
L-asparaginase: an enzyme for the treatment of cancer

L-asparaginase (also known as asparaginase) is an enzyme that is used to treat some cancers of the blood and lymphatic system. This drug belongs to the pharmacological group of enzymes used to treat cancer.

The international name of the drug is Asparaginase. It is also known by synonyms such as L-asparaginase, Asparaginase Medac, L-asparaginase injection, Leinase and PEG-L-asparaginase (Oncaspar).

The main active ingredient of L-asparaginase is asparaginase. This enzyme works by breaking down asparagine in the blood, which is an essential nutrient for tumor cells. Due to this, the amount of asparagine in the blood decreases, which leads to starvation of tumor cells and their death.

L-asparaginase is used to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia, relapsing acute myeloid leukemia, T-cell lymphoma, lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma. However, the use of this drug has a number of contraindications. For example, it is not recommended for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys and pancreas, diseases of the central nervous system, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Various side effects may occur when using L-asparaginase. Some of them are related to the cardiovascular system and blood, including decreased levels of coagulation factors, hypofibrinogenemia, hypocoagulation and a tendency to hemorrhage. Allergic reactions, rash, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, dysfunction of the digestive system, nervous system, genitourinary system and metabolism may also occur.

Before using L-asparaginase, it is necessary to consider its interaction with other drugs. For example, simultaneous use with vincristine or prednisolone may increase side effects. In addition, L-asparaginase may reduce or eliminate the antitumor effect of methotrexate and impair the detoxification of xenobiotics in the liver.

An overdose of L-asparaginase may cause serious side effects, such as hypersensitivity, hypertension, hyperthermia, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, as well as neurological disorders. If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to promptly interrupt the use of the drug and seek medical help.

L-asparaginase is an effective drug for treating certain types of cancers of the blood and lymphatic system. However, its use should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and taking into account all possible side effects and contraindications.