
Cardix: an effective and safe treatment for cardiovascular diseases

Cardix is ​​a drug from the group of antianginal drugs containing the active substance Isosorbide dinitrate. The drug is manufactured in the Netherlands by Yamanouchi Europe B.V. and has many synonyms, such as Aerosonite, Dinit, Isodinite, Isoket and others. Cardix is ​​marketed in the form of extended-release capsules of 20 mg and 40 mg.

Cardix is ​​used to treat angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, acute left ventricular failure, hypertension and congestive heart failure. The drug acts as a vasodilator, dilating blood vessels and improving blood circulation in the body. This helps reduce pressure in the heart and reduce the strain on the heart muscle.

However, like any other drug, Cardix has its contraindications. It should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, anemia, cerebral hemorrhage or recent head injury, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, hypotension, pregnancy and lactation (in this case, breastfeeding should be stopped). It is also not recommended to take Cardix for children.

Side effects from using Cardix may include flushing of the face and neck, headache, nausea, vomiting, orthostatic hypotension, restlessness and tachycardia. Interactions with certain other medications, such as antihypertensives and tricyclic antidepressants, may enhance the hypotensive effect of Cardix.

In case of an overdose of Cardix, symptoms such as cyanosis of the lips and nails, severe dizziness or fainting, a feeling of pressure in the head, weakness, shortness of breath, weak and rapid heartbeat, increased body temperature and convulsions may occur. Treatment in this case should be symptomatic.

To prevent the development of tolerance (addiction) to the drug, it is recommended that after 3-6 weeks of regular use, take a break for 3-5 days.

Cardix is ​​an effective and safe remedy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. However, before starting to take the drug, you must consult your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations on dosage and regimen. You should not self-medicate or change the dosage without consulting your doctor to avoid possible unpleasant consequences.