Limb Lower

Lower limb: features of anatomy and function

The lower limb (m. inferius, pna; extremitas inferior, bna; extremitas pelvina, jna) is the lower part of the human body, which includes the thighs, legs, feet and feet. Like any other limb, the lower limb has its own anatomical features and functions that make it an important part of our body.

One of the main features of the lower limb is its mobility. Thanks to the joints and muscles, the lower limb can perform many movements, including walking, running, jumping, etc. In addition, the lower limb supports our body in an upright position, providing stability and balance.

Anatomically, the lower limb consists of bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves. The femur is the largest bone in the lower limb and serves as the basis for the hip. The lower leg consists of two bones: the tibia and fibula, which connect to the ankle. The foot is made up of 26 bones that combine into three main parts: the hindfoot, middlefoot, and forefoot.

The lower limb also has its own characteristics of functioning. It acts as a pump that helps blood from the lower body return to the heart. In addition, the lower limb is involved in the breathing process, since the movements of the diaphragm are associated with movements of the abdominal cavity, which are transmitted to the lower part of the body.

However, the lower limb can also become the target of various diseases and injuries. For example, osteoarthritis, arthritis, muscle and ligament injuries, nervous diseases, etc. can lead to pain and impaired mobility of the lower limb.

In conclusion, the lower limb is an integral part of our body that provides mobility, stability and balance. Knowing its anatomy and functions can help us understand how to keep it healthy and prevent possible illnesses and injuries.

Lower limb

The lower limb is the part of the body that is located below the waist and includes the legs and feet. It is the most important part of the body as it bears most of the body's weight. The lower limb consists of several parts, such as the thigh, lower leg and foot.

The thigh is the largest part of the lower limb. It forms an angle with the pelvis and connects to the femur. The thigh is the basis for the movement of the leg and contains many muscles and ligaments.

The lower leg is the second largest part of the lower limb and connects the thigh and foot. It also contains muscles and ligaments that help in the movement of the leg.

The foot is the last part of the lower limb and consists of many bones, ligaments and muscles. It serves as support when walking and running.

The lower limb also has several important functions such as maintaining body balance, moving the body, and transmitting force from the upper to the lower limb.

Thus, the lower limb is an important part of the body and plays an important role in our life.