Late Rosette Cataract

Cataracts are one of the most common causes of vision loss in old age. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including age, injury, eye disease, and certain medications. One form of cataract is rosette cataract, which is characterized by clouding in the center of the eye's lens.

Rosette cataracts are opacities of the eye lens that resemble a rose flower in appearance, from a light center to a darker periphery. It usually occurs as a result of traumatic injuries to the eye, such as contusions or damage to the cornea at an early stage, an inflammatory process in the lens, etc.

A pink cataract is a cloudy area of ​​the eye's cornea that is the result of damage to the nerve tissue of the eye. Cataracts are caused by a lack of blood supply, which leads to malnutrition and death of the cells underlying the lens shell.

Symptoms of pink cataracts may include: - Changes in the quality of vision, such as glare or spots in the eyes. - Spots on the eyes, which may be more noticeable in the light. - Deterioration of vision in the dark, when changing body position and when the weather changes. - Difficulty reading or viewing. In the most severe cases, pink cataracts may need to be surgically removed to improve vision.

This form of cataract can occur either as a result of damage associated with car accidents or other injuries, or due to medical conditions such as diabetes, inflammation and age-related degeneration. A common factor that accelerates the development of this type of cataract is prolonged arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders and age-related changes.

Late roseate cataract (RL) is a clouding of the lens of the eye that persists many years after injury. It is characterized by the fact that the clouding is located in the deep layers of the lens and does not disappear over time.

K.r. is one of the most common types of cataracts and can occur as a result of various causes, such as injury, radiation, age-related changes, diabetes, and certain medications.

With K. r. The clouding causes visual impairment as it blocks the light passing through the pupil. This can lead to decreased visual acuity and distortion in the image.

Treatment of K. r. involves surgical removal of lens opacities. Surgery can be performed in different ways, depending on the type of opacification and the patient's condition.

In general, late roseate cataract is a serious disease that requires timely treatment. It is important to see a doctor at the first sign of vision problems and have regular eye exams to monitor your eye condition.