
Keraunography (from the Greek keraunos - lightning and grapho - to write, depict) is a branch of meteorology that studies lightning and related phenomena.

Keraunography includes observation, registration and analysis of various characteristics of lightning, such as frequency, intensity, polarity, discharge shape, etc. The main objectives of keraunography are to study the nature of electrical discharges in the atmosphere, study the connection between lightning and meteorological processes, as well as assess the danger of lightning and development of means of protection against them.

To monitor lightning, special devices are used - keraunographs, which make it possible to record the direction, type, duration and other characteristics of discharges. The data obtained constitute ceranograms, based on the analysis of which conclusions are drawn about the electrical activity of the atmosphere in a specific place and time.

Keraunography is closely related to meteorology and the physics of atmospheric electricity. Its results are used in forecasting thunderstorms, warning about dangerous phenomena, as well as in designing lightning protection means for buildings, structures and equipment.

Keraunography is a research method that allows you to study lightning and its impact on various objects and environments. This method was developed in the mid-20th century and has since been actively used by scientists to study natural phenomena.

Keraunography is based on the use of special cameras that can record lightning on video. These cameras are installed at high points where lightning is most active and record their images on film. The resulting video footage is then analyzed using special software to determine the characteristics of lightning and its impact on the environment.

One of the main advantages of keraunografiya is the ability to study lightning under various conditions. For example, scientists can study lightning that occurs in different climate zones, such as the tropics, subtropics, and arctic regions. This allows them to gain a better understanding of how lightning affects the environment under different conditions.

In addition, keraunografiya can be used to study lightning at various scales. Scientists can study lightning at ground level, in the atmosphere, and even in space. This allows us to gain a better understanding of how lightning works in different environments and how it affects different objects.

Overall, kerunography is an important lightning research technique that allows scientists to gain a more complete understanding of this natural phenomenon. Thanks to this method, scientists can better understand how lightning affects the environment and what consequences its activity may cause.