Cardiomyopathy Obliterative

Obliterative cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that can be caused by various factors and is characterized by damage to the heart muscle due to inflammatory processes or other negative influences. This syndrome is a dangerous disease, so it is necessary to take the necessary measures to eliminate it as soon as possible.

One of the causes of obliterating cardiomyopathy is a hereditary predisposition, that is, this disease can be inherited. The disease often develops in children and young people under 30 years of age. The older generation suffers less often, but this may be due to atherosclerosis in the presence of excess body weight and insufficient physical activity in older people, as well as cardiovascular pathologies. In addition, the following factors can be the causes of obliterating damage to the cardiovascular system: - Inflammatory processes in the body. -Myocardial infarction or previous cardiovascular diseases. - Myocardial dystrophy. - Hypoxic syndrome, as it is usually associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood. The mechanism of occurrence of various diseases is associated with hypoxia. Against the background of insufficient oxygen levels, ischemia appears, which entails various dysfunctions of all organs and tissues, as well as their damage. - Smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine and drugs. - Stress, overwork, emotional instability. This can cause an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol, which, in addition to its positive effects, also has a negative effect. For example, it increases adrenaline levels, which inevitably leads to an increase in heart rate. At the same time, the heart works completely inappropriately. This, of course, affects his condition. Other effects of cortisol include fat deposits in the heart, narrowing of coronary blood vessels, and increased cholesterol levels. All this together causes symptoms of obliterating cardiomyopathy.

Obliterating cardiomyopathies are hereditary diseases of the myocardium, which are characterized by pronounced contractile remodeling, inadequate relaxation and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricular myocardium. Due to a number of reasons (congenital, genetic