Libriderm aevit nourishing cream for face reviews

The beauty of a woman is not least determined by the beauty of her skin. Radiant skin without redness, wrinkles, signs of dryness and acne marks can beautify its owner in a unique way.

  1. Quick navigation through the article:
  2. What is Aevit cream
  3. Cream composition
  4. Reviews from cosmetologists
  5. Effect of the cream on the skin
  6. Who is it suitable for?
  7. How to use correctly
  8. Reviews

A high-quality cream will help your face become perfect. For example, such as Aevit face cream. Reviews from cosmetologists and end consumers, a detailed analysis of the composition and recommendations for use will help you make sure that the choice is made correctly.

What is Aevit cream and why is it called that?

Aevit cream is based on two vitamins that are simply irreplaceable for facial skin. We are talking about vitamins A and E.

Vitamin A, or retinol, is a powerful antioxidant. Healthy skin, hair, vision, bone growth, as well as stable functioning of the immune system. Retinol will help cure almost any skin disease, be it acne, psoriasis, and also slow down the aging process.

When wounds or sunburn appear on the skin, vitamin A will speed up the healing process. Of course, if it is available in sufficient quantity. If there is a lack of this vitamin, the hair will begin to split, cracks may form on the skin, and the nails will lose strength and begin to peel.

Interesting fact: Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so creams based on it simply cannot have a light texture.

Vitamin A helps fight anti-aging changes in the skin and accelerates its recovery from acne or cracks

Note! Retinol is a vitamin that needs to be used intermittently. This is due to the fact that the vitamin accumulates in the body, and these accumulations are enough to not replenish reserves for the next couple of months. Otherwise, the body will begin to “be lazy” or hypervitaminosis will begin - an unpleasant phenomenon that requires treatment.

We conclude that vitamin A helps fight anti-aging changes in the skin and accelerates its recovery from acne or cracks.

Vitamin A helps skin repair

What is the role of vitamin E in this cream:

  1. Vitamin E, or tocopherol, protects retinol from oxidation.
  2. Without vitamin E, it is impossible to fully absorb vitamin A. Only the combined use of vitamins A and E helps accelerate skin regeneration processes and protects it from the first signs of aging.

Thus, Aevit cream is a face cream that got its name due to the vitamins A and E it contains.

To have a complete understanding of Aevit face cream, we will consider reviews of cosmetologists about it, recommendations for use and analyze the composition in detail.
Let's start with the composition.

Composition of Aevit face cream

The Aevit face cream does not contain many ingredients. In addition to vitamins A and E, this is, first of all, water purified from impurities and salts. Demineralization eliminates bacteria in the source water.

The complex of emulsifiers softens, moisturizes the skin and prevents the cream from separating. Also, thanks to this complex, the cream applied to the skin does not shine and does not leave a feeling of stickiness.

A mixture of concentrated extracts of edelweiss, raspberry and rosemary will lift your spirits and add a weightless aroma, and will have a beneficial effect in the process of reviving the skin after any damage.

And the last ingredients are preservatives. Like any preservatives, they can cause allergies and are unsafe for use in children and nursing mothers. However, their doses in Aevit cosmetic cream are very small.

What is the opinion of cosmetologists about the Aevit face cream?

Reviews from cosmetologists

Reviews from cosmetologists are as follows:

  1. the cream is easy to apply, due to its natural composition it rarely causes allergies, and copes well with the signs of age-related skin changes
  2. thanks to its unique composition, which affects the ability of the epithelium to regenerate itself, the cream helps the skin recover and glow with health and youth
  3. the combination of two vitamins affects the speed of blood circulation in the smallest subcutaneous capillaries, which also serves for speedy regeneration and renewal
  4. Thanks to the use of the cream, the tendency of the skin to develop a rosacea network on the face is reduced.

Also, according to cosmetologists, after using the cream, rashes are reduced and the skin is significantly evened out.

after using the cream, rashes are reduced, the skin is significantly evened out

Cosmetologist Maria from Stavropol is delighted with the cream:

“Aevit face cream is just a godsend! I recommend it to both teenagers who come to me to treat acne, and older ladies trying to cope with age-related changes. Young girls, seeing the positive effect, get used to taking care of their skin, and older ladies, in addition to the effect, note the pleasant texture, “vitamin” composition and light, unobtrusive smell.”

Cosmetologist Irina from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky fully supports her colleague:

“I make face masks from Aevit cream to almost all my clients, both men and women. It's no secret that any cream can cause allergies. Therefore, as soon as I cleanse the client’s skin, I do an allergy test: I apply a thick drop to a small area of ​​skin.

My long-term experience with Aevit cream has shown that if there is a reaction to it, then from a large drop it will appear within 5-10 minutes, which completely suits me.

The effect of the cream is very positive at any age. The dispenser is also very convenient for me, reliable and convenient, it has never broken. Therefore, as a cosmetologist, my review of Aevit face cream is definitely positive!”

Next, let's look at how Aevit cream works on the skin of the face. Find out what cosmetologists think about retinoic ointment for wrinkles here.

Effect of Aevit cream on facial skin

Aevit face cream is highly oily. Thanks to the presence of glycerin and vegetable oils, it perfectly nourishes the skin and forms an invisible protective barrier on the face. The barrier protects the skin from harmful external influences and allows the beneficial components of the cream to be better absorbed.

Vitamins A and E slow down the process of skin aging, heal wounds (including acne marks) and cracks, allow you to increase the production of natural collagen.

Aevit face cream slows down skin aging

Natural ingredients (raspberry, rosemary and leontopodium extracts) will invigorate tired skin and help restore its natural beautiful tone.

Thus, Aevit face cream has anti-aging properties, is an antioxidant. The ingredients included in its composition prevent skin aging and revive the skin.

Let's consider who is suitable for a cream with such a range of actions.

Who is Aevit cream suitable for?

As discussed above, Aevit cream has a fairly wide range of actions. It will be especially effective when the first wrinkles appear or at the first signs of sagging skin.. For problem skin with acne, blackheads and increased oiliness, the cream will help restore its former beauty.

When the first wrinkles appear, it is recommended to use Aevit face cream

The cream will restore damaged skin after excessive tanning or acne, and will also quickly heal cracks in dry skin. Returns a healthy complexion to the face.

At what age is there a need for a cream with such properties? Mainly, of course, in mature age, because the main effect of the cream is aimed at stopping the process of skin aging.

For young girls, the cream will help cope with problem skin. In this case, it is better to apply the cream in a course until the main problems disappear.

And here masks made from Aevit cream can be recommended to representatives of any age, They are suitable for any skin and will have a noticeable effect.

In order for Aevit cream to have the desired effect, it must be used correctly. Let's look at how.

How to use Aevit correctly

The skin of the face and neck must be thoroughly cleansed. Then take a little cream and apply it to the skin with light movements, without rubbing.

The cream must be applied with light movements

The cream is designed for both morning and evening use. In the evening, you need to apply the cream at least an hour before bed so that it has time to be well absorbed.

After one to two months of use, take a break. The need for a break is due to the presence of natural ingredients and vitamins in the cream that accumulate in the skin. A break will help distribute the “reserves” and allow the skin to produce the necessary substances against aging.

After one to two months of use, take a break

After all, the purpose of the cream is to help the skin, and not to develop an addiction.

Having considered the composition, range of actions and instructions for using Aevit face cream, you can already get a fairly detailed idea of ​​​​this cream. But it will not be complete if you do not also pay attention to the reviews of cosmetologists and ordinary consumers.

When choosing any cream, you should listen to consumer reviews (and, ideally, cosmetologists, if there are such reviews). Aevit face cream is, of course, no exception.

Having considered the composition, recommendations, and effect of the cream, we can conclude that if your skin needs special care, take a closer look at Aevit face cream. Reviews from cosmetologists and ordinary people also confirm that this is an excellent choice!

How to apply Aevit face cream, how effective it is:

Result before and after using Aevit:

About the benefits of vitamin E for the skin and how to make masks from vitamins A and E yourself:

For the normal condition of the skin of the face and hair, it is necessary to regularly nourish them with healthy vitamins. But for this it is not necessary to take packs of vitamin complexes in the form of tablets. The easiest option is to consume vitamins through food. You can use another option - masks enriched with vitamins and beneficial elements. They are for outdoor use. With regular use, you can achieve healthy and beautiful skin. Today, Aevit cream is in great demand. Its developer is the cosmetics company Librederm. She produces a large number of cosmetics that reliably care for the skin.

Description of face cream Aevit Librederm

With regular application of Libriderm face cream, you can obtain uniform skin hydration, the number of wrinkles is reduced, and the elasticity of the epidermis is restored. This effect is achieved thanks to the unique composition of this cosmetic product.

The following components were used in its development:

  1. vitamins E and A
  2. edelweiss extract
  3. rosemary extract
  4. raspberry extract.

The presented set of elements is of plant origin. Due to the fact that they are present in the cream in high concentration, after applying the cream it is possible to obtain a powerful tonic and restorative effect. In addition, reliable protection of the skin from the influence of UV rays and pathogenic microorganisms is created.

After applying urem, its active components immediately begin to restore damaged cells. Constant application of the product encourages skin cells to produce their own collagen. As a result, the condition of the skin improves.

In the video - Aevit Libriderm face cream:

The drug Aevit has a positive effect on epithelial cells and promotes the production of special enzymes. Thanks to this, a powerful restorative effect is achieved. The body becomes more resistant to the harmful influences of the environment.

Cosmetologists claim that thanks to the presence of vitamins E and A in the cream, it is possible to speed up metabolic processes and blood circulation. This will make the tissues resistant to hypoxia. In addition, the vitamin complex has a powerful antioxidant effect. They have a positive effect on the permeability of the vascular wall.

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Nourishing cream Aevit has a complex effect on the skin of the face. It is very easy to apply and is absorbed within 20 minutes. It is best to use it before going on a night's rest.

Nourishing skin cream Libriderm: effect

With regular use of the product you can get the following effect:

  1. elimination of wrinkles
  2. antioxidant effect
  3. restoration of damaged skin cells
  4. after application, you feel freshness and a tonic effect
  5. prevents premature aging of the skin
  6. the composition does not have artificial components.

Aevit cream can be used by women who are in adulthood. It serves to stop the aging process, including in complex treatment of wrinkles.

Video of Aevit Libriderm face cream:

Composition and instructions for use

One of the advantages of Aevit cream is its ease of application. This product must be used on previously prepared skin. To do this, be sure to wash with soap and then wipe with tonic. Thanks to the light and delicate texture of the cream, it is quickly applied and absorbed, while the pores are not clogged and there is no greasy shine. The main advantage of this cosmetic product is the absence of artificial fragrances and parabens. Thanks to this, it is possible to minimize the risk of allergies.

Face cream is most effective and useful in winter. The presence of natural nutritional components and glycerin makes the skin velvety. Thanks to this, the skin can easily withstand low temperatures without redness, peeling or irritation. Can be used as a base for makeup.

When using the cream, you must understand that it is not recommended to apply it constantly. Be sure to take a break during treatment. Otherwise, the skin will get used to it and will no longer be able to do without the cream. You also need to allow the skin to independently produce the necessary substances to slow down aging.

You can find out more about reviews of Vichy Idealia cream in this article if you follow the link.

You may also be interested to know which cream for dry skin is sold in the pharmacy and is available in a larger assortment. Everything is described in detail in this article.

It’s also worth paying attention to Maybelline cream shadows, namely their palette and cost.

It is also worth paying attention to Deo Control foot cream, namely, what is its cost and under what conditions is it used. All information is described in sufficient detail in this article.

You can find out which cream for foot odor and sweating is the best from the contents in this article.

You can purchase Aevit Libriderm cream in a specialized store. Its price is 160 rubles. Tube volume – 50 ml.


  1. Karina, 46 years old: “I am very pleased that my friend advised me to use Aevit cream. It perfectly nourishes my skin, saturates it with useful vitamins and elements. I use it in the morning as a makeup base. It is absorbed quickly, so there can be no greasy shine at all. I began to notice a positive effect after just a month of active use. My skin became fresh, youthful, wrinkles and roughness disappeared. But the pharmacy told me that I couldn’t use it for a long time. After 2 months had passed, I took a break for 3 weeks.”
  2. Oksana, 56 years old: “The presented cream helped me a lot to remove wrinkles. Before this, I thought that this problem could only be dealt with using Aevit cream. After 2 months of use, it allowed me to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, give my skin elasticity and freshness. You can only use it once a day, so I do it at night. Then the cream will be perfectly absorbed and provide complete nutrition to the skin.”
  3. Svetlana, 35 years old: “I began to notice that my skin began to fade, its healthy appearance was gone. I began to worry that at that age I had pigment spots and wrinkles. But the pharmacy recommended Aevit cream to me. I applied it at night for a month. During this time, I managed to solve my problems, but to consolidate the results, I needed to repeat the course after a 2-week rest. Now I look 5 years younger without having to go on the operating table.”

Aevit cream is a complex preparation that provides gentle skin care. It is based on a vitamin complex that actively fights such common problems as wrinkles, pigmentation, inflammation and flaking. You can get a guaranteed effect only if you use it continuously.

Even healthy skin undergoes unsightly changes with age, and Aevit face cream is a composition that cosmetologists often recommend for self-care. The peculiarity of this drug is that it is able to compensate for the lack of certain elements that disappear from the dermis over time. Often women believe that they can get rid of the problem without the help of cosmetics, but one should not be deluded - homemade compositions are not good helpers in the fight against old age. Why is this drug so attractive to women, and is it as effective as the manufacturers claim?

What does Librederm cream contain?

A special feature of the drug Aevit is its composition. Manufacturers made sure that the formula included all the components necessary for healthy and youthful skin. The combination of useful substances allows you to avoid complex procedures using different cosmetics - using a cream is quite enough.

Composition of Aevit:

  1. vitamins (E, A)
  2. plant extracts (raspberry, rosemary, mountain edelweiss)
  3. fatty alcohols
  4. glycerol
  5. triglycerides
  6. purified water
  7. phenoxyethanol.

There are no fragrances or dyes in the composition, which allows it to be used even on sensitive or allergy-prone skin. It is not difficult for useful components to provide complete gentle care to the dermis - restore damage, smooth out wrinkles, provide elasticity, and hydration. It can be used for preventive purposes, preventing sagging and sagging.

How does Aevit cream work?

The active components of the product are vitamin complexes. That is why Aevit Libriderm cream easily replenishes the lack of substances necessary for a youthful face in the epidermal tissues. This immediately affects the condition of the skin - it smoothes out, acquires a healthy shade, and gets rid of age-related changes.

In addition to rejuvenation, the product has many useful qualities, and the effect of Aevit cream on the skin of the face consists of the following properties:

  1. regeneration
  2. toning
  3. fight against withering, sagging
  4. restoration of elasticity
  5. eliminating acne marks
  6. protection from harmful effects
  7. collagen synthesis is activated.

The plant components present in the composition, in addition to enriching the dermal tissue with vitamins and preventing skin aging, protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, refresh, and energize. Vitamin A helps smooth out wrinkles on the face and eliminate fine wrinkles.

The presence of oils makes the product greasy, so it is better not to use it if the sebaceous glands are active. The only exception is the combination of Aevit with drying drugs that normalize fat secretion.

What do cosmetologists recommend?

If you study the opinions of cosmetologists about the use of Aevit, you will notice that they recommend using the product against various skin problems. Experts are confident that among the many products offered by cosmetic companies, Librederm products are the leaders in composition and effect.

Cosmetologists recommend using the composition against such problems:

  1. profuse rashes, acne marks
  2. changes in the relief of the skin
  3. loss of a healthy shade, dullness and greasy, untidy shine
  4. damage to the dermis
  5. enlarged pores
  6. pigment spots, freckles
  7. rosacea mesh
  8. lack of moisture in the epidermal cells.

Another advantage of the cream, which cosmetologists often note, is that it is easy to use. The dispenser will help you measure the amount of the drug required for application. The airy, delicate texture makes it easy to apply and quickly spread in an even layer. The product is instantly absorbed without leaving behind greasy stains or an unpleasant shine. In just a quarter of an hour, you can apply decorative cosmetics.

Reviews of Aevit cream from Libriderm:

Helpful advice! Despite the herbal composition, the product may cause an unexpected reaction on the skin. In order not to provoke rashes or spots of redness, be sure to check the dermis for tolerance to the components. Apply the product to the bend of your elbow and wait to see how the body reacts to the components.

Which skin is Aevit suitable for?

A question that is important for ladies who have decided to get rid of problems and defects of the facial skin is what kind of skin the drug is suitable for. Manufacturers or cosmetologists do not have any special instructions in this regard, but it is better to use it on combination or slightly dry skin. Those with oily skin are advised to use a different composition.

Aevit is a universal remedy it can be used for night or day care. You can apply the drug twice a day to dry skin prone to flaking, and to combination skin only before bed. This is enough to saturate the dermis with the necessary substances, prevent aging and eliminate defects.

What age is it suitable for?

At what age can Aevit nourishing face cream be used? The composition can be used at any age - there are no restrictions. The only requirement before use is to go to a cosmetologist. Only a professional can determine whether it will be possible to get rid of defects with the drug, or whether an integrated approach should be taken.

Young girls need to use the product carefully - epidermal cells do an excellent job of producing collagen without additional exposure. Only if there are serious problems (rashes, pimples, freckles or spots) can you actively use the cream.

During pregnancy, a woman's facial skin undergoes some changes - it becomes covered with spots, profuse rashes, and begins to sag. The composition of the drug allows you to get rid of unpleasant defects without harm to the baby. Lactation is also not a barrier to using the product - it is safe for the baby and nursing mother.

Rules of application

Before you start fighting annoying skin defects, be sure to study the instructions for using the cream. This will help increase the efficiency of procedures and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Step-by-step manipulations using Librederm cream:

  1. Cleanse your face with a scrub, a plant-based cleanser. If irritation occurs, apply a tonic.
  2. Apply a small amount of the drug to cleansed and dry skin, distribute with light massaging movements with your fingertips.
  3. Wait a few minutes until the composition is completely absorbed.

It is not recommended to use the product on an ongoing basis - be sure to take short breaks. It is better to use the cream for 1-3 months, then allow the skin to rest for several weeks.

The product is safe, but if you are hypersensitive, you should not use it. A careless attitude to the ban can cause a number of unpleasant signals from the body in the form of rashes, spots, even itching or burning.

Skin problems in the form of pimples, sagging, and sagging can cause a lot of trouble, and you shouldn’t wait until they become quite large. Timely use of Librederm cream will help prevent the appearance of defects or completely get rid of them in a short time.