at the site of the nevus. Usually they are small and disappear on their own over time, but for some, even such minor defects on the face can be critical. When you go to remove a mole just for the sake of aesthetics, remember that an even more pronounced mark may form in its place.

Try not to experiment with your face and don’t be afraid to go to clinics - they will determine the type of tumor, select the optimal method of removal, and carry out the procedure according to all the rules. Remember that stories about terrible consequences after mole removal are most often spread by those who went to regular cosmetologists or self-medicated.

Removal of moles on the face (nevi) – TOP 5 removal methods

Removing moles on the face does not take much time. The procedure is carried out in several ways: laser, electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, surgical excision. Features, advantages and disadvantages of each method, read in this article.

What do moles look like?

A mole is a pigmented benign tumor on the skin that can be found in almost every person.

Small pigment formations can be aesthetically attractive and perceived as a “highlight” of the image. But large and convex ones can not only be a cosmetic, but also a medical problem.

The accumulation of pigment on the skin can have different sizes, shapes and colors:

  1. from 0.5 mm to several cm;
  2. flat, hanging on a thin base, in the shape of a semicircle on a wide base;
  3. yellow, brown, black, pink.

They occur on any part of the body, including the scalp and even the mucous membrane.

The types of formations are numerous. And not all of them are safe for their owner.

Why moles appear on the face (4 reasons)

Moles arise from pigment cells that are located between the epidermis and dermis.

The most common causes of nevi:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Frequent exposure to UV treatment on the skin (sunlight provokes the production of melanin, which often causes moles).
  3. Hormonal imbalance (puberty, gestation, childbirth, endocrine diseases, etc.);
  4. Skin injuries, infectious diseases, pathologies of the epidermis.

Removal of moles on the face (TOP-5)

If the nevus gradually grows, changes shape, structure, causes inconvenience, is located in a vulnerable place or looks aesthetically unattractive, it is better to remove it.

But before doing this, the patient should undergo a thorough diagnosis to exclude malignancy of the cellular structures of the nevus.

To do this you may need:

  1. examination and history taking;
  2. taking a smear from the surface of the tumor;
  3. epiluminescence microscopy.

If cancer is suspected, it is recommended to remove the formation by surgical excision or electrocoagulation.

This is necessary in order to subsequently send the material for histological examination to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

In all other cases, either cryotherapy or laser removal of moles on the face are recommended. These methods are less traumatic and do not leave scars.

What you need to know about moles:


Excision of nevus tissue is carried out using thermal exposure to high-frequency current.

A special surgical coagulator produces a high-frequency current that simultaneously cuts and coagulates tissue.

After the procedure, a crust forms on the treated area, which disappears on its own after a few days.

The method is used primarily to remove medium-sized formations.

  1. the excised material can be sent for histology;
  2. the cosmetic effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure;
  3. There is no bleeding or risk of infection during the procedure.
  1. The method is painful, so anesthesia is required, and therefore it is not suitable for people intolerant to painkillers.
  2. Scarring is possible.

Surgical excision

This radical method involves the use of a scalpel. The method is suitable for removing large, hanging formations or those located in hard-to-reach areas (for example, on the eyelids).

It leaves behind scars, since the removal of the nevus involves the capture of adjacent skin. But it has almost no contraindications. Painful, so local anesthesia is required.

pros Minuses
Suitable for removing “dangerous” moles. Anesthesia is required.
More effective on large lesions than any other method. Traces after the operation are noticeable.
The result is noticeable immediately after the operation. Possible infection.
The excised material can be sent for histological analysis. Long-term postoperative wound care is required.

Laser method

It is one of the most popular methods for removing moles on the face. Suitable for treating other areas of the body.

The essence of the method is to “evaporate” the liquid from the nevus cells to the level of normal skin. This is done using a laser beam.

The procedure is painless for the patient, so there is no need for anesthesia. Some people experience a slight tingling sensation on the skin.

For each patient, individual parameters of the laser beam (intensity, length) are set, since the depth and width of the mole is different in each case.

The duration of laser therapy does not exceed 5 minutes. Immediately after removal, the skin in the treatment area will be red, this is completely normal.

After a few days, a crust forms that cannot be removed so that no pigment spot remains on the skin. It will disappear on its own after a week.

The procedure provides excellent cosmetic results because it does not leave tissue scars. It has many positive reviews due to its reasonable cost and high efficiency.

  1. short and painless rehabilitation period;
  2. no marks on the skin after complete tissue healing;
  3. no need for pain relief;
  4. the likelihood of infection and bleeding is reduced to zero.
  1. Nevus tissue cannot be sent for histological analysis.
  2. More suitable for small formations.


This is another popular method for removing nevi. Destruction of the formation is carried out using exposure to low temperatures - liquid nitrogen.

  1. If the mole is flat, then the substance is applied using a special cotton swab with a small diameter.
  2. If on a thin stem - in the form of an aerosol jet.
  3. If the formation is deep and located on a wide base, an ultra-thin needle with a temperature sensor is inserted. It is cooled to the required temperature and removed almost immediately.

Low temperature freezes intracellular fluid. As a result, a scab forms, the mole shrinks, turns pale, loses sensitivity, and the affected cells are gradually rejected.

The time of exposure to cold lasts from several seconds to 3 minutes - depending on the size, shape and depth of germination of the neoplasm.

There are no unpleasant sensations during the procedure. After 3 days, a crust forms on the skin. It also goes away on its own after a week.

  1. effectively removes moles;
  2. reasonable cost;
  3. no anesthesia, suturing, or changing of dressings is required;
  4. no scars remain on the skin.
  1. Sometimes the effects of liquid nitrogen extend to healthy tissue.
  2. The result is not noticeable immediately, but after a week or two.
  3. There is a possibility of getting a cold burn (if the cosmetologist is insufficiently skilled).
  4. In some cases, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result the first time, so a repeat procedure is required.

Question answer

Do moles cause purely aesthetic discomfort?

Is it possible to know for sure that a mole will degenerate into cancer?

How much does mole removal cost?

Can I remove it at home?

Many products have been developed to remove lesions at home. But before using them, you need to make sure that the mole is not prone to malignancy (degeneration into cancer). Otherwise, tumor relapse and cancer cell metastasis are possible.

Some of the most effective drugs are:

They operate on the principle of cryodestruction. The active ingredients are: dimethyl ether, propane.

A mixture of these components is contained in an aerosol can. A special holder with an applicator (included) should be placed on the latter. Then press for 3 seconds. and remove from the container.

During this period of time, the applicator will be saturated with refrigerant and after 20 seconds it should be applied to the problem area for 20 seconds.

Suitable only for removing flat, small moles (no more than 5 mm). If the formations are convex, hanging, or wide, then the method will not be effective enough, as a result, part of the mole will remain on the surface of the skin. The drug costs about the same as cryotherapy.

Also, if the mole is flat and small, it can be lightened. On sale you can find drugs that reduce the production of dark pigment and destroy it (expigment, Melalite forte, etc.).

Their active ingredient is hydroquinone. The result will not be noticeable immediately. It will take several weeks, or even months, to achieve lightening of the skin.

Creams have conflicting reviews and contraindications, so consultation with a dermatologist is required before use.

Possible consequences

Judging by the reviews, the consequences of removing moles on the face can be unfavorable. The most serious is cancer, namely melanoma.

Pathology may occur due to incorrect depth of exposure to a laser beam or liquid nitrogen. And also, if nevus cells remain in the skin, with prolonged, regular exposure to the sun after the procedure.

Also among the negative consequences:

  1. A depression, a hole in the skin (during unprofessional work of a doctor).
  2. Inflammation, suppuration (due to improper care or non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements during and after surgery).
  3. Recurrence of pigmented nevus (if nevus cells remain in the skin).
  4. Itching, pigmentation, peeling and pain (if healthy areas are damaged).



“For a long time I could not find a suitable method for removing moles on my face, I read reviews, and consulted with a doctor.

The specialist recommended the laser method, explained in detail all the nuances and why this method is right for me.

In general, thank you very much to my dermatologist, she did everything very quickly and painlessly. I’m happy with the result - there are no marks left on the skin.”


“I removed 3 large moles on my cheek using electrocoagulation. It was quite unpleasant, plus the tissue took a long time to heal.

But the procedure went quickly and took no more than 3 minutes. The results of my facial mole removal (before and after) can be seen in the photo.”


“I went to a competent dermatologist. I have had a large mole on my cheek for many years now. She grew for a long time, but constantly.

The color was uneven, the edges were unclear and the shape was irregular. The doctor suspected a melanoma nevus and forced me to undergo several examinations.

The neoplasm was surgically removed. Now everything is fine, I’m glad that I turned to a specialist in time.”

Expert opinion

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

The type of procedure for removing a mole should be chosen by the doctor, taking into account the clinical manifestations of the formation and its tendency to malignancy. In their practice, doctors most often use the laser method. The procedure takes a few minutes and does not cause tissue scarring.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

I consider cryotherapy more suitable for papillomas and warts, since often after it the nevus cells remain in the skin, requiring a repeat session. I consider surgical treatment and electrocoagulation to be “heavy artillery” methods, since they are quite traumatic, painful, and leave a mark on the skin. And they are more suitable for large nevi that are prone to degenerating into cancer.

In most cases, moles do not pose a danger to humans. But if they begin to manifest themselves differently, change sizes, then it is better to check with a doctor. After all, an ordinary mole can turn into cancer.