What does jojoba oil smell like?

This is one of the blog posts written by Vlady

Appearance and smell: Jojoba oil is not even an oil, it is a liquid wax and does not undergo rapid oxidation. As soon as we in Russia did not translate its name, YoYoba and Hojoba, and several other consonant names. But you and I will call it correctly - Jojoba.

Method of extraction: Jojoba oil is one of the most wonderful vegetable oils, which is obtained from the fruits of the Simmondsie chinensis plant (aka Buxus chinensis), which grows in Mexico and Arizona. Jojoba grows primarily in desert regions of North America. The height of the yoyoba bush reaches 3 meters, and its roots can go 9–10 meters deep in search of moisture. This is a purely desert plant.

In the old days, Simmondsia Chinensis grew exclusively as a wild plant in the Sonoran Desert. This unassuming region of Mexico is located on the Gulf of California coast. Outside its native range, this plant was completely unknown until European explorers and missionaries visited the area in the 18th century. Jojoba was mentioned in their posts. Already at that time, the healing effects of the plant, especially its seeds, were described. The most significant review of this time was left by Jesuit Father Javier Clavijero, who, in his History of California, published in 1789, provided detailed information about the use of Jojoba seeds for culinary and medicinal purposes.

According to this description, the Indians of Baja California used the plant to ease childbirth, treat wounds, relieve stomach pain, and as a laxative. The tasty seeds were used in salads to replace olives, and when roasted, they were used in various drinks. The oil was used for cooking and also for hair care.

The history of its use goes back thousands of years. Samples of jojoba oil found in the Egyptian pyramids have fully retained their properties to this day. The only mystery remains how the oil of a plant growing on another continent was available to the Egyptian pharaohs. But it may well be that Jojoba also grew in the desert part of Africa. Nowadays, Jojoba does not grow wild in Africa.

Properties of the oil. The properties of jojoba oil are due to the amino acids it contains - a protein that resembles collagen - a waxy substance. The value of the oil also lies in the fact that it is very resistant to rancidity (oxidation) and is ideal for the technology of manufacturing cosmetics.

Healing properties: Jojoba oil has a high content of vitamin E, which determines its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties and ability for long-term storage without rancidity. Effective for joint inflammation. It can be used for acne, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc.

Jojoba oil is a wonderful skin care product for newborns, especially effective for rashes (including diaper rashes) and diaper rash. It is used for eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and itching that occurs with psoriasis.

Jojoba oil is a storehouse of solar energy that fills the desert; it contains many biological and mineral substances and vitamins. It contains everything you need for beautiful, well-groomed skin. Thanks to its balanced composition, it is suitable for all skin types.

The oil has a thick consistency, but with extremely high penetrating and absorbing ability, provides a protective layer and does not leave an oily sheen on the skin and hair.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates skin redness and swelling. burning. It has normalizing properties, therefore, it is useful for dry skin. and for oily skin. Jojoba oil has a positive effect on the skin, nourishes and moisturizes, penetrating deeply into the pores, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Optimizes the absorption of vitamin D and the production of melanin by the skin under sun exposure. Nourishes and strengthens hair, eyelashes, eyebrows.

It nourishes, moisturizes, and penetrates deeply into the pores, ideally caring for the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.

Effective for aging, tired, sagging skin, wrinkles around the eyes, for the treatment of problematic skin, acne, cracks, minor injuries, and dry dermatitis.

Jojoba oil is used to care for lips, especially dry, chapped, cracked, for skin care after shaving, sunbathing and water treatments, to soften compacted skin areas on the palms, elbows, soles of the feet, to reduce colloidal scars, prevent and eliminate skin stretch marks after pregnancy or changes in body weight, with cellulite. Jojoba oil is one of the best hair care products for any type, especially colored, dry and brittle hair.

Magical properties: The finest rejuvenating substance. Carries the energy of the sun.

Directions for use and recipes

External use. Used in pure form or added in amounts of 1-5% to other vegetable oils (almond, peach, apricot and grape seed).

For enriching cosmetics (10-15% jojoba oil in creams, lotions and 5-10% in shampoos and balms), as well as as a basis for dissolving essential oils for massage, masks, applications, lubrication.

For daily skin care of any type: immediately after shaving, taking water procedures or sunbathing, lubricate the skin with pure jojoba oil or its mixture with other vegetable oils (avocado, almond, peach, apricot), or add to 1-2 tablespoons of base 1 drop of orange, lime, rosewood or rose essential oils.

Oil for wrinkles around the eyes: used in pure form or with the addition of 1-2 tablespoons of essential oils of rose and santhal, or santal, neroli. For deep wrinkles: it is better to use jojoba oil in a mixture with avocado or almond oil (1:1): to 1-2 tablespoons of the base, add 1-2 drops of essential oils of lime, mint, fennel or neroli, pine or neroli, pine. For lubrication 1-2 times a day.

For dry, inflamed, flaky skin: in a similar way or in the form of a mask and application. To 1-2 tablespoons of base add 1-2 drops of essential oils of Santal, orange, chamomile.

For flabby, aging, tired skin (prone to the appearance of red spots of “fatigue”): add 1-2 drops of cajuput or patchouli, chamomile essential oils to 1-2 tablespoons of jojoba oil. Use as above.

For problem skin: to 1-2 tablespoons of jojoba oil, add 1-2 drops of essential oils of cedar and cajuput or lavender and cloves. Lubricate problem areas of the skin or make applications for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a day.

In case of loss of skin elasticity, scars and stretch marks of the skin: lubricate problem areas with jojoba oil or its mixture with other vegetable oils, or adding 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil and 1-2 drops each of lavender, peppermint and clove Rub this mixture into the affected areas of the skin. To prevent stretch marks, add 1-2 drops of lemon and tangerine essential oils to 2 tablespoons of base. Use for massage and rubbing into problem areas of the skin.

To soften compacted areas of the skin: use jojoba oil in its pure form or mixed with other vegetable oils, or add 4-5 drops of tea tree and marjoram essential oils or 7-10 drops of neroli to 1-2 teaspoons of base. Use for massage or applications.

For cellulite: used in pure form or with the addition of 2-3 drops of essential oils of geranium, juniper, lemon and fennel or lavender, patchouli, rosemary and cypress to 1-2 tablespoons of base.

To care for lips: add 1-2 drops of lemon balm or peppermint or rose and lemon balm essential oils to 1-2 tablespoons of jojoba oil. Apply the oil to your lips every morning and evening, massaging lightly.

For hair care: lubricate hair roots with jojoba oil or shampoo enriched with jojoba oil, lightly rubbing, 10-15 minutes before washing your hair.
On the comb: in pure form or in combination with essential oils: add 5-7 drops of ylang-ylang or chamomile or orange essential oil to 1 teaspoon of jojoba. Apply to the comb and comb through hair 2-3 times a day. Particularly effective for dry, brittle, thin hair.
For hair loss: a similar procedure is carried out, but with the addition of essential oils of eucalyptus or ginger, or pine, or cedar, or sage. These compositions of oils with jojoba oil can be used for applications to the scalp in case of hair loss for 15-20 minutes before washing the hair.

Back in the middle of the last century, humanity had no idea what jojoba was. Today it is added to everything, and it is difficult to find a hair product without this oil. Why is jojoba oil so good for your hair, and how can it be used?

Benefits of using jojoba oil for hair

Jojoba oil is obtained from the nuts of the Mexican shrub Simmondsia Chinensis. In fact, it is not an “oil” as such: it is a vegetable wax that protects the seeds from temperature changes and physical damage, and it is these properties that people have learned to use for hair and skin care. Despite its density and rich composition, this wax is perfectly absorbed and absorbed by the skin and hair. Since the tradition of calling jojoba wax oil has been established, we will not deviate from it.

This oil is considered universal: it is applied to the hair before shampoo when washing hair to protect against the adverse effects of tap water and active detergent additives, or applied to the hair roots and the hair itself with additional additives for a therapeutic effect after washing as a conditioner. And very often, jojoba oil is used as a base in hair care products, adding essential oils to it to achieve the desired effects.

  1. The main feature of jojoba oil in hair care: its composition is very close in composition to sebum, and thanks to this property, jojoba oil is used to balance excess sebum secretion. You apply oil to the skin, the body believes that a sufficient amount of fat has been released and “reduces speed.” Thus, jojoba normalizes excessively oily or dry scalp, prevents the appearance of itching, irritation, excessive dryness or greasiness of the hair.
  2. The second feature is the presence of compounds known as tocopherols. Alpha, delta and gamma tocopherols found in jojoba are forms of vitamin E, a versatile free radical scavenging antioxidant. Thanks to its ability to resist the effects of free radicals, hair retains its natural color, texture, shine, strength and flexibility. Thanks to jojoba-based products, your hair will not be dull and weak.
  3. The third feature is that the composition contains almost all the microelements, minerals and vitamins your hair needs, and if you only have jojoba oil in your hair care arsenal, that’s enough. Do you want to soothe your scalp, nourish it and your hair, get rid of dandruff, give your hair a little shine and volume, and prevent hair loss? Jojoba oil can do all of these things if you know how to use it.

This includes shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and massage oil. But you need to know a few facts about this oil, which you can read about below.

A few misconceptions, or how to choose quality jojoba oil for hair

We have come across some less than enthusiastic reviews of jojoba, and some reviews even came from trichologists. Let's take a look at them.

  1. "Jojoba oil may cause hair loss". - Of course, everything is possible if you have imagination, a lot of time and effort. But in the case of using jojoba oil, you will have to make special efforts to achieve negative results. And as a rule, they are related solely to the quality of the product used. Some manufacturers generously fertilize jojoba oil with mineral oil and various synthetic components. For what? This is marketing, and its goals are far from yours. Just read the label carefully and study the composition: there should not be anything that can cause skin irritation or other unpleasant effects. Additional components can cause damage to your hair, but not jojoba oil.
  2. “Jojoba has an unpleasant smell of burnt wood, smoked pork or sunflower oil.”. - If you are faced with this phenomenon, know: you bought low-quality oil, made in violation of technology, and most likely - out of a desire to save money. High-quality jojoba oil has a pleasant nutty odor or no odor at all.
  3. “Jojoba oil is more suitable for those with thick hair, while other oils are more suitable for fine hair (for example, almond oil)." - There is no basis for such claims: people with very fine hair also achieve amazing results when using jojoba oil.

The message is simple: choose wisely and you won't be disappointed. High-quality jojoba oil is a real elixir for your hair.

And by the way: if you want to buy high-quality organic jojoba oil, without synthetics, strange additives like “Tibetan weeds” and made exactly in accordance with technology,
then you will find it here.

How to use jojoba oil for hair

Like any other oil, jojoba can be used in many ways. Here are just a few of them:

Therapeutic hair masks based on jojoba

As a rule, essential oils are added to jojoba oil and applied to the hair before washing. Some leave the masks on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing, while others apply hair masks with jojoba oil overnight so that the composition is completely absorbed, and wash their hair in the morning. The choice depends on your hair type and the composition used. Experiment to see what works best for you. Here are recipes for several hair masks based on jojoba.

Oil mask with jojoba for hair loss

  1. Jojoba – 20 ml
  2. Ginger essential oil – 5 k
  3. Essential oil of nutmeg – 3 k
  4. Bay essential oil – 5 k
  5. Rosemary essential oil – 7 k

The product is rubbed into the hair roots with light movements 1 hour before washing the hair. The average course of use is 20 masks, 2 times a week.

Oil mask with jojoba to restore damaged hair

  1. Jojoba – 50 ml
  2. Orange essential oil – 15 k
  3. Cedar essential oil – 15 k
  4. Ylang-ylang essential oil – 10 k
  5. Frankincense essential oil – 10 k

Mix jojoba oil with esters and pour into a dark glass bottle. Distribute a small amount of the oil mixture (2-3 ml) over the entire length of the hair 20 minutes before washing. Use before each hair wash. For more intensive treatment, you can leave it on your hair overnight.

Jojoba with shampoo or conditioner

This is a very popular technique, very similar to mixing coconut oil with shampoo. The only difference is that jojoba does not need to be melted before use, it is a liquid oil. But mixing jojoba oil with conditioner instead of shampoo can provide even better results - try it!

Cowashing for severely damaged hair

  1. Conditioner base – 50 g
  2. Jojoba oil – 2 ml
  3. Myrtle essential oil – 5 k
  4. Orange essential oil – 5 k
  5. Frankincense essential oil – 5 k

Mix all ingredients and apply to damp hair. Massage lightly and leave for 5 minutes to work. Rinse off with plenty of water. Use once every 5-7 days instead of your regular shampoo and conditioner.

Leave-in hair mask made from jojoba oil after shampooing

This hair mask based on jojoba oil is applied to the hair after washing to give the hair shine and elasticity. Since jojoba oil is a vegetable wax, it very carefully envelops each hair, protecting your hair from the negative effects of the environment: cold, sun rays , polluted air, etc.

  1. Jojoba – 10 ml
  2. Orange essential oil – 7 k
  3. Frankincense essential oil – 5 k

Mix all ingredients and pour into a dark glass bottle. Rub a couple of drops of the mixture into your palms and apply the mask to clean, dried hair. For even distribution, comb your hair with a natural bristle comb.

Oh, these oils) I recently decided to start using jojoba oil. I bought a bottle from the manufacturer “Asper” - they criticize it on the Internet, I bought a bottle of “Tara” in a seemingly reputable store - it doesn’t freeze in the refrigerator. Apparently, not jojoba. Aspera, by the way, is freezing. Tell me how to choose them and not run into a fake. It’s just stupid to focus on price - both of the above-mentioned manufacturers are not the cheapest. As I understand it, you like Iris, Melvita and Lemongrass House (they have this oil very cheap).
Who else do you recommend and what to look for when buying? Thank you

It is probably possible to accurately determine the authenticity of the oil only in a laboratory way. It’s easier with jojoba; it’s a liquid wax that hardens at low temperatures. Coconut oil does the same.
At Lemongrass House I only took coconut oil, I wrote a post about it, it’s divine. The effect of natural oils, basic and essential, is noticeable very quickly, they are easily perceived by the skin, perfectly nourish and moisturize, many do not smell, and do not have a pronounced tint.

Before buying oil, I read about the characteristics of the oil, how to obtain it, its possible cost, and search on thematic forums for information about good brands. You need to know the world's oil manufacturers; if they are not represented in Russia, you can order from them directly online.

If there is widespread dissatisfaction with Asper or Styx oils, it is for a reason. Strictly speaking, I acquire knowledge through experience, always trying oils from different manufacturers. Most of them simply cannot cost 200 rubles.

Hello, I buy oil in Spivak, in general everything there is very cheap, it seems that the oils there are all natural, I’m a newbie and I can’t determine their quality, maybe someone bought it from this company and have reviews? I will be very grateful! By the way, jojoba oil from Lemongrass House does not harden (((And I also took um roses there, it also does not harden and it’s not cheap there!

I never got my hands on Spivak.
As for Lemongrass House, I only bought coconut there until I discovered iHerb))) There is more choice, there is certified organic, and the prices are nicer, you just have to wait.
But rose oil simply cannot be cheap; production is too expensive.
I think they dilute it with some kind of carrier oil, like almond oil.

So much for natural oils! Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes on the market, I tell you this as a specialist in the sale of natural Egyptian oils. You provided interesting material - thanks to the author. I'll keep an eye on the updates.

Sergey, thanks for the comment! I will be glad to see you again on the pages of Beauty Maze

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Burning question!)
I bought avocado oil at the Organic Shop today.
I already doubted them because of the candy-like strong smell of grape seed, but the bottle of avocado in the store didn’t smell like anything, so I decided to take it. My bottle smells simply catastrophic (a completely unnatural smell, which is similar to what is used in very cheap cosmetics as a fragrance, I haven’t encountered it for a very long time. And now I don’t know if these guys should be trusted at all((. If you ask questions through the website about the lack of information about flavorings on the label, they simply ignore them.
I also looked at Planet Organics shea butter, it also looks suspicious and smells not like shea, but like cream or something like that.. And what also makes me suspicious is that all the packages say that they are made using certified organic ingredients. In cosmetics this is understandable and doesn’t need any explanation, but how to apply it to oil is a question. Looks like some kind of half-truth in general)
I don’t even know what to think now)
By the way, I can recommend ordering oils from iHerb. There you can find absolutely excellent manufacturers with reasonable prices. But this is so.. It just seems to me that 1570 rubles. It’s a bit expensive for 100 ml) The parcels took me less than three weeks (this is in Moscow time). And I’m very, very happy with everything)

Lera, I believe that if the manufacturer deliberately misleads the buyer, then it is not worth spending even 1 ruble on this matter. Because you are not stealing this money (I hope), but earning it honestly.
But this is all, so to speak, philosophy, everyone decides for themselves