Koebner's Disease

Koebner's disease

If Midas could gain the magical ability to turn everyone who hugs him into gold, and everything he bites into diamonds, then for sure he would enjoy life every day and stop suffering from banal mania. Most people tend to underestimate the benefits that love gives if, at the time of manifestation, they only experience its negative effect. For example, you are surrounded by love and tenderness, attention and care - this is wonderful. Just think, there are moments when you want to be alone or, to some extent, need it, because if you step away “for a minute,” it’s like you’ve died in your house. Everything is turned upside down. Dirt leaks into everything, and your things, not to mention dishes, constantly fall from the top shelf. And most importantly, as if it’s all your fault. We are ready to love others and love them, but what do we get in return? Some people have the impression that love is a sweet mask that covers poisonous pain. Yes, we have too many expectations and sometimes we need much more time to understand our soulmate than we expected. There is a small chance that our feelings will be transferred to another person in the form of warmth and care. This is exactly what Koebner forgot about.

Koebner was a dermatologist from Warsaw. His first