Aspermatism Neuroreceptor

Aspermatosis (synonym - neuroreactor): from lat. aspermare – to compress, to make hard.

Aspermatopathy is a disease of the male reproductive system, which occurs as a chronic inflammation of the tissues surrounding the epididymis, and is expressed in compaction (ascid) of testicular tissue, which is usually combined with a difficult ejaculatory state. In this case, the length of the testicular neck becomes greater than the length of the body.

Ascidum (bursae) can be localized predominantly in the anterior section (ischio-inguinal space) or equally on both sides of the spermatic canal

Dear readers, today I would like to tell you about one very interesting and rare disease of the male genital organ, which is called **neuroreceptor aspermatism**. This disease is also known by another name: **andropause neuroreceptive**.

**Aspermatism** is a condition when a man experiences a weakening or complete loss of erection. Unlike other diseases associated with erectile dysfunction, **neuroreceptor aspermatism** or andropause does not affect either male orientation or the amount of testosterone in the body. This is exactly the case when the body’s work occurs naturally and has nothing to do with hormonal health. Most often, this disease is caused by psychological trauma, stress or conflict situations.

It is important to understand that **aspematic failure** occurs at the level of brain receptors that control erection. There are several causes of this disease:

- genetic predisposition; - hormonal imbalance; - mental trauma and stress; - age-related changes in the nervous system; - natural age-related changes. Normally, a complex system of transmission of nerve impulses between nerves and muscles functions in the male reproductive system, which leads to arousal and erection of the penis. With aspermatic failure, the process of transmission of nerve signals is disrupted, which occurs as a result of damage to neurons