Cream for wrinkles under the eyes

The eyelids are a high-risk area that requires special attention. Therefore, creams for wrinkles around the eyes are included in a separate category of anti-aging products. They are created taking into account the problems, needs and characteristics of the skin in this area. Which ones? Now we’ll tell you and help you choose the best product, according to the editors of

  1. Causes of wrinkles around the eyes
  2. What causes wrinkles to appear on the eyelids?
  3. When to start using anti-wrinkle cream
  4. How to choose an anti-aging eye cream
  5. Composition of creams for wrinkles around the eyes
  6. Rules of application
  7. Rating of the best creams

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes is necessary because the skin of the eyelids, by its nature, has a limited margin of strength and is more susceptible to age-related changes. It is different:

a small number of sebaceous and sweat glands;

loose subcutaneous fat tissue;

lower content of collagen and elastin compared to skin on other areas of the face.

All these features reduce the ability of the eyelid skin to resist aggressive external factors and age.

Remember: the skin around the eyes is forced to constantly be toned. Working in tandem with the orbicularis oculi muscles, it stretches and contracts every time we blink, squint, squint, or strain our eyesight.

What causes wrinkles on the eyelids

Every day your eyes are exposed to serious stress.

Do you think that the main culprit of wrinkles is age? You are partly right, but there are other factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Eye strain and active facial expressions. Try to close your eyes, relax your face, and completely “let go” of the skin of your eyelids. You'll be surprised how difficult it is to do this. Total relaxation of the eye contour, especially the inner corners, may take a quarter of an hour.

Edema. The periorbital zone tends to accumulate fluid, which, when stagnant, stretches the skin.

Gravity. Yes, no one has canceled it: under the influence of gravity, the heavy tissues of the lower and middle parts of the face gradually descend, taking with them the thin skin of the eyelids.

Sun. The defenseless skin around the eyes is especially susceptible to photoaging.

Glycation. This is the name for the process of “sugarification” of collagen and elastin: as a result of biochemical reactions, glucose damages collagen fibers, and the skin loses its elasticity.

Age-related changes. The rate of cellular regeneration and the synthesis of protein fibers and hyaluronic acid generally decrease, which is especially noticeable in the condition of the skin in the area around the eyes.

Give your eyes rest as often as possible.

Choose adequate care based on your age and skin condition.

Never use face creams in this area: too heavy, greasy textures can cause swelling, and too liquid ones can irritate the eye mucosa.

Finally, and most importantly, the products you apply to the skin near your eyes must be approved by ophthalmologists!

When to start using anti-wrinkle cream

The best test for the presence of wrinkles around the eyes is to smile.

If you want to maintain a youthful look and delay the appearance of wrinkles and other signs that indicate age (dryness, bags, dark circles), learn to properly care for the skin around your eyes. Get started now by identifying your immediate needs and beauty goals.

Eye contour creams serve different purposes. At 25 years old, deep hydration and prevention of photoaging are important. At 30 - the fight against facial wrinkles, dark circles and swelling. At 40 - lifting, protection, nutrition; and after 50 - a complex effect: lifting, moisturizing, nutrition, protection, combating swelling and dark circles.” Olga Gorokhova, cosmetologist, aroma expert, national trainer of Decléor.

You can identify problems yourself, without the help of a professional. It is enough to look carefully and impartially into your own eyes - using a mirror or a smartphone camera. Circles and swelling, if any, will appear immediately.

How to choose an anti-aging eye cream

Choose an eye cream according to your needs.

The best cream for wrinkles around the eyes will be one that meets the needs of the skin in that area. However, without exception, all gels, creams and serums for the eyelids are united by one universal function - moisturizing. It's simple: the skin around the eyes is always either thirsty or on the verge of drought.

Other problems are solved as needed using different formulas. The thicker and denser the texture of the product, the richer, as a rule, its composition and the wider the range of tasks it can solve.

Those with sensitive skin should prefer cosmetics from pharmacy brands: they undergo ophthalmological and dermatological control and minimize the risk of an allergic reaction.

The skin in the eye area is very thin and sensitive to various negative environmental factors, so the first age-related changes begin to appear here. Sometimes, minor crow's feet can be noticed even in 20-year-old girls. To prevent the occurrence of this problem or get rid of an existing one, you need to know the basic methods of control. Various methods will come to help, and not only modern hardware methods, but also grandmother’s proven beauty recipes.


  1. How to properly care for the skin around your eyes
  2. Masks
  3. Other anti-wrinkle products
  4. Hardware methods
  5. Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles with massage?


How to properly care for the skin around your eyes

To prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary, first of all, to study the rules of skin care in this area. This question is very important, since the fabrics here are quite delicate and easily subject to aging. To this end, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. avoid constant stressful situations and emotional stress;
  2. morning and evening, apply a cream designed specifically for this area to the skin around the eyes;
  3. be sure to remove makeup at the end of the day;
  4. give up bad habits: drinking alcohol and nicotine;
  5. drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day;
  6. to walk outside;
  7. in sunny weather, wear sunglasses to avoid squinting;
  8. sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  9. do not stretch the skin when applying cosmetics, wiping it with a towel and other procedures;
  10. Do not apply a thick layer of decorative cosmetics to your eyes every day, as its negative effect leads to the formation of wrinkles.

In addition, to combat fine wrinkles around the eyes or to prevent their development, you need to self-massage the area around the eyes daily or at least several times a week, using a small amount of olive oil. Rubbing it with ice cubes has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It’s even better if it’s a frozen decoction of medicinal herbs. Contrasting compresses will help increase tone: first, apply a cloth soaked in hot water to your eyes, and then rinse your face with cold water.


In order to get rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes, various masks are used. These can be either self-prepared products or purchased ones. When choosing a mask, be sure to take into account your skin type.

Milk banana mask

Banana – 1 tsp.
Cream or sour cream – 1 tsp.

Grind the banana pulp using a fine grater or blender. 1 tsp. Mix the resulting slurry with the same amount of dairy product. Apply the resulting mixture onto a napkin and apply it to your eyes, hold for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with clean warm water. For those with dry skin, it is recommended to replace the dairy product with pre-melted butter.

Honey mask

Honey – 1 tsp.
Flour – 1 tsp.
Egg white - 1 tsp.

Preheat the honey so that it is liquid and warm. Honey cannot be boiled, otherwise all its beneficial properties are destroyed. Next, mix all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply evenly to the area around the eyes. Keep the product until it cools. After this, rinse the skin with water. If your skin is dry, it is recommended to add some crushed oatmeal to the mask. In this case, it needs to be kept for about 20 minutes. After cleansing, apply a nourishing cream around the eyes.

Vitamin mask

Aloe juice – 1 tsp.
Olive oil – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Vitamin E – 1-2 capsules

You can prepare aloe juice yourself by squeezing it from the leaves of the plant, or use a product purchased at a pharmacy. Mix all the ingredients, soak cotton pads well in the resulting mixture and apply them to your eyes. Keep the compress for about 20-30 minutes. After this, the skin must be rinsed with water and lubricated with cream.

Other anti-wrinkle products

Some other remedies that are also quite effective will help get rid of facial wrinkles. These include:

  1. Oils. They not only fight wrinkles, but also protect the skin from the evaporation of excess moisture and the effects of negative environmental factors, as they form a protective film on it. The most effective is coconut oil, but castor, peach, burdock, almond, and jojoba oils also have a good effect.
  2. Mesoplasty. This product is quite new on the cosmetology market. The effectiveness is due to the presence of projections containing hyaluronic acid and a biodegradable layer. These substances, in contact with the skin, help increase elasticity and eliminate facial wrinkles around the eyes. All information on use can be found on the packaging.
  3. Creams. These cosmetics also give good results, but when choosing, you must pay attention to the composition. It should contain muscle relaxants, due to which the skin is smoothed.

Video: What exercises will help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes

Hardware methods

Modern cosmetology salons offer various techniques that quickly eliminate age-related changes around the eyes in the form of wrinkles. Moreover, the effect of them is noticeable immediately and remains for a long time.

Laser resurfacing

The skin is exposed to a laser beam. This procedure is carried out strictly on the cheekbones, the area around the eyes is not affected in any way, but wrinkles disappear. This method should be used in extreme cases and should be entrusted to an experienced specialist, since it injures tissue, which often leads to negative consequences.


This procedure involves replenishing nutrient deficiencies in tissues by introducing a vitamin cocktail. After the procedure, the skin becomes more youthful, and age-related wrinkles are smoothed out. Biorevitalization is carried out in two ways:

  1. Laser. It is a more gentle method. A gel containing hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin, after which the laser is applied. At the end of the manipulation, no traces remain on the face, the maximum effect is visible after 7 sessions. To maintain the result, it is worth repeating the procedure at least once a month.
  2. Injection. It involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the area around the eyes, where there are facial wrinkles, using a syringe or injector. The procedure takes about 30 minutes, after which papules remain on the face due to the insertion of a needle into the skin. They disappear on their own after a few days. The result is noticeable after 3-4 weeks. To maintain it, you need to repeat the manipulation twice a year.

Chemical peeling

The procedure involves treating the cheekbone area with special chemical compounds, but after it not only the condition of the skin improves, but also wrinkles disappear. There are several types of peeling, and the depth of impact can also vary. These indicators are determined by a cosmetologist depending on the woman’s age, skin condition and the depth of facial wrinkles around the eyes.


This method is quite gentle, as it is not accompanied by any discomfort. Its essence lies in the fact that streams of pulsed light are sent to the facial skin, under the influence of which the epidermis begins to actively produce elastin and collagen. As a result, wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes young and toned.

The result after the procedure is noticeable immediately and lasts for a long time. Before using this method, you should consult a cosmetologist, as it has a number of contraindications.

Botox injections

Botox injection is also actively used by women who want to get rid of wrinkles in the eye area. This drug contains a substance that paralyzes the muscles, as a result of which they relax, and the skin begins to recover and becomes more elastic and toned.

The procedure is painless and well tolerated by women of any age. However, after the needle is inserted, swelling and hyperemia may remain on the skin for several days. To maintain the result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure every 6 months.

Radio wave lifting

This procedure is also known as thermolifting. During the procedure, the problem areas are exposed to heat and cold waves, which bypass the epidermis and heat the deep tissues to a temperature of 39-55 degrees. As a result, a strong collagen framework is formed, and the skin is evened out, consequently, wrinkles resolve.

At the end of the procedure, biostimulation is performed, which helps to increase regeneration. This approach allows you to prevent the occurrence of age spots, hematomas, hyperemia and other cosmetic defects.

Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles with massage?

Massage also has a positive effect in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes. It’s quite simple to do, but the result will definitely please you. All movements are performed without much effort; you should never stretch the skin, this will lead to the formation of even larger defects.

Video: Effective massage against facial wrinkles around the eyes in the “Everything will be fine” program

To eliminate wrinkles, you need to perform light patting movements in the eyebrow area in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples, then you should go down to the eyes and do the same, first near the outer corner, and then near the inner one. This massage is performed daily in the evening or in the morning during hygiene procedures.

Video: 5 simple exercises for wrinkles around the eyes in the “Everything will be fine” program

You can deal with wrinkles around the eyes using various methods. Which one to prefer depends on your own wishes and the depth of age-related changes. When choosing salon treatments, you should not neglect home care, which will support and preserve the effect for a longer time. In addition, masks are an excellent way to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Every person has wrinkles. For some they appear earlier, for others later. The very first ones, around the eyes, can appear after 20 years. The cause of wrinkles around the eyes is not so much age as lifestyle, habits, and the harmful effects of UV rays and cold. Therefore, ladies from a young age are looking for ways to combat the early “rays” of laughter. Some people find the best cream for wrinkles around the eyes from a professional line, others use homemade cosmetics. Cosmetics prepared independently are no less effective than store-bought ones, but achieving results like those from industrial cosmetology is more difficult.

One of the simple and effective methods is cryomassage - rubbing ice cubes from a herbal infusion on the skin around the eyes. Massaging your fingertips around the eyes also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. But professional cosmetics will help you get rid of wrinkles under the eyes and, with constant use, consolidate the results.

Effective creams for wrinkles around the eyes

Effective eye wrinkle creams that provide the right care protect and preserve the beauty of your face. The best way to determine “your” cream for wrinkles around the eyes is to try products with different compositions from different manufacturers. Using the same cream over and over again is not harmless; it becomes addictive. To choose the best cream for wrinkles around the eyes, you need to go through the list of branded products we offer.

A cream for wrinkles under the eyes should have a softened texture and increased hydration. Pay attention to creams from popular brands.

Lumene Vitamin C+

The oily texture of the product is immediately absorbed and acts in all layers of the dermis, nourishing it with minerals and vitamins. Systematic use gives results that are noticeable after 30 days. Bags under the eyes and folds disappear. The skin is moisturized, fresh, smooth.

Cost 30 ml: 170 rubles.

CLINIQUE All About Eyes

The refined, airy aroma of the cream with the most delicate texture rejuvenates immediately after application to the skin. The cream contains components that soothe and moisturize the skin. No oiliness, delicate consistency, instant absorption. Suitable for makeup.

Cost of 15 ml of cream: 1800 rubles.

Olay Total Effects eye

Transforming the skin, creating a matte tone will not only “muff out” imperfections, but also due to the regenerating effect, the cream will smooth out wrinkles. This eye wrinkle cream might just be the best. The mousse texture is easily applied and absorbed, removing circles and signs of fatigue under the eyes, smoothing out wrinkles.

Cost 15 ml: 625 rubles.

Garnier non-stop moisturizing 24 hours

The developers claim to combat “age-old” aging in a short time. Reliable protection with moisturizing for 24 hours is provided. Problem areas are not masked, but are cleansed of toxic deposits, with the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin.

The average price of one 15 ml tube: 220 rubles.

Estee Lauder Time Zone

Cosmetologists say that the most effective cream for wrinkles around the eyes is the one made in the form of a serum. This product produces hyaluronic acid, so the result is visible within two days. Active action in the deep layers of the dermis helps remove crow's feet. The skin is smoothed and evened out.

Cost of a 15 ml tube: 2850 rubles.

Rating of the most famous creams

Among this huge number of anti-wrinkle creams, it is very easy to get confused which one to choose for your skin type. We have prepared a rating of the most famous creams for wrinkles around the eyes, please read and take note!

What should a cream be for wrinkles around the eyes?

The peculiarity of eye creams is their moisturizing composition. It should fill the skin with moisture to the maximum and retain it. Such a cosmetic product should nourish delicate skin, since this is the only area of ​​the face where subcutaneous fat is completely absent. Regular hydration and nutrition help reduce facial wrinkles and prevent new ones from appearing.

The best anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes should also be able to:

  1. hide circles under the eyes;
  2. cope with signs of fatigue;
  3. give a gentle healthy tone;
  4. restore former plasticity and elasticity.

It's up to you to decide which cream for wrinkles around the eyes is best!

How to apply cream

Even the most effective anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes will not be beneficial if it is not applied correctly. Remember, this product should not be rubbed in, such as on the cheeks, forehead, or neck. Squeeze out a minimum of cream onto the “pads” of your fingers and “drive” the product in with delicate tapping movements. Basic techniques for dealing with funny people:

To open the pores, cleanse the skin with a tonic. A match head of cream is enough for each eyelid. Do not press or pull the skin around the eyes under any circumstances. Be sure to apply the product to the upper eyelid. More benefits if used at night, but not earlier than 2 hours before bedtime.

Important to remember! When choosing the best creams for yourself, it is important to take into account all the nuances: price, rating, texture, consistency, composition.

Pay special attention to the recommended age and the tasks assigned to the product. A competent approach when purchasing will help preserve the youth and beauty of your face. But even the “most magnificent” product cannot insure you against allergies due to intolerance to the components. Therefore, ladies often prefer homemade cosmetics.

How to remove wrinkles yourself

Today, many methods are offered that can smooth the skin under the eyes and make it elastic. Home treatments are inexpensive and available to everyone. Almost all refrigerators have all the necessary components. The most common and effective is potatoes.

  1. Grate the tuber on a fine grater, add a drop of jojoba oil, apply to eyes for 20 minutes, then wash. You can cut the potatoes into thin slices, also put your eyes on top for half an hour and wash. Such masks will remove eye fatigue, swelling, black circles, and reduce wrinkles.
  2. Brew green tea and cool. Soak cotton pads in it and apply it to your eyelids. Every evening for 20-30 minutes, and your expression lines will disappear along with fatigue and dark circles.
  3. Cut off an aloe leaf, peel and wipe problem areas. After twenty minutes, wipe your face with a disc soaked in clean water and apply olive oil. You can make a paste of aloe, add milk, yolk, and a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then wash.
  4. Pour warm milk over oatmeal, add grated apple, whipped egg white, a few drops of olive oil. Apply all over the face, under the eyelids, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.
  5. Each “eye” mask, prepared with your own hands, is suitable for the entire face, neck and décolleté. After them, the face becomes younger, the surface is leveled. The firmness and elasticity of the epidermis increases, wrinkles, even deep ones, are smoothed out. You can add sea buckthorn, avocado, and castor oil to any mask.
  6. Tocopherol (vitamin E) and aevit (vitamin A and E) fight wrinkles no less effectively. Puncture the capsule with a needle, squeeze out the vitamin oil and apply under the eyes. Can be mixed with your favorite eye cream. The main thing is that any procedures should be carried out no earlier than 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the next morning there may be swelling and redness of the eyes.

Everyone must decide for themselves what a good cream for wrinkles around the eyes is - purchased in a store or made with your own hands. The main thing is to get a positive result, without allergic consequences. Wrinkles under the eyes can be smoothed out, but you should forget about laziness, even with professional cosmetics.