
Kinesiotherapy is a physical rehabilitation that actively uses all possible ways of moving the body, arms, and head: medical, physical exercises, massage, yoga, swimming, physiotherapy. The main achievement of kinesitherapy is the ability to restore mobility to the body, remove blocks that interfere with this movement, and restore proper breathing. Kinesitherapy for the treatment of children is widely used by psychologists; it has not only a direct effect on the body, but also on the patient’s nervous system, affecting both mental and physical factors. The use of kinesitherapy in the treatment of children can improve mood, endurance, and achieve stable remission, which has a positive effect on the treatment of children with cancer and reduces the risk of relapse. The effect of kinesiotherapy is especially noticeable for neurological diseases in children, such as cerebral palsy, delayed speech development, autism, and impaired coordination of movements and thinking.

Today, kinesiotherapy continues to be one of the most popular types of physical rehabilitation. She helps people with disabilities recover