Carabelli Tubercle

**Carabelli Tubercle** is a formation on the uvula of the tooth that can lead to various problems, such as impaired pronunciation and even jaw pain. But don't rush to panic! Carabelli is not a reason to go to the dentist. In this material we will tell you what this concept is and how to deal with it.

**What is Carabelli?**

Carabelli is a small protrusion on the lingual surface of the buccal side of the upper lateral teeth. The name comes from the Latin "carre" - cell, thereby emphasizing its characteristic cellular structure.

This formation may be asymptomatic and not cause any problems. However, in some cases, it can cause complications that affect diction, mouth breathing and the overall health of the teeth and jaws.

Why does he appear?

Chronic malocclusion - the use of frequently incorrect buccal or lingual arches, usually can lead to a sharp form of bending of the lateral wall of the jaw and to neural modifications - caused by growth, a change in the point of fixation.

This includes constant complaints about the sensation of unequal fields of the cranium in the system of arrangement of the sections of the upper jaw relative to the lower jaw; patients in clinical examples cannot obtain a parallel arrangement of lateral jaw movement on both cheeks in any position of the protruded jaw. Most often, the patient chooses this option, giving preference to posterior asymmetry (temporolingual angle).

With a pronounced bend, frequent jamming of the lateral walls of chewing occurs, opening due to physical effort, but retracting the chin. Subsequently, dense supraepiphyseal sebaceous thickenings of the buccal mucosa are formed. This phenomenon can be illustrated as follows - if you take the dentofacial head vertically in the right and left sides of the oral cavity, there is a slight difference - there is more to the right (left ellipse), that is, the left maxillary tooth covers the right maxillary tooth. This feature is typical for people with unnatural asymmetry of the structure, and in patients with other types of cranial neo-asymmetry, there is a violation of the distance between the TMJ and the first upper premolars on the right. Studies show that spatial disturbances are the root cause of the worsening of sebaceous hyperplasia.

The above violations lead to an increase in the force of interaction of traumatic factors - cracks in the masticatory membrane of the oral cavity and dentofacial segments. Since the dentofacial segments mainly consist of bone and cartilage, the elasticity and strength of these structures is significantly higher than that of a dynamically stable mucosa. Due to the high degree of strength, these tissues are not subject to stress until defects form, therefore, non-optimal deformations of the dentofacial apparatus are not manifested by dysarthria and confusion of articulatory organs. Instability in the triad of tissues leads to pathological displacement of the dentoalveolar head in one of three directions - anteriorly, deep into the dentition or outward - and a corresponding deformation of the facial skeleton. Myodystrophic processes develop, causing disruption of the entire muscular system, kinematic relationships