Benzoic acid in cosmetics

  1. December 23, 2018
  2. Facilities
  3. Irina Fomina

Modern food and cosmetics industries use many chemical additives. All of them are systematized and tabulated. People call them “eshki” because most names have the letter E at the beginning. One of these substances is E210, benzoic acid. What is it and is it worth using products that contain it? The chemical formula of this substance is C7H6O2 (C6H5COOH).

Modern scientists divide chemicals into organics and synthetics. Since organic matter is the natural food for living organisms, many people are disgusted by food additives, as well as preservatives and dyes in cosmetics. Undoubtedly, it is healthier to use organic cosmetics, but they quickly deteriorate, become rancid and begin to smell bad.

To understand how likely it is to combine organics and preservatives, we should consider in detail some of the functions of acids.

Functions of acids

Acids in cosmetics perform different functions. Milk exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving the skin smooth and soft. Lemon whitens, natural AHAs and BHAs moisturize. Organic acids are combined with preservatives to preserve the product. The lower the ph value (acidity indicator), the longer the period of use of the cream.

What to expect from a cream or shampoo that contains benzoic acid? In cosmetics it acts as a preservative. It is known that benzoic acid is contained in lingonberries. It is to this that the famous berry owes its ability to affect infection in the kidneys. It is also formed in fermented dairy products.

On this basis, synthetic benzoic acid is used in the production of natural skin products. Some brands calmly indicate it in the composition, without fear of reproaches of dishonesty.

Technologists explain this for two reasons: firstly, it is wasteful to use valuable organic raw materials for the production of preservatives; it is taken away by the food industry.

Secondly, benzoic acid and its derivative Sodium Benzoate (E211) are allowed by eco-standards and are therefore considered organic preservatives. Recently, more attention has been paid to E211, since, unlike E210, it does not penetrate the cell membrane.

Health effects

The use of benzoic acid in cosmetics has long been considered the norm. However, it was known that some people developed allergies. After entering the body, it breaks down into transformation products and is excreted in the urine.

Research has revealed some facts:

  1. When heated, E210 can release benzene, which is carcinogenic. Therefore, it is important to store food products, cosmetics and fertilizers containing E210 correctly, avoiding strong heat.
  2. The effect of E210 on domestic animals, in particular cats, is detrimental: a concentration of 0.01 mg per kilogram of weight leads to severe kidney damage.
  3. When consuming products containing E210 and E300 (ascorbic acid), benzene is formed. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the consumption of soft drinks and oranges to two hours.

In order not to overload the kidneys, the food industry established a standard for the content of this preservative in the amount of five milligrams per kilogram of the finished food product. Interestingly, in Japan this concentration is lower - two milligrams.

Benzoic acid in cosmetics and medicine

There are cases when the presence of benzoic acid in creams is justified. Moreover, it is an active ingredient. These products, as a rule, are professional, have strict recommendations for use and must be used under the supervision of specialists. The exposure time on the skin is minimal. There may be redness, tingling or pinching sensations.

Benzoic acid is a weak keratolytic. Exceeding the concentration or permissible exposure time will result in a chemical burn. Therefore, some creams are applied focally, pointwise. It's more of a medicine than a cosmetic.

Such products include scabies ointments, antifungal creams, cough mixtures, acne products, strong hold hairsprays, peels, and freckle removers.

Hair products

Manufacturers' use of benzoic acid in hair cosmetics must be accompanied by precautionary statements. If, when washing your hair with shampoo, a negligible amount of E210 gets on the skin, then when creating your hairstyle, a critical amount of it is inhaled with hairspray vapors.

Aerosol mixtures have a small droplet, as a result of which they remain suspended for a long time. The characteristic smell of a hairdresser is largely due to styling products. If the rules of use and the amount of hairspray sprayed on the hair are not followed, the respiratory tract is irritated, which with constant exposure can lead to allergic asthma.

Skin products

Many creams contain benzoic acid or its salts as a preservative. But you should carefully read the composition - because in the presence of ascorbic acid, benzene is released at high temperatures. Chemists began warning about this in 2007, when they conducted research.

Nowadays such a combination is not allowed in industrial products. But for lovers of soap making, cream making and the formulation of natural cosmetics, benzoic acid in combination with citrus fruits can lead to unsafe results due to insufficient knowledge.


Studies have shown that excess concentrations of benzoic acid have a detrimental effect on vital organs and cause mental disorders. A deficiency of organic benzoic acid leads to digestive diseases and depression. A long period without this substance leads to metabolic disorders and anemia.

In cosmetics, the harm of benzoic acid mainly comes down to the appearance of allergies in the form of urticaria in some people. This means that a person is hypersensitive to this ingredient. You should take a test in a laboratory to know the exact diagnosis. If it is confirmed, a diet is prescribed with restriction of certain foods.


It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether the use of benzoic acid in cosmetics brings harm or benefit. Each situation should be carefully considered. And, if you have the opportunity to treat yourself to lingonberries, cranberries or natural cosmetics based on them, do not miss this opportunity.

Acids are quite often used to care for facial skin. They are included in cosmetic products and are used for various procedures. With the help of such products, it is possible to cope with inflammation, eliminate age spots, achieve a rejuvenating effect and make the oval of the face clearer.

The effect of acids on the skin

These substances have many beneficial properties. First of all, they are used to rejuvenate and cleanse the epithelium. With the systematic and correct use of such funds, after 2 weeks you can achieve a number of results:

  1. remove excess moisture from the dermis - as a result, it is possible to reduce swelling;
  2. normalize the acid-base balance in the structure of the dermis;
  3. improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  4. make the skin more soft and elastic;
  5. smooth out wrinkles and make them less pronounced;
  6. cope with rashes and post-acne;
  7. alleviate skin pathologies and speed up the healing process;
  8. lighten pigmentation, make spots less noticeable or completely eliminate them;
  9. cleanse and tighten pores;
  10. reduce the number of blackheads;
  11. reduce the likelihood of malignant epithelioma;
  12. moisturize the epithelium;
  13. increase skin resistance to external factors - exposure to ultraviolet radiation, frost, infections;
  14. strengthen blood vessels;
  15. reduce peeling;
  16. cope with scars, stretch marks, scars.

Although acids have a wide range of applications, such products should not be considered universal. Such substances have a targeted effect. They can be used as anti-aging agents to eliminate wrinkles or used to relieve inflammation. The substances also help whiten the skin, helping to cope with pigmentation.

To achieve tangible results, you need to determine the nature of the problem and select the optimal composition of the product. Each acid-containing product has specific characteristics.

Review of effective acids

Today, quite a lot of acids are used in cosmetology, which have a complex effect on the skin. This allows you to significantly improve its appearance and cope with many problems.


This product binds and retains moisture in the structure of the dermis. When water is lost, the skin becomes looser and less elastic. As a result, many wrinkles appear on it. Anti-aging creams containing hyaluronic acid help restore normal water balance. This helps avoid premature aging.

Hyaluronic acid is actively used to make serums and lotions that have a smoothing effect on the dermis. Thanks to their use, it is possible to make the face healthier and more well-groomed.

In addition, hyaluronic acid is administered by injection. Thanks to such procedures, it is possible to significantly activate collagen production. This helps to normalize the oval of the face, improve the shape of the lips and nose.

Alpha Lipoic

This popular remedy has pronounced antioxidant properties. It helps bind free radicals that harm the appearance of the skin. Alpha lipoic acid functions perfectly in aqueous and fatty environments. Therefore, the substance is actively used to make a wide variety of cosmetics.


This substance belongs to the category of fatty acids. It is actively added to creams as an emulsifier. Stearic acid also increases the protective functions of the skin. This helps neutralize the influence of external factors - ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind.


Fatty palmitic acid has a similar effect. This substance is actively used in the production of creams that help protect dry dermis. It is also added to cosmetics that protect against external factors - wind and frost.

It is worth considering that a deficiency of fatty acids in the body negatively affects the appearance of hair and nails. Therefore, the supply of these substances must be replenished immediately.


This substance belongs to the category of fruit acids. It easily penetrates the structure of skin cells and ensures exfoliation of dead elements. With the help of the product it is possible to get rid of acne, dry out inflamed areas, and narrow pores. In addition, the substance successfully evens out the relief of the face.


The principle of action of this substance resembles the properties of glycolic acid. However, mandelic acid has larger molecules that do not penetrate the skin structure as quickly. Thanks to the use of this substance, it is possible to achieve a calming effect. In addition, the product perfectly whitens the skin and promotes the outflow of cellular fat from the pores of the dermis.


This substance is obtained from whey. It perfectly fills the dermis with moisture, activates the restoration of skin cells, and improves the shade of the epithelium. In addition, lactic acid has a pronounced moisturizing effect, increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.

The product successfully deals with blackheads and tightens pores. Therefore, lactic acid is often added to cosmetics intended for oily skin.


This substance is characterized by a pronounced calming effect. With its help, it is possible to cope with the feeling of itching and eliminate irritation on the skin. The product is actively used for the manufacture of cosmetics and helps whiten the epithelium.


This remedy restores metabolism in the structure of the dermis, normalizes the synthesis of protein elements and nucleic acids. The substance is added to cosmetics that are used for aging skin.


This element is characterized by pronounced bactericidal properties. That’s why benzoic acid is always present in products designed to care for problem skin.


Cosmetics with the addition of succinic acid are perfect for aging skin. They supply the dermis with useful substances and have a pronounced smoothing effect. Thanks to the use of such cosmetics, the skin literally begins to glow from the inside.

Creams containing succinic acid significantly enhance the effect of other cosmetics. Using this element to prepare hair masks helps make strands denser and shinier. The use of this component helps to avoid excessive oily hair.


This remedy allows you to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and cope with inflammation. The substance eliminates various skin problems. At the same time, azelaic acid helps even with complex dermatological pathologies.

To increase the effectiveness of the substance, it can be combined with other acids - citric, lipoic or lactic. Azelaic acid is actively used for peeling. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to achieve a mild whitening effect, cope with inflammatory processes and eliminate pigmentation.


This is a fairly popular product that is actively used in cosmetology. This substance is used to combat inflammatory lesions of the dermis. Salicylic acid has pronounced antibacterial properties, has a drying effect and prevents irritation.

In addition, the substance perfectly exfoliates dead skin particles. With the help of salicylic acid, it is possible to eliminate blackheads and cope with acne. The product perfectly dissolves sebum and initiates restoration processes in the structure of the dermis.


The benefits of vitamin C are beyond doubt. However, not everyone knows that ascorbic acid is actively used in cosmetology.

This substance has pronounced antioxidant properties, helps avoid the appearance of folds and wrinkles, performs protective functions and prevents the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on cells. In addition, ascorbic acid normalizes skin tone and successfully copes with pigmentation.

Rules of application

In order for products containing acids to bring only benefits to the skin, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Stick to the dosage strictly. This will help avoid unexpected results.
  2. Protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This will help avoid pigmentation.
  3. Do an allergy test. Before using the product, apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin. If after a while itching or redness does not appear, you can use the composition for the face.

Contraindications and side effects

Acids have a rather aggressive effect on the skin. Therefore, before you start using them, you should familiarize yourself with the key contraindications:

  1. Young skin. Girls under 22 years of age are not recommended to use cosmetics containing acids. Young skin is capable of renewing itself. Therefore, she does not need additional stimulation.
  2. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Using products containing AHA acids after prolonged exposure to the sun is strictly prohibited. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation there is a risk of the appearance of a large number of pigment spots and even severe burns.
  3. High acid content. Before using the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the content of the active ingredients. If this amount exceeds the safe 3-5%, this is a warning sign. This product belongs to the category of professional products. Therefore, it must be applied by a qualified cosmetologist. Otherwise, there is a high risk of dangerous consequences for the skin.
  4. Childhood. It is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics containing acids at an early age. Certified children's products do not contain such components. However, in any case, it is recommended to pay attention to their composition.
  5. Allergic reactions. To make sure there is no allergy to the ingredients of the product, it must be applied to sensitive skin - the wrist or elbow. It is recommended to keep the composition for a quarter of an hour. If there is no burning, itching or redness, the product can be used on the face.
  6. Increased skin sensitivity, irritation and acne. In this case, products with acids must be used extremely carefully. It is strictly forbidden to increase the duration of the procedure. In such situations, you need to reduce the duration of the session and reduce acidity. If hyperemia or severe burning occurs, you should immediately wash off the product and consult a dermatologist.
  7. Fresh skin lesions, exacerbation of herpetic infection. Damaged skin requires special protection. When using products with acids, the dermis will become more vulnerable. The likelihood of infection also increases significantly.
  8. Pregnancy. Most acids provoke allergies during pregnancy. In addition, the female body undergoes hormonal changes. They can cause age spots to appear. At the same time, AHA acids lead to aggravation of the process.

It is worth considering that after completing procedures using acids, you must use sunscreen. They must contain a protection factor of at least SPF 15.

If the technique of applying cosmetics with acids is violated, there is a risk of unwanted side effects.

The most common consequences are:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. exacerbation of herpetic infection;
  3. skin redness;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. sensation of itching, tingling and burning;
  6. the appearance of addiction;
  7. weeping eczema;
  8. peeling;
  9. necrosis of certain areas of the face;
  10. rashes;
  11. the appearance of light spots on the skin;
  12. swelling;
  13. staphylococcal infections.

To minimize the likelihood of undesirable health effects, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for using cosmetic products with acids.

Today, quite a lot of similar substances are used in cosmetology. The most effective means are presented in the table:

Scope of application

Type of acids Name Properties
rich palmetina


Such products are used as emulsifiers and stabilizers. These acids are used to make different types of soap. Such substances are used as emulsion stabilizers.
unsaturated linolenic


Help replenish the lack of lipids and improve the protective functions of the skin. Thanks to the formation of a kind of film on the surface, it is possible to avoid the evaporation of moisture from the epithelial structure. Such products have pronounced antioxidant properties. This category of acids is included in day and night creams. They are also used to make cleansing milk.
AHA acids dairy


Such products cope with hyperkeratosis and perfectly moisturize the skin. They activate the synthesis of ceramides and collagen fibers. The substances have pronounced antioxidant properties and relieve inflammation. Acids are part of cosmetics - tonics, creams, lotions. In salon conditions it is used for peeling.
Beta hydroxy acids salicylic The product has an exfoliating effect, reduces the synthesis of sebum, and copes with impurities. The substance has antibacterial properties and relieves inflammation. Acid is used for peeling. It is also included in many creams, lotions and tonics that are intended for oily and problematic dermis.
Polyhydroxy acids gluconic The product has a high molecular weight and has a gentle effect on the skin. Helps avoid early aging, activates elastin synthesis, increases the protective functions of the epithelium. The substance is present in anti-aging products that are intended for sensitive skin.
Trichloroacetic acid Produces a deeper effect on the dermis than fruit acids. The mechanism of action is based on protein coagulation. The substance is used for medium TCA peeling.

Acids are quite often used in cosmetology. Such products have a complex effect on the skin, helping to avoid premature aging, relieve inflammation, and improve complexion. To achieve a good effect, when choosing a specific product, you should definitely take into account the characteristics of your epithelium.

In some cosmetic products you can find the name benzoic acid - benzoic acid. Let's take a closer look at what it is, why this acid is needed and how harmless it is for us.

On your creams, masks, scrubs and primers, you have probably noticed more than once the image of an open jar and the number of months next to it. It is this figure that shows after what period of time an amount of bacteria undesirable for the skin will accumulate in a cosmetic product. And, if the cosmetic industry did not use stabilizers and preservatives, the number of months of “life” of the product would be significantly reduced.

One of the popular preservatives often used in cosmetics is benzoic acid. It is a scattering of snow-white needle crystals that glitter in the light, and when they get into fat or alcohol, they instantly dissolve.

Must Know

Origin of Benzoic Acid

Benzoic acid can be of plant or chemical origin. In nature, this acid is contained in cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries and kefir, and in the laboratory it is obtained by the oxidation of toluene and catalysts. Synthetic benzoic acid is more often used in creams, as it copes better with fungi and bacteria. The use of benzoic acid of plant origin increases the cost of the final product and shortens its shelf life.

Functions of benzoic acid

Benzoic acid can be used not only as a preservative, but also as a care component. Due to its bactericidal properties, this acid often ends up in products for oily or problem skin. Also, the acid is used in products aimed at whitening the skin, removing age spots and is found in products to combat freckles.

Safety of benzoic acid products

In acceptable concentrations, benzoic acid is safe for your health and is approved for use in production in the EU countries and Ukraine. However, excess acid in the body leads to allergic reactions, headaches and kidney depression. Please note that animals are more sensitive to acid than we are: it is better not to pet a cat or dog immediately after applying hand cream with this component.

Where else is benzoic acid used?

In addition to cosmetics, benzoic acid is used in the food industry and medicine. In the food industry it is used as a preservative, so you can often read benzoic acid in sauces, canned food, sweet water and semi-finished products. In medicine, they also use the ability of benzoic acid to fight bacteria and often add it to preparations for the treatment of fungal skin diseases and lichen.