Keratosis Figured Red

Keratosis figurata rubra/KKF is one of the most common skin diseases and can be caused by various factors including heredity, environmental factors, changes in the body, etc. This condition manifests itself as red, dry and rough patches of skin that can form on various parts of the body such as the face, arms, legs, etc. Symptoms of KKF include pain, burning and itching, and a frequent urge to scratch the affected areas. areas of skin. Without timely treatment, KKF can lead to various complications such as the formation of cracks and wounds, infection and can even damage other skin tissues. However, with proper treatment, KKF can be controlled and even eliminated completely. In this article we will look in more detail at what KKF is, its causes and possible treatments.

Keratosis figured – what is it?

KKF is a skin condition that not only appears as redness of the skin, but also as a dry, rough, and crack-prone surface. It is so called because its first symptom visually resembles two figures (figs), one after the other, intersecting and forming a triangle or pentagon. Keratosis usually develops on areas exposed to ultraviolet light: the back, buttocks, legs, elbows and knees.


In the presence of keratosis figurative red spot, acute pain appears, accompanied by itching. Erosion that occurs due to peeling of the skin causes pain. Even simple movements caused by sneezing or coughing can cause pain and burning. Spots can appear both on the new epidermis and on the existing one. During the season characterized by increased levels of insolation, the disease becomes epidemic. In case of severe damage