Kleista Paraphrenia

Kleist is a mental state in which a person seems to be influenced by magical forces or internal motives, rather than external events. This condition occurs as a result of a disturbance in the thinking or perceptual system. In this article we will look at paste and its manifestations in humans, and what measures can be taken to reduce its effects.

The first manifestation of kleista, in which a person may experience feelings such as fear or anxiety, is called paranoid kleista. This can happen in any situation, such as in everyday life, but in a more serious form it can take the form of being stalked by someone or something. A person begins to suspect that invisible forces are operating around him.

**Kleist Paraphrenia in M**en the name caused surprise several times, because somehow it sounded completely different in my brain. And I’ve never heard of it, but I’ll be happy to discuss it with you!

Kleista-Paraphrenia is some kind of explosive combination. I’ll say right away that this is a term that was developed as a diagnostic and research tool for diagnosing a broader disease.

So, here's the thing. If a person experiences intense paranoid ideation, intrusive thoughts and mood instability, they may be diagnosed with this disorder - also called paraphrenia. And you are on the right track!