Coffee scrub during pregnancy


scrubs during pregnancy

Every girl who loves herself, at any age, wants to look attractive. And from a psychological point of view, this is correct, but what to do when you are expecting a child? As they say, a pregnant woman is always beautiful, and this is true, but our body does not always remain excellent after childbirth.

During pregnancy, a hormonal revolution occurs in a woman’s body; if your skin was dry before pregnancy, then during these times it will be even more difficult. In order for your skin to be attractive for many years to come, you need to sound the alarm and start taking care of your body now.

For many women, a common problem during pregnancy is stretch marks or stretch marks on the abdomen or chest. To prevent them, we will consider the most simple and natural remedies. A body scrub during pregnancy will help with skin elasticity, due to this, when bending over in any way, you will not have discomfort, which will increase in the future, because every month your tummy gets bigger, and this is also not a small burden for the body and skin .

Scrub during pregnancy


scrubs during pregnancy

When considering the topic of our skin, let’s not forget about stretch marks; they can appear before pregnancy, but this happens much more often in expectant mothers. When using a scrub, a rapid exchange of tissue occurs, as deep peeling helps to quickly exfoliate the skin.

Scrub during pregnancy photo


scrubs during pregnancy

For pregnant women, a coffee scrub is best. Take, for example, a scrub that we can prepare at home. One very quick and inexpensive recipe based on ground coffee. To prepare it, coffee beans must be ground in a coffee grinder; do not make the grains too small. Mix the ground grains with a spoon of sour cream or olive oil. Apply the resulting scrub to a washcloth and thoroughly massage the areas of the abdomen, chest and thighs. Each zone needs to be massaged for at least 3 minutes. After this procedure, the skin needs to be anointed with moisturizer or essential oil. Instead of coffee, you can use coarse salt or sugar as a scrub. Our best friends essential oils will help improve the elasticity of the skin on your tummy and chest. By rubbing sweet almond or jojoba oil at night, your body skin will remain elastic much longer. If ordinary cosmetics can harm the baby due to the fact that they contain allergic substances, then this one is the opposite.

Scrub during pregnancy video

For the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, it is better to use scrubs of a coarser grind, but for the chest and face, smaller ones, so as not to damage the delicate skin. And so, with their help, you won’t worry that maybe tomorrow morning you’ll wake up with a new stretch mark; thanks to the scrub, your skin will be clean and elastic.

Unfortunately, as a rule, pigment spots appear in the second half of pregnancy. In order to avoid this and keep your skin color the same, do not forget about long walks, make coffee masks and facial scrubs, and then age spots and deep pollution will disappear from your skin. By making such masks at least once a week, you will get a beautiful complexion throughout your pregnancy and after it.

Pregnancy does not pass without a trace, and with the birth of the baby, new mothers do not have enough time for themselves and, as a result, everything we did with you during pregnancy is in vain. It is very difficult to keep yourself in good shape after the birth of your baby, but it is also possible. Walking in the fresh air will help the mother regain her former shape and help the baby sleep soundly. And let’s not forget about vitamins, a healthy diet will help restore metabolism, and at the same time it will not allow stress to spoil what we tried with all our might to leave excellent. Beauty and health are what a real woman dreams of, we just need to want it and we will be beautiful.

Pregnancy for every woman is the most wonderful time in her life. But an interesting situation causes many changes in the female body.


Estrogens, which begin to be actively produced, make the skin drier. Therefore, some women who suffered from oily skin and acne before pregnancy may forget about these problems while carrying a child. True, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body.

In any case, there is no need to give up cosmetics and stop taking care of yourself. It’s just that at this stage you need to carefully look at the composition. Cosmetics should contain only natural ingredients. And it’s best to use the gifts of nature to make cosmetics for skin care yourself.

Coffee scrub for firm and smooth skin

You need to take finely ground coffee and mix it thoroughly with olive oil. This scrub can be safely used once a week if the skin is dry, and once or twice a week if the expectant mother has problematic or oily skin. Apply the mixture to damp skin using massage circular movements. The main thing is not to overdo it.

When applying the scrub to your face, you must avoid the area around the eyes and lips, as coffee can injure the delicate skin in these areas of the face. In addition, this scrubbing cosmetic product can be applied to other areas of the body, paying special attention to the tummy, hips, and chest.

The scrub must be washed off with warm or cool water. Thanks to this procedure, cellular metabolism accelerates several times, and the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, reducing the risk of stretch marks.

Oatmeal mask is a wonderful facial cleanser.

You should take a tablespoon of oatmeal and mix it with 2-3 tablespoons of hot boiled water. The consistency of the mixture should resemble a thick paste. The prepared mask must be allowed to cool and set for 10-15 minutes.

After this, the mask should be applied to clean facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth. Then you should relax for 15-20 minutes, you can meditate to your favorite music or think about something positive. The oatmeal mask is washed off the face with warm water.

If a pregnant woman has very sensitive facial skin, you can use warm cow's or goat's milk instead of water, after adding a few drops of olive oil to it. This mask dries the skin very well, making the complexion more even.

By taking care of herself, using as cosmetics those products that are prepared with her own hands only from natural ingredients, the expectant mother takes care not only of herself, but also of the health of her baby.

For pregnant women, it is best to use cosmetics during pregnancy and anti-stretch mark products made from natural ingredients. We bring to your attention a scrub that you can prepare at home.

Coffee scrub is a cheap remedy, but at the same time effective and efficient, as noted by women who have completed a scrub course based on ground coffee.

Action of the scrub: abrasive particles remove dead epidermal cells, which allows the skin to renew itself faster, acquiring a smooth structure.

Coffee beans are a natural product, so coffee scrub can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women without fear for the health of the baby.

Coffee scrub during pregnancy

1. Ground natural coffee or coffee grounds can be used to scrub the body in its pure form. Instant coffee is not suitable for this role. If possible, use uncooked green beans.

2. A handful of coffee is mixed directly in the palm of your hand with a small amount of warm water and applied to damp, previously cleansed body skin.

3. Each problem area (buttocks, hips, sides, stomach and chest) should be massaged with a massage mitten in a circular motion for at least 3 minutes.

4. After this procedure, the skin needs to be anointed with moisturizing cream, essential oil (olive, coconut, jojoba) or body oil for pregnant women.

5. Do not use a scrub more than twice a week. For dry, dehydrated and sensitive skin, reduce the frequency of the procedure to once every 8-10 days.

6. Rinse off the coffee scrub with warm water, or even better, with a contrast shower.

7. Coffee can be mixed with natural honey in a 1:2 ratio. You can also add 1 tbsp. sour cream or natural yogurt without flavoring additives. Instead of coffee, you can use coarse salt or sugar as a scrub.

8. Do not expect instant results; the effect will be visible no earlier than in a month.

Using a coffee scrub and applying skincare treatments at home helps reduce stretch marks and acts as a prevention for the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy, and at the same time moisturizes and tones the skin.