Kuzaz and tension

Tension is a disease of the organs of the implements in which the motor force is unable to bend parts of the body normally capable of bending; it occurs due to damage in the muscles and nerves. As for the word kuzaz, it is used in different meanings. Sometimes, when they say kuzaz, they mean a spasm that starts from the muscles of the collarbone and pulls them forward or backward or in both directions at the same time, sometimes any muscle tension is called kuzaz, and sometimes the spasm itself is called kuzaz. This is often called a spasm that extends only to the neck, and sometimes this is meant as a tension due to a double spasm or a tension stretching in two directions - forward and backward. And sometimes the name kuzaz is used to describe tension caused by freezing cold.

In reality, tension is the opposite of spasm. It enters into the category of spasm, just as opposite concepts enter into one category, and the ascent of both to one cause is the unification of mutually opposite things. However, a spasm pulls in one direction, and when two spasms are combined, pulling in opposite directions, it will already be a tension. So, if a person has a spasm simultaneously in front and behind, then as a result of these two opposite movements, tension arises in the organs of his body. Since such tension is a Double spasm, it must necessarily be sharper than a simple spasm and therefore its resolution occurs more quickly. With such doubling, sometimes not two spasms occur, but two tensions. In most cases, spasm does not occur without severe pain.

Causes of spasm, and in other respects the opposite of them. As for the similarities, cusaz also sometimes arises from overflow, sometimes from dryness, sometimes from irritation reaching organs rich in nerves, sometimes from tumors, and the opposite is expressed in the fact that spasm only in rare cases arises from winds, then as kuzaz in most cases arises from bursting winds; even kuzaz, a combination of two spasms, also often arises from the winds when they take possession of the whole body. At the same time, kuzaz is a serious disease, and a single spasm arising from the winds in any one organ is not severe, because kuzaz occurs when the winds take over the entire body. If even with a single spasm, when the winds prevail, there is danger and signs of death, how could this not be the case with a double one?

The causes of cusaz and spasm are also opposite in another respect, namely: with a spasm associated with matter, the cause arises in some place of the nerve and manifests itself in the inability to straighten a given part of the body, because it stretches the threads of the nerve in breadth, or pulls them towards their root, and a spasm occurs. As for the cause of cusaz associated with matter, it arises differently: the moisture that causes cusaz flows into the spaces between the filaments of the nerve, then hardens and remains hard, so that it is difficult for the fibers to contract again. Or moisture appears suddenly and fills the spaces between the filaments of the nerves, and its location does not differ from the location of the filaments. On the contrary, it is placed along the filaments of the nerves and appears there without reducing the length of the filaments in any noticeable way, so that their length remains the same, because the moisture is directed into the spaces between them.

As for the spasm, the matter that causes it is located in the spaces between the threads of the nerves in different ways, not penetrating the nerves evenly and not deepening significantly. It appears that the penetration of cusaza matter in this way is similar to the penetration of relaxation matter, but this matter is fluid and relaxing, whereas cusaza matter is rigid and solid and does not allow the organ to bend and contract. And sometimes the matter in cusaz is not in the middle of the muscles, tendons or nerves, but is located at their beginning and splits the nerves or tendons lengthwise, so that they cannot contract. Or there is a tumor, or the matter is so located in the spaces of the nerve fibers that when the nerves bend, it must put pressure on the fibers and cause irritation and pain. The cause of pain and irritation may also be matter or another factor that has arisen in the places where the muscles or tendons begin, which seem to run away from it, compressing in longitudinal tension. This happens, for example, with a variety of cusaz, which occurs after severe vomiting and profuse emptying due to irritation of the tendons and nerves, which is transmitted to them from the stomach. Here!

And if the cause of kuzaz is dryness, then this is explained by the fact that as the muscles contract in width due to the resorption of moisture, their length increases and the passages in them narrow; because of this, it is difficult for the driving force to penetrate into them, and it turns out to be unable to bend the organ, especially if this is also facilitated by hardening that occurs as a result of drying out of the nerves. And with the same spasm from dryness, both the length and width of the muscles simultaneously and equally decrease, so dry spasm is worse than dry cusaz.

Just as relaxation sometimes occurs as a result of a cut in the nerve, so tension often occurs as a result of injury: when injured, the muscles become painful to bend.

Sometimes, from a powerful cause with abundant, strong matter, severe cousation arises. It can occur, like spasms, and from numbness caused by overflow, closing the passages of the pneuma; then the extended members do not bend, and the bent members do not straighten until the pneuma finds a passage for itself. This often happens after sleep, because at this time the pneuma goes inward.

As we said when speaking of spasm, cusaz is sometimes caused by an unnatural and painful position of the muscles; at the same time, the strength of the muscles decreases, or they begin to hurt and, not being able to move, remain in an unnatural position; this happens, for example, to a person who pulls on a rope, lifts a weight, or puts a heavy load on his back, or to someone who slept on the bare ground and the earth hurt his muscles and crushed them; This also happens from a fall or blow, causing a bruise to the muscles, or a rupture, or a fire burn, causing pain to the muscles, which because of this cannot contract. Sometimes there is matter flowing into the muscles or thick winds that originate in the muscles or are directed towards them and stretch them.

Just as a spasm that affects only the organs of the face is a bad sign, so tension when it affects only the eyelids, or the tongue, or the lips is considered a bad sign. Sometimes there is a malignant variety of dry cuzase, which is preceded by constant fevers, accompanied by restlessness, crying and delirium; at the same time, the complexion turns yellow, the mouth and lips dry out, the tongue turns black, the nature becomes tied, the skin peels and becomes tense; all these are bad signs or loss of reason, always kills; with such kuzaz, the muscles dry out and fluids boil in the body; they stretch the muscles lengthwise, and the muscles maintain this position, because complete drying helps to maintain this shape.

Kuzaz often occurs in children; the younger they are, the easier it appears for them, similar to what we said about spasms.

Often before kuzaz, twitching and heaviness are observed throughout the body, difficulty speaking, hardening of the muscles, starting from the back of the head to the tailbone; It becomes difficult to swallow and itching occurs, and scratching is not a pleasant sensation. If something like ichor and pus comes out with urine, goose bumps appear, the eyes become cloudy, and the head and neck sweat, this indicates an upcoming bilateral muscle tension, because this kind of matter is most often completely excreted from the bottom, and part of it rises at this time into the brain, irritating it and plunging the body into confusion.

When general cussing begins, the mouth closes, the face turns red and the pain intensifies; what the patient wants to swallow does not go down the throat, blinking becomes more frequent, and tears flow from the eyes. Further, the difference between spasm and tension is first expressed in the fact that spasm begins in the muscles with movement, and tension begins in the muscles without movement.

Sometimes tonsillitis, pleurisy and sarsam turn into tension, similar to what occurs with spasms. Tension is common in southern countries due to congestion and movement of juices, especially in persons with a mucous nature. Sometimes it also occurs in northern countries due to the retention of surplus, especially in women, because women have weaker nerves.

Signs. An unconditional sign of tension is that the organ cannot be bent. As for the signs of kuzaz, if the kuzaz pulls forward, the person’s face and eyes become like those of someone strangled; sometimes, due to the tension of the facial muscles, it seems that he is laughing; the head leans forward strongly, the neck is stretched and cannot be turned; Often the patient cannot urinate due to tension in the abdominal muscles and weakness of the expulsion force, and sometimes urine comes out involuntarily, because the muscles of the bladder are tense and do not contract. Sometimes blood is released in the urine, as blood vessels burst from strong pressure. Sometimes hiccups appear.

If the kuzaz pulls backwards, then you see that the head, shoulder blades and forearms are pulled back. This occurs due to the complicity of the abdominal muscles being pulled posteriorly; The anus muscle is also stretched and the patient cannot retain the contents of the rectum and is unable to release what is in the small intestines. Common symptoms for both types of cusaz are suffocation, insomnia, pain, watery urine and an abundance of bubbles in it due to winds, as well as the fact that the patient often falls out of bed. As for the signs of cusaz, wet, dry, tumorous and arising from irritation of the brain, they are similar to what is said in the paragraph about spasms. Such patients often develop chills from the cold if the disease is cold.

Treatment. They treat kuzaz in the same way as they treat spasms, but more cups are placed on diseased organs than for spasms; this is done for the sake of returning warmth there. Banks are placed with an incision, especially on the muscles of the neck, vertebrae and false ribs. When kuzaza, you need to keep in mind the following: if the patient is sweating from severe pain or from treatment, you should not let the perspiration cool on the body, because this causes suffering, on the contrary, the body should be dried with a damp woolen rag. Sometimes the patient is placed in heated olive oil - it strongly dissolves the juices - and they give him opopanax, up to one dirham, depending on the strength of the patient, as well as asafoetida gum. Kuzaz requires greater haste in treatment than spasms, because it causes suffering, strangles and kills.

Among the very useful remedies for treating cusaz and spasms, the following is mentioned: prepare a decoction of dill and throw in a hyena cub, puppy or fox; they are boiled until they are softened, and then the patient is immersed in this decoction for once. For kuzaz, rubbing with the fat of a wild donkey, the fat of a deer, a lion, a bear and a hyena, alone or with medicines, helps. An enema of rue oil with beaver stream and centaury is also useful, as well as any sharp, burning medicine injected into the anus, which includes bavrak, coloquinte pulp, and the like. If the medicine burns too much, then after using it, an enema is given of donkey milk, butter or fat tail fat alone or in a mixture with the above-mentioned fats.

The most useful thing for cold wet pulling is a beaver stream; it must be applied constantly.

When feeding those suffering from Kuzaz, they need to put food in their mouths in very small, thin pieces, pushing them down the throat, and give them liquid stews to drink, because such patients have difficulty swallowing and food can return through the nose, and this bothers them and worsens the disease. We mention in the Pharmacopoeia medicines with which they are given to drink or lubricated with them on diseased organs and the anus, as well as rubs that are useful for them, such as henna oil and others that have already been mentioned, and medicines introduced into the nose, and medicines that cause sneezing. The best sneezing-inducing remedy for such patients is mumiyo with some oils. Fevers that arise on their own are the best treatment for wet cusaz.