How I gave birth. Svetlana says

How I gave birth
Svetlana says

My due date was September 15, plus everyone unanimously said that for those who give birth to a boy for the first time, the due date is usually delayed by a week. So I fantasized that I might give birth on my birthday - September 26th.

Since I was in no hurry to give birth, I still went to work that day. Everyone was still asking: when? and am I ready??? I said: even today... so I scribbled.

I came home from work, everything was fine. My husband came a little later. When I went to bed, it was 11 o’clock, my water seemed to have started to break, but not a lot, just a little at a time. I’m not an alarmist, I tell my husband: I think I’ll give birth today.

He looks at me and says: how do you know? We took out the papers, I typed out the signs of labor onset from the Internet, and let’s read, everything fits, all my signs matched those described.

We called my doctor, he told us to go to the hospital, and from there, if everything was confirmed, he would be informed. I’ve already had these unfortunate contractions, but so far it’s bearable.

At 11:30 we were already at the hospital, and when they looked at me, they said that I would give birth today. This is where a tear came to me. The nurse asks: does it hurt that much? And I have emotions. I seemed ready, but when they confirmed it, I couldn’t help but burst into tears. My husband was nearby.

When we discussed whether he would be present at the birth, he said absolutely not, and I didn’t insist.

My baby and I were immediately connected to the machines, you could hear and see his heart beating, and you could see when I was having contractions. They hooked up some IVs, made sure I didn’t even remember about the toilet, inserted a tube and a bag underneath, so I went to the toilet.

I lay there for 2 hours, enduring all this, and then it became unbearably painful, and I agreed to an epidural. When connected, as Laluna described, it felt like you were flying. My husband is watching next to me, and my contractions are going through the roof and for a long time.

The opening went well. Then either the pain relief stopped working, but I started shaking... And by 6 am the doctor arrived, and they completely disconnected me from the epidural so that I could feel the contractions myself and could push.

My husband is still around. Two nurses helped me a lot, one Chinese and the other Spanish. They, like me, don’t speak English very well, but at that moment I would have understood everything in Chinese... And at 6:30 I already gave birth, i.e. I was in labor for only 30 minutes, and the contractions lasted 7 hours.

I was cut a little, but I hardly felt it. When they told me that the head was already visible, I realized that I needed to finish all this quickly. Fortunately, I’m an athlete, I have good abs, so it all ended so quickly. The doctor later praised me that I was so fast.

Here in the US, everyone's husband is present at the birth... So when my doctor came, my husband was no longer comfortable leaving, so he stayed.

When I gave birth, they told him: look, the head, shoulders, etc. are already there. And when she gave birth, the doctor suggested cutting the umbilical cord, but he, poor fellow, when he saw the little one, sat down and burst into tears.

My little one immediately screamed, and my husband said: it’s so small, it’s tugging with its legs and arms. That's how quickly everything happened for us.

After all, after some time, my husband went and picked up manyunya and brought it to me. My husband was with me almost the whole day and also spent the night with me in the ward. The nurses came and helped me go to the toilet or change clothes and give me some food for feeding.

I stayed there for another 2 days, felt good, and was discharged. It was only when we were driving home that emotions washed over me again. New life, now everything is different, now we are not alone...