How to Wash Your Hair Properly

Drying your hair with a hairdryer is not recommended as it can cause damage to your hair and scalp.

How to wash your hair correctly?

Step 1: Preparation

Before shampooing, wash your brush and stiff-bristled comb to remove all dirt and product residue from your hair. Also make sure all tools, such as curlers and scissors, are clean and ready to use. If you have a dry scalp, apply olive, almond or castor oil to your scalp before shampooing and leave it on overnight.

Step 2: Wash

Wet your hair with warm water to protect it from harmful substances that may be in the soap. Start lathering your hair at the front, at the hairline, and work your way back, rubbing the soap until you form a rich lather, using your fingertips to lubricate your hair and scalp. If your hair is not very dirty, you can do without a comb. Continue massaging your scalp with soap foam, this is necessary in order to thoroughly wash your scalp and hair. Don't forget to rinse the soap and dirt off your head thoroughly under warm water.

Step 3: Rinse

After the third soaping, rinse your hair and scalp twice with warm water, and then rinse with water and vinegar (2 teaspoons of vinegar per 0.5 liters of water). Rinsing your hair with warm water and vinegar is necessary to remove soap residue from your hair. Rinse your hair with cold water to stimulate blood circulation in your scalp and close pores that were opened and cleansed by hot water.

Step 4: Drying

The best place to dry your hair is in the fresh air, in the sun. If the weather and conditions permit, leave your hair to dry in the sun. If it’s cold outside, you can sit by the window and dry your hair in the sun. Mechanical drying of hair using a hair dryer is not recommended, as it can harm the hair and scalp.

Step 5: Hair Care

Including seaweed in your daily diet will make your hair stronger and healthier. You can also use dry seaweed, which you can sprinkle on prepared food. Don't forget that you need to wash your hair at least 2 times a week to keep your hair healthy.

In conclusion, shampooing is a combination of proper technique and hair care. It is necessary to properly lather your hair and massage your scalp, and then rinse thoroughly with water. After this, you should rinse your hair with vinegar water and dry it naturally. It is also important to take care of your hair, using oils and other products to strengthen and moisturize. By following all these rules, you can keep your hair healthy and make it more beautiful and shiny.