Capsule 2

Capsules: definition, properties Briefly about capsule 2:

Capsule 2 in pharmacology is a soft gelatin capsule that is used for temporary storage of drugs. It is most often used in research, experiments, or for general purposes of transporting drugs and medical supplies. However, it is known that capsules 2 can also be used as “capsules” in a figurative sense, that is, they can contain some other objects (for example, a lighter). The name of capsules 2 is due to its shape and appearance. Depending on the technologies used in manufacturing, the capsules have different colors - green, yellow, red, transparent or white. White capsules are used to package some medicines. Medical products should not contain red additives, but under certain conditions bright yellow capsules can be used. In addition, such capsules often contain compounds such as carbohydrates, nutritional supplements and other beneficial ingredients. All this needs to be taken into account