Krukenberg Tumor

A Krukenberg tumor (malignant tumor) is a rare type of ovarian growth that is sometimes misdiagnosed as a cyst. This is a disease that occurs mainly in young women and can lead to serious consequences. It is not fatal and is relatively rare, but if you miss the moment and do not start treatment, the consequences can be irreversible.

The tumor can occur at any age, and often affects children, but most often

Krukenberg tumor is one of the types of endometrial carcinoma that appears in the lower part of the uterine cavity, but is histologically metastatic.

The plant (ovary) is rarely affected by this particular type of malignant tumor, in which the formation passes through the membranes and large vessels inside the body. Especially if we talk about the primary nature of the disease. After all, the main part of the “malignancy” is caused by metastases that penetrate the reproductive system from the outside. That is why, when answering the question of whether there can be a tumor not in one organ, but in two at once, it is worth understanding that the answer will always be affirmative

Krukenberg's tumor is a malignant ovarian tumor in women. This type of tumor is common and poses a threat to the lives of patients. Rapidly growing, this tumor can develop in one ovary or in both.

The causes of this disease are generally unknown, but it is known that the primary cancer can be localized in the stomach or intestines. A malignant tumor appears in the ovaries as a result of the spread of metastases through the lymphatic and blood vessels. This is the second stage of the disease. However, despite the development of a carcinogen in the ovaries, Kruckenburr tumors can also be found on other organs. Thus, they are found in the mammary glands, liver and kidneys. Less common is a less common solitary formation.

Krukenberg tumors present with pain in the lower abdomen, which can be severe and acute. At the same time, menstrual cycle disturbances and its cessation are possible. The disease is characterized by infertility, and sometimes manifests itself as excessive breast sensitivity. Treatment of Kruckenburg tumors is carried out through surgery and chemotherapy. In cases of advanced disease, combinations of different treatment methods are often used to help prolong the patient’s life. If you seek medical help and treatment in a timely manner, the disease may not pose a threat to the patient’s life.

Krukenberg tumors (**breast tumor**) are rare tumors that can be caused by metastasis of breast cancer. The tumor itself is relatively harmless, although it can spread cancer throughout the body. It can usually be detected very late, making treatment ineffective.

Breast cancer belongs to the group of malignant tumors. Its overall incidence is about four percent in women. A breast tumor usually develops from the part of the columnar zone of the mammary glands located below the nipple.

Depending on the stage of its development, patients may have no subjective symptoms (distant spread of malignant cells) until obvious signs are identified. The lack of proper timely examination and/or treatment puts many women at risk of life, even death, since it often has an insidious course, and symptoms may also be practically absent. The risk of progression, transition from the initial stage to the second (untreated stage I in time) increases sharply.

Krukenberg tumor is a rapidly growing and aggressive neoplasm. Non-cancerous tumors in the ovaries are quite common. However, there are cases when such tumors can affect neighboring tissues and organs. In such a situation, the condition and the possible need for surgical intervention should be studied in more detail. When you discover that you have a Kruckenburg tumor, you should not be upset. Sometimes treatment for this disease requires simple operations to remove the tumor. If the disease is detected in the early stages or the size of the tumor is correctly determined, then even laparoscopy can be used. In this case, no incision is required (the colon will not be included in the incision), and the incision on the abdominal wall will be minimal. Recovery after surgery takes minimal time.