Clorazepate Potassium (Cloraypate Potassium)

Clorazepate Potassium is a tranquilizer used to reduce anxiety, tension and agitation. Prescribed internally; possible side effects: dizziness, digestive disorders, blurred vision and, in some cases, drowsiness. Trade name: tranxene (Tgaphepe).

Clorazepate Potassium belongs to the benzodiazepines - a group of psychotropic drugs that have a calming, anti-anxiety, sedative and muscle relaxant effect. The mechanism of action is to enhance the inhibitory effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the central nervous system.

The drug is recommended for use for anxiety and neurotic disorders, emotional stress, and insomnia. Clorazepate Potassium has a rapid onset of action, so it is usually prescribed orally, in tablet form.

When taking the drug, you should be careful when driving vehicles and working with machinery. It is not recommended to drink alcohol. Drug dependence may develop. The drug is contraindicated in myasthenia gravis, severe liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Clorazepam potassium (Clorazepamum) is a tranquilizer that is used to improve tension, stress and arousal. Vіn is considered in the middle; Possible side effects: confusion, disturbances, blurred vision and, in some cases, drowsiness. Trade name

Clorazepate capia is a tranquilizer and has a number of indications for use. Clorazepas is widely used in medicine to relieve vegetative symptoms, various states of anxiety and mental agitation.

Clorazepate drops are also called transchen or tranxetine. Clorosepiate potassium is one of the oldest and most widely used anti-anxiety drugs with a history of use of over 50 years. It is used both independently and together with other sedatives. The main effects of clorazepathy are a reduction in anxiety and restlessness, feelings of tension and restlessness. The drug is taken orally and is prescribed for adults depending on individual needs from 6